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Sacked nurses a step too far in terms of free speech and comment

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Oh look.
It seems the story about the 80 year old man came not just from Israeli media but testimony from members of the IDF themselves.

Do I need to watch the whole 13 minute video or should I just give the first 30 seconds I watched the benefit of he doubt?

One Of Israel's VILEST War Crimes Yet - Where Is The Media Outrage?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 23 February 2025 12:45:59 PM
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Hi Fester

I think the audit idea is a terrible one. I’m not sure if it’s entirely serious, or just intended to make the point that if you dig beneath the surface, lots of organisations employ people whose values don’t accord with their employer’s or the wider community’s.

But if so, I think it misses the point. To me, the key issue in terms of free speech in general and the right of employers to sack people for expressing certain views, or professional bodies to deregister them, is the harm principle.

I support freedom of speech up to, but not beyond, the point where it does actual harm (not just hurt feelings or offended ideological sensibilities). So slander and libel are outlawed because they cause reputational harm. You should not shout “fire” in a crowded cinema (unless there is an actual fire). You cannot legally incite or threaten violence. I don’t think it should be illegal to wave a Swastika, but it should be illegal to paint one on a synagogue wall.

The same principle applies with professional and employment standards – employers have the right to sack or discipline employees whose public words or actions are harmful to their organisations, or, in the case of values-based organisations, openly conflict with their principles. A barrister who breaches client confidentiality should be deregistered. A primary school teacher who publicly advocates legalising paedophilia should be sacked. The President of the Vegan Society can eat as many rare steaks as they like in the privacy of their own home, but if they order one at a Society fundraiser, they should at least be censured. These rights are not absolute or arbitrary. Employment law has clear and, I think, mostly appropriate rules about who can be sacked or disciplined and under what circumstances. See:

Hi NathanJ

I take your point about context, and was not trying to catch you in a “gotcha” moment, but am genuinely interested in why you oppose the disciplining of these nurses on free speech grounds, but supported banning Nazi symbols.
Posted by Rhian, Sunday, 23 February 2025 1:24:46 PM
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Hi AC,

My take on Jewish people in Europe is that they were like any other people living their lives, then along came Hitler and decided that he needed to weed out the bad people to make a great German empire. Unfortunately Jewish people didn't pass Hitler's audit.

SBS has a docco on the Stasi. They interview some of the victims and the trauma they were put through is still very raw decades later. A compelling testament against weeding human beings.


"I wouldn't cut and paste from other discussion topics here as they were written in a different space, have different context and with different reasonings behind them, so it's not an overly healthy thing to do in that regard."

I've always thought that good writing was considered good because of the insight and application it gives the reader that often extends well beyond the confines of the work. Why do you think that great authors are so often quoted?

The greater value of an argument is the insight it gives you of your self.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 23 February 2025 1:32:59 PM
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Sorry I haven't replied earlier. I've been replying a lot to mhaze (too much maybe), to provide a balanced reply and see if mahaze supports and audit of industries in terms of views, positions, feelings etc. to weed people out with feelings, views etc. that don't gel and get rid of them so they don't upset others. Still with nothing, I'm now giving up there.

Also, I don't like spending too much time here. It's not healthy with other things to do and I believe people should get out as much as possible.

In terms of people, comments and actions. I do have a position, but I need to do some extra research so I can frame my position in a way that is understandable and potentially also provide links and will do so when I have the time.
Posted by NathanJ, Sunday, 23 February 2025 2:11:07 PM
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The Harm Principle Rhian. Thank you.

'Dark son of a b*tch': Trump posts video of economist saying Netanyahu dragged US into wars

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (War on Terror)

General Wesley Clark: The US will attack 7 countries in 5 years

'Everybody has the right to live how they choose so long as they don't harm others.'

- Is this how Israel acts with a foundation of ethics?
Or do they act like a nation of sociopaths?

Tell me where did all the Muslims that have f-cked the UK come from.
Where did all the Muslims that have done the same to Germany come from?

Tell me when some lunatic Muslim runs over 100 people in Germany, or when the British citizens are losing their minds over Muslim rape gangs targeting their kids, who is responsible for that harm?
What about the Muslim rapists in Sweden, France etc

99% of people blame the Muslims.
I'm the 1% who looks at the bigger picture and says
"If you have spiders in your bed, is the problem the spiders themselves or the person (or persons) WHO PUT THEM THERE?

You better watch that youtube video of Jeffrey Sachs in the first supplied link.
Israel has done IRREPARABLE HARM to all our western countries with it's policies on making war against it's enemies.
And what you subvert ALL OUR COUNTRIES with Israeli loyalty pledges and hate crime laws which make it illegal for me to say a damn thing about it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 23 February 2025 2:56:29 PM
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I have so any things I want to respond to on this thread, but honestly I'm with NathanJ, I've just got too many other things I have to get done in a short time right now.

I'll try to get back to it when I have more time.

As for the hostages Yuyutsu, I'm pretty sure even you admitted that Netanyahu would be just as happy if they were all dead rather than returned.
There's even testimony from the hostages themselves.

You all realise I don't even have to look hard for any of the stuff I post?
Thank the fine-tuned algorithms, I get all my info just as easily as one becomes informed by clicking Google News.
I can't click Youtube or without getting dozens of bits of info in the space of 5 to 10 minutes.
Is it my fault I get a solid fill of in-depth information rather the wasting my time with the corporate (Jewish owned) media and their presstitutes?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 23 February 2025 3:02:41 PM
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