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The Forum > General Discussion > A joint initiative of MLA and LiveCorp, to 'defy 'RSPCA using our youth. Shame

A joint initiative of MLA and LiveCorp, to 'defy 'RSPCA using our youth. Shame

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Yabbs said

I've told you before, WA has no labour, they
have all gone mining.
pale comments

Oh come on Yabbs pull the other leg. That because of Government interfearance. YES IT IS.

I note the SAME Government are offering a Kings radsom To minners in Tassi and other places to come to WA.

"No wonder all the labour jobs are heading for the minning hills"
"Double This- We will pay your health house etc.'
" Tassi Gov have been screaming about WA poaching their people".

Now in CONTRAST the SAME WA Government and their dealy beloved brothers in crime have put up every bit of red tape to make it *impossible to open plants and get staff in.*

You yourself had said that many times. You have said too much red tape andif only they would get off their bums!

*You know very well this is politically motivated to keep abattoir skilled workers out of the country.*

Abattoirs are the ONLY biz owners to have unreasonable demands put upon the owners.

Its a criminal offence in my view.
To top it off we even saw political interfearance in the courts in favour of the middle men grubs.
There is no way thats gone unnoticed I can assure you.

You cant expect these ladies who debate a decent way of treating animals to know it all about the meat industry.

Mind you it would help them if they learned a bit more to prove their points are one hundred percent valid.

Oh and before you start about nobody wanting to work in plants= You favoiute site MLA clearly say that theory is rubbish

Would you like me to post it for you Yabbs
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 10 May 2008 6:53:57 AM
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Yabbs Said

Nicky, if AA exposed ...

That is WHY pale was formed.

No wonder why they felt it was a bit too much to take on.

All the more credit for having done so anyway. So everybody should join us now with a big thanks to AA.

Yabbs said
Since then
How many slaughter boxes have they installed for cattle? Zilch as far as I know.

pale comments
Hey Yabbs , hang on a moment you said mla and livcorpe were doing that.

Thats been your only argument for allowing this dreadful cruelty to contiune.

You guys must be running out of porkies soon:) First we had the old furfy that there was no power.

Followed by that dreadful fib about Muslims all being so backward they had to have them for religious sacrifes- 'my goodness'.

I dont think spreading racial hatred is in Australia best image or interests.

Stones the Crows what else do you want Animal Welfare groups to do?

But wait- Of course your correct. Yes its a jolly good idea for Animal Welfare and Industry to become one.

Why didnt we think of that. Good on you Yabbs, your really being very helpful these days:)

Now if we could just pop by MLA and collect our share of funding we will be on our way.

Really looking forward to being able to trip and travel and promote co joint ventures to ME and the other forty countries that have only had live Animal Exporters promoted.

Sure we will ut in improvements with every dollar available to help animals world wide.
Yabbs said
Just sit by the computer and rattle the tin it seems.
Hey Yabbs, we dont have one of those. Dont suppose you could knock us up a few in your shed Ah?
Yabbs said-
Yes, Sharon and Peter Dundon are animal welfare specialists.
pale. Yabby Your hilarious!
Pale replies
You said it Yabbs Not I:)

Say Hello To Peter- the AWB rep

Yabby *I agree one hundred percent with you- as usual*.

Animal Welfare and Industry must be one.

Well spoken Yabby.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 10 May 2008 8:06:44 AM
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Hi all

Yabby, I'd suggest that the livestock industry and the animal welfare movement would be pretty much mutually exclusive. You only have to look at what you do to these animals. For example, if there is a problem in your precious live export trade, you have no qualms about loading your animals on trucks to cross the country, no matter what the weather conditions. As for pig farming (apart from one notable contributor) and battery hen and meat chicken farming, let's not even go there.

Apart from anything else, in particular the principles involved, it is the industry at which enormous government largesses is thrown (apart from some to the RSPCA), not the animal welfare movement, which relies largely on donations from the public. Where would you, in your little dreamworld, suggest that organizations such as Animals Australia would get the money to install "slaughter boxes" if they were ever to have the most remote inclination to do so?

Remember the cattle filmed that McGauran and Hansen said "were not Australian cattle"? They were breeds which are only exported from Australia (Charolais/Murray Grey/cross, and an expert further advised that at least one was suffering from brucellosis, I think it was); it was simply that it could not be proven beyond any doubt at the time that they were Australian, but anyone with any knowledge was aware of it.

Remember later film of the South American bull who was slammed on the head so hard it brought him to his knees, and he was trembling. Animals Australia has had that particular slaughterhouse in Jordan (what an enlightened society!) shut down.

Remember the (Australian) bull in Egypt, thrown from a truck with his front legs hobbled, then his leg tendons were slashed then he was butchered in the gutter (yes, Rojo, in front of THOSE children).

As for Peter Dundon, and his small number of partners in crime there, all of whom you could probably fit in a phone box, I won't bother going there again either

Now we just have to get them all shot down ...

Posted by Nicky, Sunday, 11 May 2008 12:10:29 AM
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Hi All

Well Yabbs I kind of agree in principle but not in theory.'

We all know no amount of money can make people care.

So in fact its not about money. However we need money to educate police and train new players in the Industry.'

We require big players and very big backers with plenty of money to turn the industry on its head giving a high regard to the link between common deceny towards animals and diseases.

My thoughts are to fully involved sensible Animal Lovers. People who care enough to go the whole hog. ( No pun intended)

We need a multi marketing and training programe to invite people not only to provide disease free products but cash into a captive market to do so.
Pushing home all the time by doing this free range farming for a living - We are saving Animals From This- And That-

Keep the footage running full time of intensive farming. Show people the difference between what your doing and what happens at a intensive poultry farm etc etc.

Teach the public that each time they buy one of your poultry products they have just saved another bird from -this and that.

Make no bones about how you feel about intensive farming and live exports which is wbhy your family do it like - this - and that-.

Sell yourselves as kind and free range farmers and speak out about the others.

Be driven to put them out of business because of their intensive cruelty.

With Global warming diseases are getting worse and worse.

For Eg Bird Flue mad Cow TB and many more come from the intensive farms and feed lots.

This is where we need to put our funding. The only people who are going to do a proper job are the ones who have shown their dedication by doing it for free.

If its true Government only give RSPCA etc %2 of their funding then we must ask this Government WHY?
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 11 May 2008 3:52:44 AM
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I am not sure yet quite how to put this together. However I must insist that MLA pass over a share of funding to The Peak Animal Welfare Organisations from the publics fundings.

You need people like Lyn White for example in a position of real power.
People with common sense and common deceny. People like PF and the free range industry , teaching and leading the way.

RSPCA are very short staffed.

We need a uni movement to highlight the discusting lack of repect to the law by judges.]

Just last week again a low life youth was let out of goal after only five days after kicking a kitten to death against RSPCA QLD screams for justice.

A few months prior to that again in QLD a judge let a woman off without a conviction for stealing a little girls goat and killing it slowly in a church.

We need to lobby for these judges to be got rid of.

What horrible little grandkids they must have. What awful type of men and woman do we have for judges when they seem to be removed from giving as dam and such cruelty.

I am sick to death of btw they Churches rushing in to say. Your honnor the little arse hole was drunk or on drugs!

Get off your bums and speak out for Gods Creatures You Church Leaders and Judges. Or be judged by God himself and fed to the sharks!like the animals you turn your back on in the cruel live export trade.
God is watch all judges and All Church Leaders. So are we.

Which reminds me a five hundred thousand dollar donation each year from Churches to AA would go a stray.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 11 May 2008 4:11:52 AM
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Again pale points out to Animal Liberation groups Yabby is correct.

The secret to sucess in helping animals is to read the next posted printed by- you guessed it None other than Yabby

I you really care then listen to someones who is a player in the industry.

Just because its not tied up with a pink bow and flowers doesnt mean hes wrong. It just merans he is telling it like it is- Its either farmers starve an animals die in padocks because we cant process them OR we get involved and get some Animal Lover in the industry.

Then we can take over and put that lot in the phone box someone suggested and dump them overboard.

So Read Carefully Animal Lovers because here is the 'only answer=.
Yabby said=

Half the problem we have right now in WA, is due to
Govts trying to run meatworks. It was a dismal failure.

Lots of beurocrats, farmers got screwed. Farmers coops
don't work either, the managers do as they please.

The only solution is healthy competition by large players,
all the rest has proven to be a dismal failure.

Don't tell farmers that they should run as businesses, then
try to deny them global markets and supply a captive one,
where they get screwed.

All these sheep are for sale each week, to the highest bidder.
If there is so much value in them, buy them, value add and
pay farmers a price where they can make a living, like anyone

We need T&R, the Brazilians and Fletcher in the WA market,
not just the present situation, which is a virtual monopoly
for Fletcher.

"A free and open market is the solution." Our present problems
are because it was not allowed to function in the past, as
"Govts dictated things and limited competition."

The live trade is just another competitor in that market.
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 9 May 2008 12:03:37 AM
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 11 May 2008 11:09:21 AM
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