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Immigration: What Is Best For Australia

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Foxy & Yuyutsu are trying to imply that those who come here lately under the pretence of refugee are of the same mentality as the post war European migrants ! That is nothing short of wishful thinking. Don't they read what's going on in Europe & the USA ?
Or, do they consciously choose to ignore the facts in favour of their ideological dreams somehow hoping all the wrong will magically disappear ?
The post ww2 migrants were looking for a better life whereas the new crowd is looking for an easier life & gaining control over the hosts. vast differences !
Australians need to start thinking what kind of Nation they want to live in !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 16 October 2024 6:17:06 AM
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Dear Individual,

I was not trying to imply anything, certainly not about immigrants of any kind.

All I was writing, was about discriminating between right and wrong.

If we don't like these new immigrants, whatever be the reason, then we need not invite them into the convenience of our society and the benefits that come with it.
We have no moral right, on the other hand, to physically prevent them from entering this continent, which is God's, not ours.
That was all I said, there were no other implications.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 16 October 2024 6:31:56 AM
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to physically prevent them from entering this continent
I don't think many would have a problem with that. Where the trouble starts is; how these people will then behave. Will they pull their own weight & contribute like my generation & those before us did or will they demand welfare from day 1 ?
Will you et al sponsor them if they choose to just demand everyone else supports them ? What is your take on those who have been in Australia for a generation & still don't speak the common language here & what do you plan to do when they tell you what to do like it's happening now in Europe ? Will you sponsor their demonstrations & pay for the damages caused by unloading their mindless baggage on you ?
Please tell me where I'm wrong by predicting the same scenario playing out here as it does in Europe.
Would you like to see Australia continueing as a Western nation or would you you be acceptable of the Islamic European alternative ?
I wonder what Paul1405 could offer from an indigenous viewpoint ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 16 October 2024 9:05:55 AM
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My parents and grandparents did not come to this country
seeking "a better life". They were fleeing from the
Soviet regime and being murdered. They were part of the
Displaced People in Europe who were invited by the
Australian government to come to
Australia to solve the
acute labour shortage in the country at the time.

They had to fulfill a 2 year contract to work wherever they
were sent before they could settle permanently. They came as
refugees. Not as economic seekers. And as so many are
trying to do today. Fleeing from persecution.

In any case, whatever the reasons may be for people coming
to this country today - they should not all be tarred with the
same brush because of the actions of a few trouble makers.
You have to allow for individual differences. And our
government does have in place very strict monitoring
processes and security checks.

We need to acknowledge that every inhabitant adds something
to Australia. Of course there are those who've left a
bigger footprint.

As we know from our history - Australians come in all shapes
and sizes, from all backgrounds, - from different countries.
They come from the city, from the country, from every

Over the course of our history - author and satirist -
Ben Pobjie points out - we've had "titans of
businesses, legends of sport, giants of science, colossi of
philanthropy, and masters of politics".

Ben Pobjie tells us that " Australians have led the world in
myriad ways and whether generating wealth, inspiring youth,
opening up the vistas of human potential, saving lives, they've
done it all in a peculiarly Australian way. With a swagger
and style that marks a person out as an inhabitant of the
scientifically determined greatest country on earth".

Don't compare us to other countries. We're different.
We do things in our own way Of that we can be proud.
Instead of criticizing and spreading fear - let us
celebrate being Australian in the best way we know - with
the joyous cry of - "Aussie! Aussie!, Aussie!"

Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 16 October 2024 9:27:19 AM
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Dear Indyvidual,

«Will they pull their own weight & contribute like my generation & those before us did or will they demand welfare from day 1?»

Generally neither. I think they'll just mind their own business.

«Will you et al sponsor them if they choose to just demand everyone else supports them?»

If they were my relatives then I probably would.

But how could they possibly "demand"?
Suppose they used violence, then people will simply kill them (remember, they wouldn't even enjoy the protection of the law!)

«What is your take on those who have been in Australia for a generation & still don't speak the common language here & what do you plan to do when they tell you what to do like it's happening now in Europe?»

At the moment we do not have such people in Australia, who arrived without asking for a visa and then stayed here for a generation.

So I don't make any plans for every possible hypothetical scenario - let them come and then we can work out what to do on a case-by-case basis.

«Will you sponsor their demonstrations & pay for the damages caused by unloading their mindless baggage on you?»

What demonstrations?
What damages?
What mindless baggage?

Such people do not even exist at present.
If and when they arrive then they won't be part of society,
then we will relate to them more or less like we presently treat animals (either wild, livestock or pets): let's first see animals demonstrating before discussing it further...

«Please tell me where I'm wrong by predicting the same scenario playing out here as it does in Europe.»

We cannot compare immigrants who wish to become part of European society with people who come to a continent without wishing to have any relation with the native society.

«Would you like to see Australia continueing as a Western nation or would you you be acceptable of the Islamic European alternative?»

Neither. I do not believe in that false concept of "nation".

We aren't even comparing apples and oranges, but the moon and mice...
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 16 October 2024 1:01:46 PM
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"I wonder what Paul1405 could offer from an indigenous viewpoint ?" Firstly I don't claim to be indigenous, other than have said I have some indigenous ancestry. I'm sure you don't claim to be an ethnic Nincompoop from the land of Nincompooply, even though your Great Uncle Thaddeus was brought to Australia in chains, and suffered the lash constantly due to the family trait of habitual laziness.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 16 October 2024 6:00:51 PM
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