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Men Feeling Women’s Pain
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Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 July 2024 11:52:53 AM
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"What I find offensive - you obviously do not."
Well, as you know I am a very easy going, open minded, person. I find little that is offensive. But I'm still baffled as to what you'd find offensive in the comments on this thread. Just give a few examples, please. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 29 July 2024 12:30:18 PM
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You obviously don't find the labelling of anonymous people who happen to be different as - "weirdos", acccusing them of being WOKE, Marxists, communists - who divide and conquer, women and kangaroo courts, and much more, as being offensive - being the self-proclaimed tolerant person that you are. However, in our society you are a tiny minority. And perhaps in the future you will find yourself being the butt of all sorts of accusations - then you just may go down the memory hole and begin to understand the offensiveness that others felt and are feeling today. But I uhnderstand that you will undoubtedly find what I post as being "crap" and "gibberish." And you'll be looking for further arguments - it's in you DNA Feeling oggd? Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 July 2024 1:18:17 PM
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You might note that tbbn also said "individual adults can do what the like, in their own time, on their own dollar."
And I'm not at all sure these people would find being called marxist, communist or woke as offensive but instead a badge of honour. I suspect you just made the accusation without thought and then tried to retrospectively and vainly tried to justify it. "Feeling oggd?" Well I might be... if I had the faintest idea what it was. Now back to the issue as originally raised following Foxy trying to deflect from her errors. Transgenderism in other times would have been seen as a medical and mental complaint. Now its an ideology. That's fine for adults. If adult women want to cut off their tits so they can pretend to be blokes...their call. If blokes want to try to turn their cocks into fake vaginas... no skin off my nose. The real problem is when the ideology involves kids. There are places when puberty blockers are given to kids as young as 10. Child abuse is way too mild a term to describe that. Foxy says she wants to read the other side...start here. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 29 July 2024 6:02:13 PM
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Here are some things about transgender that may be of
interest: " Today, there are an estimated 1.6 million transgender (age 13+) in the United States, whereas globally IPSOS estimates that 1% of adults identify as transgender as of 2023 with an additional 2% identifying as non-binary/gender non conforming/fluid, or something other than male or female." "More and more people are openly identifying as transgender (& LGBTQ+) every year and visibility is catching up. More than 4 in ten (44%) adults in the US know someone who is transgender as reported by Pew and more than one in five (22%-27%) knows someone who uses non-binary pronouns other than he or she. A substantial increase from recent years." "IPSOS found similar trends in increased visibility across 30 additional countries." "This is not a new phenomenon." "Transgender and non-binary people have existed for centuries among cultures across the globe." "While issues facing transgender and non-binary communities have recently received greater attention from policy makers, government officials, and the public transgender people have been around for centuries in cultures and history, as early as 5000 B.C." There's more at: Here are guidelines and what medical treatments do transgender youth get: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 July 2024 8:02:29 PM
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So that's a "no" to reading, let alone absorbing, the Cass Report?
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 10:16:30 AM
Read the posts on this discussion.
We must interpret things in different ways.
What I find offensive - you obviously do not.