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Bra Snapper, Chair Sniffer Party

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Believe it or not since we have had this publicity our membership in Western Australia has climbed to record levels.
Our office staff are unable to cope with new membership applications this is all a great sign that we now have high hopes of defeating this dreadful Carpenter State Government. Many Teachers are now going to vote for us.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Thursday, 15 May 2008 12:08:51 AM
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what about the labor party and unions

That hides child sexual assualts

that hides child physical assualts

What for themselves
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 15 May 2008 9:11:32 AM
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Aah haa hahaha

Well isn’t that fascinating!

I’ve got to say, in talking about this with friends and colleagues, that the general impression was one of considerable humour rather than disgust. So I’m not really surprised.

There would have been something very wrong if Troy Buswell had lost the WA state opposition leadership over this issue.,21598,23615760-2761,00.html

He had not done anything illegal or clearly against any code of conduct. His actions were victimless (the woman concerned could hardly take it as an insult!) and of piddling insignificance when you think about it. Tomfoolery is often seen as an admirable trait.

So, good for the WA Libs. They’ve won a considerable boost out of it.

Now if they’d just see their way clear to develop policies based on sustainability instead of ridiculous rapid unending population growth, economic turnover and ever-increasing pressure on a stressed resource base and environment, they might just be able to appeal to the WA public in a really significant manner…. and win the next election!

On the other hand, they could remain just a shadow of the Carpenter government, offering very little meaningful difference in policy…..and remain in opposition for another decade or so.

And yes, it would probably help them considerably if they renamed themselves the BSCS Party (Bra-snapper chair-sniffer party)

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:34:31 AM
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Julie Vickers

Which membership are you referring to? And what do you mean by "our office staff?" I'm not a mind reader.

Who are these members who relish sniffing chairs?

And you've done it again. You vacillate so greatly. Has Sniffgate also restored your affection for Troy Buswell since only recently you declared over the bra incident that:

'We now have to find a suitable leader before the next State Election surely there has to be somebody suitable waiting in the wings.'
Posted by Julie Vickers, Sunday, 24 February 2008 11:40:09 PM

Please explain.
Posted by dickie, Thursday, 15 May 2008 12:33:40 PM
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Well Ludwig.
I couldnt see a John Howard sniffing seats.
Or any other noble politician.
The man is question would have to be a throwback to Australias convict heritage. Its barfly behaviour.
I dont think The Lord will leave him in power long.
Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 15 May 2008 12:38:00 PM
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Dear Julie,

If what you're telling us is the truth...

Bra Snappers, Chair Sniffers - that's all WA really needs political parties for.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 May 2008 1:05:04 PM
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Maybe it is the dawn of a new political era....

Snapper sniffers for sustainability !?! ( :~l
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 15 May 2008 1:13:19 PM
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Naughty Julie! You're at it again aren't you?
Posted by Ginx, Thursday, 15 May 2008 2:02:24 PM
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Gibo: << I couldnt see a John Howard sniffing seats.
Or any other noble politician >>

The Rodent was a "noble politician"? And there I was thinking your beliefs about flying saucers and demons were weird.

Ludwig - "Snapper Sniffers" indeed! :O
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 15 May 2008 2:14:55 PM
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We only recently had a Territory pollie who had a rather suspicious road accident. He was awaiting legal action for a purported series of child related incidents over many years.

The usual suspects...innuendo's, and perception management from Rumour Control Central and it all fizzled out, but just a minute ... - what about 'Justice' for the victims of his actions...? Those who knew are as complicit as he was.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Thursday, 15 May 2008 3:23:53 PM
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Remember what Julie said about the Liberal Party and Workchoices prior to the recent electon? She didn't get that right, either.
Posted by Mr. Right, Thursday, 15 May 2008 4:50:37 PM
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People have been fooled to believe that private philosophy has nothing to do with public performance. Bill Clinton gets more popular when he abuses his position with Monica and others. Bob Hawke was admired by many for being a womanizer (a user of women)so I doubt whether Troy's morality or lack of it will affect the way most vote. We have seen the total lack of justice and immoral decisions made by High Court judges because their characters were not allowed to be inspected before being appointed. Hence we end up with the Lionel Murphy's etc. The immoral left media unfortunately are the ones to decide who is acceptable and who is not. We saw that recently with Peter Hollingsworth being forced to resign because of the god haters. Every member of the Labour party and most of the Liberals would have to resign if judged by the same criteria ( Labour allowed a Pedophile in NSW to be a minister for years. I am no fan of Peter Hollingsworth but the hypocrisy of the left centred media is unmatched.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 15 May 2008 5:05:29 PM
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Dear Ludwig,

"Snapper Snippers for Sustainability!"

Has a certain "ring" to it.

Or should I say "snap?"

If you say it really quickly - it even sizzles, snuffles, and sputters.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 May 2008 6:21:47 PM
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I detest mockery and ridicule so please leave Troy alone.
He has a vision and will introduce a new type of morality into Parliament as a leader of a great respected political party. We all stood up and gave him a standing ovation for what he richly deserves. When these scandalous stories were announced on the six o'clock news my children did ask me why did that man do that ? I spoke to them assuringly that it was all a jocular affair to bring some happiness into Parliament. Some of these politicians take life too seriously. Having said that I bet the Government have plenty of skeletons in their cupboard. No the good ladies involved did not take offence and decided to move on and so they should. Troy was born to lead and lead the State he will he has a vision and we envisage a great future for Western Australia. Those who voted against him for leadership have now fallen into line so from now on we can only go forward.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Thursday, 15 May 2008 8:13:44 PM
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"Now if they’d just see their way clear to develop policies based on sustainability.........


I reckon the Libs could have got in last time if it wasn't for their penchant to dig up half of WA to extract uranium.

Some Liberal pollies oppose uranium, however, they won't buck party policy and if they win office next year, you will no doubt again find the Libs idea of "sustainability" in WA will be to dig it all up but have a look at the uranium map (and growing):


The last time I looked, the polls didn't look too good for Troy boy but then a week in politics is a long time eh?,21598,23633441-5016964,00.html

Even so, many voters would prefer Paddy the dog to the likes of Labor's heinous Mr McGinty, MuckGowan, "In with a Chance", Ravlich and her boyfriend Ripoff and the ethics-free senior bureaucrats who are running the state.

Gawd....... we're damned if we do and damned if we don't!
Posted by dickie, Thursday, 15 May 2008 8:30:30 PM
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Gawd, the way its going, anyone with a bit of personality and a
sense of humour won't be tolerated in politics. Just boring old
farts, with boring personalities and very few active braincells.

No wonder some of the best people avoid politics and stick to
business as a career.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 15 May 2008 8:34:08 PM
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"I detest mockery and ridicule so please leave Troy alone."

Starting a thread entitled "Bra Snapper, Chair Sniffer Party" hardly fits with that comment.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 15 May 2008 8:40:06 PM
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Hey Foxy, congrats on reaching a thousand posts on OLO!

You know, something as seemingly ridiculous as the Bra-Snapper Chair-Sniffer Party actually does have a lot of merit. If it grabs the attention of the masses, in a way that is humorous and just a tad but not too repulsive, then it’s got to be a good thing, yeah?
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 15 May 2008 9:16:02 PM
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"I detest mockery and ridicule so please leave Troy alone."

Get used to it I'd say, Julie. This man will always be remembered for his puerile actions and forever mocked and ridiculed because of them. And rightly so in my opinion.

"He has a vision and will introduce a new type of morality into Parliament as a leader of a great respected political party."

Vision, morality, leadership, greatness, respect? From a bra-snapping chair-sniffer? Get real.


"He had not done anything illegal or clearly against any code of conduct."

Of course he hasn't done anything illegal. As if any civil society would have a statute prohibiting chair sniffing!

"His actions were victimless (the woman concerned could hardly take it as an insult!) and of piddling insignificance when you think about it."

His actions were certainly trivial and pathetic but I don't see them as "victimless'. The dignity of parliament is the first victim here. And women in my view are another. "Piddling" as it might be, this is an example of the sort of boorish and chauvinistic behaviour women have worked long and hard to overcome. These sorts of actions, harmless enough in themselves, when condoned and even rewarded as they seem to be in this case, all contribute to reducing the value of women's presence in the workplace. Most women want to be taken seriously and treated as equals not as some diversionary plaything.

"Tomfoolery is often seen as an admirable trait."

Yes, boys will be boys and all that. We should all just laugh it off and give him a big hearty slap on the back. Hale fellow well done! "You're one of the lads, boy, and the voters will love it." And sadly they probably will.
Posted by Bronwyn, Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:20:44 PM
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Oh come on people, you haven't let 'Julie Vickers' suck you in again, have you? Ginx is right on the money with this one:

<< Naughty Julie! You're at it again aren't you? >>

Yup. S/he surely is, s/he's reeling 'em in bigtime.

It's a troll, folks - albeit a quite amusing one. Keep it up, 'Julie', it's highly entertaining.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:36:48 PM
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*this is an example of the sort of boorish and chauvinistic behaviour women have worked long and hard to overcome. *

Err hang on. Some women have a great sense of humour, some don't,
as we can see in this case. Lighten up girls, or you will be as
boring as some of the old male farts in parliament.

At least people like Hawke and Keating added a bit of colour and
life to parliament, but if you would prefer more like Andrews etc.
well, its a sad day for Australia.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 15 May 2008 10:52:55 PM
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So, CJ, who is Julie Vickers when she's home? Please enlighten us "suckers".

I did wonder at a few of her statements but was probably influenced by others' responses. Not being familiar with WA politics, I've obviously missed something here.

Well, I still stand by my comments regarding this loser. Even if I didn't pick up on the satire!
Posted by Bronwyn, Thursday, 15 May 2008 11:01:39 PM
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Most importantly, Troy Sniffgate Buswell (a fledging in parliament at the time) looked Matt Birney straight in the eye and declared: "Yes mate, you've got my vote."

Not so and that piece of treachery cost young Birney the leadership.

Birney's quitting, Omodei's quitting (after 20 years) and so is State Director Mark Neeham and the rumblings persist.

How many more Sniffgate assassinations can we expect to see from this lout who has brought a tide of grief to the hapless Liberals in WA.

I suspect the party will face electoral annihilation in the near future and the Libs will remain in the wilderness.
Posted by dickie, Thursday, 15 May 2008 11:10:43 PM
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Bronwyn: << So, CJ, who is Julie Vickers when she's home? Please enlighten us "suckers". >>

I have no idea, Bronwyn. However, in the lead-up to the last Federal election I speculated that s/he was a Labor apparatchik from WA.

Mind you, given the antics of certain Liberal staffers elsewhere of late, s/he could well be a WA Liberal staffer aligned to someone other than the snapper sniffer.

I don't really mind - it's quite funny to read once you realise that it's total bulldust :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 15 May 2008 11:19:58 PM
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I appreciate your sentiments Bronwyn. But I’m supporting Yabby on this one.

The antics that Mr Buswell has admitted to really don’t amount to a serious breach of ethics, morals, parliamentary behaviour or anything else, and should be viewed as trivial, or even positive in light-hearted or humorous manner.

Do you really think it would have been appropriate for him to have lost the leadership or his political career over this?

Whether Buswell is a “lout” who has brought on “assassinations” within the WA Libs, as Dickie suggests, is another thing entirely.

Incidentally Bronwyn, what ever happened to our discussion at which was instigated by yourself and continued for some time, only to die well before its natural end? Too late now to continue with it. It’s closed.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 16 May 2008 11:32:51 AM
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Waxing lyrically, humor it is! But not in the style of Whitlam nor Fraser's fabled missing collection, nether is it a middle class snigger, black humor or snide contempt, not even a snickering knife in the back. It's regrettable boyhood humor now recognised by troy the man who now has manhoods responsibilities. Fair Dinkum Australians will forgive you Troy, but the faithless pretenders with another agenda won't forgive or forget or in fact apologise themselves as they see their own mistakes in you past actions and thereby cant bring themselves to admit their own foolish follies.
Posted by Dallas, Friday, 16 May 2008 10:04:27 PM
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Is this the name of a new species of fish?Can it be BBQ'd,fried or just be laid down to rest?

We know that WA has too many white pointers on the beach,that are consumating our carnal flesh.However,can a "Chair Sniffer" stop a "Bra Snapper" from consuming our attention.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 16 May 2008 10:57:13 PM
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"Do you really think it would have been appropriate for him to have lost the leadership or his political career over this?"

Yes I do. I'll turn the question around. Do you think a grown man who can stoop to something as puerile as this has the calibre to make a good political leader? How could anyone entrust leadership to someone who shows such poor judgement and exercises such lack of control?

"Incidentally Bronwyn, what ever happened to our discussion at which was instigated by yourself and continued for some time, only to die well before its natural end? Too late now to continue with it. It’s closed."

Yes, I'm sorry I didn't get back to that thread. You said you were going away so I left it for a few days and then decided it was too late to pick it up again. Besides I wasn't too worried about the discussion being unfinished. I'm sure we'll end up having the same debate again somewhere along the line and find ourselves going around in the same old circles!
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 16 May 2008 11:53:56 PM
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*How could anyone entrust leadership to someone who shows such poor judgement and exercises such lack of control?*

Well lets take a look at Bill Clinton. Perhaps not a guy who
made the best decisions when it came to whom he slept with,
he never showed much control either lol. But certainly a
great politician in a global sense.

The American public used your kind of criteria for passing
judgement and landed up choosing George Bush as prez.
Wise decision according to you?
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 17 May 2008 5:47:59 AM
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CJ and Ginx are right Julie is having fun , just review her/his post history but gee so am I!
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 17 May 2008 6:35:12 AM
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“Do you think a grown man who can stoop to something as puerile as this has the calibre to make a good political leader?”

Yes, absolutely Bronwyn.

Puerile it may have been. But again, it wasn’t illegal, it wasn’t a significant code of conduct breach if indeed one at all and it was essentially victimless. So this needs to be put into context with the honed skills, natural talents and overall effort that was needed to become leader of an organisation as significant as a state opposition party.

“How could anyone entrust leadership to someone who shows such poor judgement and exercises such lack of control?”

Was his judgement really that poor? His antics were meant to be humorous. They were meant to appeal to his colleagues. I dare say they did at the time and within the context that they occurred. And they were not meant to be offensive to any individuals.

This doesn’t in any way reflect his ability to make important decisions. Afterall, he is the leader of the WA Libs…. which means he’ll be making appallingly bad decisions about the state’s political direction anyway, due to that party’s awful continuous-expansion-based dogma ! (:>|

The same should apply for politicians as it does for public servants and private employees. That is, they shouldn’t feel vulnerable about losing their job due to something that is (one more time) victimless, lawful, non-COC-beaching, not serious amoral or unethical… and essentially inoffensive.

Let’s reserve the sackable offences for serious things like misuse of public monies for private purposes, child pornography, etc, etc

Of course, I’ve got to say, that if we were really effective at sacking people for showing poor judgement, we would have sacked entire governments for their rush-towards-the-cliff style of governance and installed sensible sustainability-oriented parties years ago.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 May 2008 8:13:59 AM
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Julie Vickers says:

"I detest mockery and ridicule so please leave Troy alone."

Yet s/he is the one who put him up there on the dunking-chair of OLO in the first place! Here is where s/he did it: Read the whole post (and while you're at it, the whole of the thread if you really want context), but note particularly the last sentence.

Ah the warp and woof of OLO 'life'! I am in agreement with CJ Morgan and Ginx on this one. Julie Vickers is almost certainly a troll. That having been said, one must remember that a convenient label is not in every case the correct one no matter how seemingly easy it may be to apply. (Or how elevated the applicant! Hehe.)

I believe OLO users should leave room in their hearts for Julie, for Julie may in fact be a socially isolated idiot-savant working away in an obscure backroom somewhere where all the real politically manipulative decisions and implementations are crafted. Perhaps, on occasions, knowing what s/he does, it just becomes too much to hold back. Only the uncensored outlet of OLO provides the momentary relief s/he seeks; conscience being salved with the knowledge that most of the shocking truths revealed will pass harmlessly over the heads of most. Footloose and fact-free, Julie's dull life in a back-room is momentarily escaped on OLO.

Perhaps a musical accolade is most appropriate; not 'The Boys from the Back-room', but, in deference to his/her OLO persona:

"Julie, Julie, Julie do you love us?
Julie, Julie, Julie do you care?
Julie, Julie, Julie are you trolling?
Julie, Julie, Julie where's your chair?"

Must go now. Gilbert and Sullivan are calling. I can hear music, OLO village people! Hark!.....Iolanthe? No, the Mikado!

"I am the Lord High Executioner, da-da da-da da-da da-da da da-da-da ....."

Pure gold from a former time! Fourteen ounces, Troy weight! Too true.

Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Saturday, 17 May 2008 9:53:31 AM
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"Liberal MP Murray Cowper confirmed yesterday he was involved in an “incident” with troubled Opposition Leader Troy Buswell amid rumours the Vasse MP grabbed him in the crotch during another embarrassing indiscretion on a drunken night at Parliament House."


That's hot off the press folks.

"Deputy Liberal leader Kim Hames said he would urge his colleagues in the party room to move on from muck-raking."

And therein lies the problem. The party don't want Buswell "Esquire" either. So much for cohesion eh?
Posted by dickie, Saturday, 17 May 2008 10:05:09 AM
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Nice one, Forrest :)

Whatever 'Julie Vickers' is, s/he invariably provides entertainment which may even have a more salient dimension, as in this case. I'm fascinated at the defences of the odious Buswell that run along the lines of 'yes, he behaved in a really tacky and puerile manner, but it's not actually illegal so there's no reason why the WA Liberals shouldn't retain him as their leader'.

That is, of course, undoubtedly the message that the WA ALP would like to spread. With a tasteless boofhead like Buswell as Opposition leader, the ALP government is very unlikely to lose an election.

Vote 1 Snapper Sniffers!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 17 May 2008 10:44:20 AM
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Yep bring it on. The public has been yearning for a new type of politician for years, that's just what Australia needs - more snaffy snippers in Parliament.

Seriously though, you have to wonder if posts like this are the work of public affairs staffers wanting to get some free polling gratis OLO on the impact of the notorious Buswell antics.

Too funny.
Posted by pelican, Saturday, 17 May 2008 11:28:24 AM
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Troy has re-written the rules, I believe that at a recent CWA conference he spoke at, the ladies were offering him their seats.
Posted by palimpsest, Saturday, 17 May 2008 1:48:35 PM
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Now this is where Troy Buswell needs to consult with Bill Cliton and Moanica Lewdinski.Now Bill sniffed his cigar,tried pot,but on both occasions,did not inhale.

The point of contention here is whether or not Troy Buswell inhaled.Did he let those female pheromones invade is cerebellum thus triggering this uncontrolled lascivious reponse?

Or was it all an act that went horribly wrong,with Troy being a parody of himself.

How many chairs could a bra snapper sniff,if a chair sniffer could snap bras.He would sniff as many chairs to exhort female glares,but alas snuffed out his party.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 17 May 2008 2:17:14 PM
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Aye Arjay, did he inhale?

Yours is the first suggestion I've heard that the tongue was involved. A twisted tale indeed.
Posted by palimpsest, Saturday, 17 May 2008 2:31:04 PM
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"Well lets take a look at Bill Clinton. Perhaps not a guy who made the best decisions when it came to whom he slept with, he never showed much control either lol. But certainly a great politician in a global sense."

Clinton's claim to leadership wasn't reaffirmed by his colleagues immediately after the airing of the incidents in question as has been the case with Troy Buswell.

"The American public used your kind of criteria for passing judgement and landed up choosing George Bush as prez. Wise decision according to you?"

What a senseless extrapolation to make!


"Let’s reserve the sackable offences for serious things like misuse of public monies for private purposes, child pornography, etc, etc"

Yes, I agree with this to some extent. I probably wouldn't have argued to sack Clinton, for example. Here though, when the spill had been called, I find it surprising under the circumstances that he could have been given such an endorsement. It's these sort of incidents that just chip away at public faith in elected representatives. I find your support of him rather surprising.

This man is a low life. Not only did he act like a cretin but he repeatedly attempted to lie his way out of the corner he found himself in. He only fessed up when he knew he had absolutely no option. The bra snapping and chair sniffing incidents aren't isolated. There's a pattern of behaviour with this man. And one which in my view shouldn't be rewarded.
Posted by Bronwyn, Saturday, 17 May 2008 2:59:13 PM
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Lighten up Bronwyn,Bill Clinton would be the first to laugh.You are right.Troy Buswell is a sleazebag and his own actions have condemned him.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 17 May 2008 7:49:15 PM
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*Clinton's claim to leadership wasn't reaffirmed by his colleagues immediately after the airing of
the incidents*

Ah, but 8 years of pain is making Americans sit up and take notice!

Lets face it, the Monika scandal would have been laughed off in Europe and
laughed off in Australia. Not so in puritan America, so they went for a
“moral” character, which you seem to think matters. They paid a huge price
and they are finally realising that.

To you, it seems that what people do in humour, or do in their spare time,
is critical. Personally I could not give a stuff, its their judgement when it
comes to matters of State, where things become crucial.

There is in fact lots of navel gazing going on about this very point in the US,
as 8 years of Bush has taught them something. Clearly people need pain
to learn.

CJ, yes we know Julie is a troll, but I can’t see the point in not debating
an important and interesting topic, despite the troll.

The WA libs went backwards when they dumped Birney. Sadly there is
little talent there, so until they get their crap together, they will stay in
the wilderness. Richard Court tried to bring in Julie Bishop, but he was
knocked back. Ok, so they need more pain too, until reality hits them.

I am not even defending Buswell here, simply the ridiculous notion that
if a politician is not a boring old fart in his private life, he can’t be any
good at politics.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 17 May 2008 9:46:24 PM
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"The point of contention here is whether or not Troy Buswell inhaled. Did he let those female pheromones invade is cerebellum thus triggering this uncontrolled lascivious reponse?"

Aaaaah hahahahahaha

Arjay, aye, enterrtaining indeed, is this thrread!
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 May 2008 9:53:40 PM
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Hehehehe ha haa haaaa hahahahahaaaaa.

Well said Forrest.

Man, am I having a doozy of a time on this thread.

Of course, a couple of stiff bourbons and dry helps enorrrnushly!
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 May 2008 10:20:51 PM
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Palimpest & Ludwig,humour is always the best medicine.When you start taking yourself/job too seriously,you miss the point.
I don't know Troy Buswell,however he is not beyond redemption and nor are most human beings.It is a hard lesson to learn, but only he can deal with it.
There will be more humour to come.Wishing you all well.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 17 May 2008 11:59:23 PM
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“I find your support for him rather surprising”

Bronwyn, I don’t know Buswell from a bar of soap. I haven’t got a clue as to whether he is a complete low lifer or a ball-crunchlingly good politician!

All I’m supporting is the principle that things be placed in perspective and people not be thrown on the trash-heap over silly little indiscretions.

No one that has contributed on this thread seems to have a clue or give a damn about Buswell’s good side, which surely must be considerable for him to have gained the leadership of his party.

But there plenty of people willing to think the worst, and highlight or exaggerate the negatives as portrayed in the media.

I hate this sort of unbalanced carry-on. I see it in my workplace and indeed I experienced it personally in a major way last year. So I’m very sensitive to it.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 18 May 2008 7:22:32 AM
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I am a man and I am disgusted about other men pulling down or looking at women the way some 'blokes' do. For pete's sake, it is disrespectful!
Not to long ago men were sued for doing things like that and certainly were not allowed to enter into any sort of serious occupation or profession.What example is that for our youth? This chap is just a dog and belongs in a kennel.
Posted by eftfnc, Monday, 19 May 2008 1:58:40 PM
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I agree with Ludwig, this is becoming one of the more humorous OLO threads, in an ocean of sobriety, a little bra snapping is no big thing. Actually every time I read the topic heading I reflect on tales regarding ladies bicycle saddles et al.

eftfnc “I am a man and I am disgusted about other men pulling down or looking at women the way some 'blokes' do. For pete's sake, it is disrespectful!”

Oh, I am one of them blokes who look at women the way some blokes do. Yet, strange, I do not feel in the least remorseful.

I usually do the instant check-over, face, breasts, waist, calves and thighs and then go back to check the eyes and if she is looking back at me with some inkling of intelligence, I know I am hopeful for greater things. However, if the response is the blank bimbo stare of “eyes open but no one home” I quickly avert my gaze to look elsewhere.

“Window shopping”, a most cherished pursuit, maybe Troy just extended sampling technique to include Pheromonal olfaction.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 19 May 2008 2:49:46 PM
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"I agree with Ludwig, this is becoming one of the more humorous OLO threads, in an ocean of sobriety, a little bra snapping is no big thing." (Quote: TB)

I wholeheartedly agree TB; is the plucking out of male pubic hairs...,

What jolly fun!
Posted by Ginx, Monday, 19 May 2008 6:10:30 PM
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Where's Julie vickers?

Troy,"I did not have sex with that chair!"In the meanwhile people suddenly are looking at chairs in a whole new light.They are no longer the boring old piece of furniture with four legs and a flat bottom.

Chairs now have developed their own sexuality and thus personality.You now have to be very careful about how you approach them.Be apologetic,and be sensitive to their feelings, ie you have the ask the chair for permission to sit.Not only will the Govt now have to have male and female chairs,there will have to be gay chairs,lesbian chairs!Can we have shemale chairs?

Troy Buswell has made "the chair" a very important piece of furniture.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 19 May 2008 7:38:47 PM
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How about a song;
Chair,the moment I met you,I swear.
I felt as if something,somewhere,
had happened to me,which I couldn't see.

And then,the moment I met you ,again.
I knew in my heart that we were friends.
It had to be so,it couldn't be no.

But try as hard as I might do,I do not know why.
You get to me in a way I can't describe.

Words mean so little when you look at my bum and smile.
I don't care what people say,to me your're more
than a child.

Oh Chair.Chair...

Chair.If ever an moment so rare
was captured for Troy to compare.
That moment is you in all that you do.

But why in spite of our height difference do I cry?
Each time I sit on you I feel I could die.

Nothing means more to me than hearing you say,
Glad you didn't eat bake beans today.

Oh Chair.Chair...
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 19 May 2008 8:26:57 PM
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Chair, chair so nice, meek and mild

Who is the biggest WA Lib child?

Could it be their mighty leader Troy?

Whose snoz rubbed upon your seat with orgasmic joy!

(Talks to self; “oow Ludwig, that’s terrible”. Rolls eyes and shakes head, then sneaks off to bed now to hide head under pillow)
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 19 May 2008 9:36:30 PM
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*For pete's sake, it is disrespectful!*

Eftfnc, respect is earned for various reasons, not just given
because of gender.

Ludwig, ROFL, at least somebody on OLO still has a sense of humour,
not all just boring old farts :)
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 19 May 2008 10:29:26 PM
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Bra Snapper, Chair Sniffer Party enough enough. This is just what is happening in Parliament when we watch it on TV. Mockery and ridicule we see them personally attacking each other and nothing said about the issues. No!! any man who resorts to those antics whether intoxicated or not to be voted in as a leader or even a Premier certainly and clearly will make a mockery of our democracy. In the office where I worked if a character did such an act the Directors would have offered the offender the entitlements such as LSL and annual leave and politely told the offender to leave the premises and to never return. Otherwise Equal Opportunity would have been called in as the act is nothing less than Bullying and Harrasment in the workplace. Obviously Mr Buswell has not had any training on these issues. This clearly would not have been tolerated in our workplace. To actually support and give a standing ovation when knowing full well the man has been disrespectful to a respectful female has made the distinguished Liberal Party a laughing stock obviously they will now close ranks and hope that it will all die down before November. Paul Omedei is showing decency and he is being spurned for only carrying out what exactly the Equal Opportunity Department would do. Obviously not one person has complained but the offender has confessed to it. Decent women in the Liberal Party are being loyal but privately they are disgusted with the act. No this is not funny but it is certainly not decent. Many Socialists have had to fight hard and legislate within Parliament to bring about equality for Women it was not long ago when they only earned a third of a mans wage. Acts like this has knocked back Parliament fifty years many of you have quite openly said this post is humourous. The Liberal Party must be mad to endorse these carryings on surely they have a worthy person to take the leadership role.
Posted by Bronco Lane, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 1:39:09 AM
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FINALLY. Thanks Bronco!

(Well 'Julie'? Happy now? This send up was tacky.)
Posted by Ginx, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 7:02:11 PM
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No jinx ,we all thought that is was hilari-arse.Where is your sense of humour?
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 7:41:34 PM
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Up yours rj;-how's that?
Posted by Ginx, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 7:46:53 PM
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How's that,
You messed around,
I caught you out ,
How's that,
Now that I've found where it's at,
It's Good bye.

Who was that Aussie singer?
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 8:06:09 PM
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Sad sack Argy.

Still I do think that having no lower age limit is fair.
Posted by Ginx, Thursday, 22 May 2008 11:18:17 AM
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