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The Forum > General Discussion > Bra Snapper, Chair Sniffer Party

Bra Snapper, Chair Sniffer Party

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"I detest mockery and ridicule so please leave Troy alone."

Get used to it I'd say, Julie. This man will always be remembered for his puerile actions and forever mocked and ridiculed because of them. And rightly so in my opinion.

"He has a vision and will introduce a new type of morality into Parliament as a leader of a great respected political party."

Vision, morality, leadership, greatness, respect? From a bra-snapping chair-sniffer? Get real.


"He had not done anything illegal or clearly against any code of conduct."

Of course he hasn't done anything illegal. As if any civil society would have a statute prohibiting chair sniffing!

"His actions were victimless (the woman concerned could hardly take it as an insult!) and of piddling insignificance when you think about it."

His actions were certainly trivial and pathetic but I don't see them as "victimless'. The dignity of parliament is the first victim here. And women in my view are another. "Piddling" as it might be, this is an example of the sort of boorish and chauvinistic behaviour women have worked long and hard to overcome. These sorts of actions, harmless enough in themselves, when condoned and even rewarded as they seem to be in this case, all contribute to reducing the value of women's presence in the workplace. Most women want to be taken seriously and treated as equals not as some diversionary plaything.

"Tomfoolery is often seen as an admirable trait."

Yes, boys will be boys and all that. We should all just laugh it off and give him a big hearty slap on the back. Hale fellow well done! "You're one of the lads, boy, and the voters will love it." And sadly they probably will.
Posted by Bronwyn, Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:20:44 PM
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Oh come on people, you haven't let 'Julie Vickers' suck you in again, have you? Ginx is right on the money with this one:

<< Naughty Julie! You're at it again aren't you? >>

Yup. S/he surely is, s/he's reeling 'em in bigtime.

It's a troll, folks - albeit a quite amusing one. Keep it up, 'Julie', it's highly entertaining.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:36:48 PM
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*this is an example of the sort of boorish and chauvinistic behaviour women have worked long and hard to overcome. *

Err hang on. Some women have a great sense of humour, some don't,
as we can see in this case. Lighten up girls, or you will be as
boring as some of the old male farts in parliament.

At least people like Hawke and Keating added a bit of colour and
life to parliament, but if you would prefer more like Andrews etc.
well, its a sad day for Australia.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:52:55 PM
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So, CJ, who is Julie Vickers when she's home? Please enlighten us "suckers".

I did wonder at a few of her statements but was probably influenced by others' responses. Not being familiar with WA politics, I've obviously missed something here.

Well, I still stand by my comments regarding this loser. Even if I didn't pick up on the satire!
Posted by Bronwyn, Thursday, 15 May 2008 11:01:39 PM
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Most importantly, Troy Sniffgate Buswell (a fledging in parliament at the time) looked Matt Birney straight in the eye and declared: "Yes mate, you've got my vote."

Not so and that piece of treachery cost young Birney the leadership.

Birney's quitting, Omodei's quitting (after 20 years) and so is State Director Mark Neeham and the rumblings persist.

How many more Sniffgate assassinations can we expect to see from this lout who has brought a tide of grief to the hapless Liberals in WA.

I suspect the party will face electoral annihilation in the near future and the Libs will remain in the wilderness.
Posted by dickie, Thursday, 15 May 2008 11:10:43 PM
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Bronwyn: << So, CJ, who is Julie Vickers when she's home? Please enlighten us "suckers". >>

I have no idea, Bronwyn. However, in the lead-up to the last Federal election I speculated that s/he was a Labor apparatchik from WA.

Mind you, given the antics of certain Liberal staffers elsewhere of late, s/he could well be a WA Liberal staffer aligned to someone other than the snapper sniffer.

I don't really mind - it's quite funny to read once you realise that it's total bulldust :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 15 May 2008 11:19:58 PM
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