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The Forum > General Discussion > Men Feeling Women’s Pain

Men Feeling Women’s Pain

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The Victorian government has invited males pretending to be women to take part in an enquiry into women's pain!

Woe betide any professional, including doctors, who object; they could be sacked or struck off the medical register.

Christian commentator, Lyle Shelton, calls it “rainbow rule”, and blames our “weak and woke political class” in both major parties, who follow the Greens in the radicalisation and warping of sex/gender.

Lyle has introduced me to a new word - ‘autogynephilia’ - which describes “a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as female”.

So, the Victorian government is helping out men with psychological problems, instead of concentrating, and spending the money on, the legitimate needs of actual women.

Rachel Wong of ‘Women’s Forum Australia’ says that it is absurd to have to state the obvious: that men can experience female health conditions.

But, what is not absurd about Left wing governments, Victoria's in particular, these days! Ah. Forgot: the Opposition is no better.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 July 2024 9:19:18 AM
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Thanks for the thread ttbn. It sounds similar to the anti-White-male/ anti-White divisive 'coercive control' laws coming out of NSW. White Females need to realize that they are being manipulated by Marxist Trotskyite's to stir up the war of the sexes in White nations and destroy our culture. I'd hope that our young women were smarter than that. White Females need to work with White Males to defend White Culture rather than turning traitor to their own ancestors.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 25 July 2024 1:30:57 PM
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Look, ttbn is at it again with a beat up story, this time he's on side with a religious political nut job in Lyle Shelton, head of the wacko Family First Party! ttbn is in total agreement with all this far right crazy has to say, faithfully sitting in his underpants, so he tells us, banging away at his keyboard 5 times a day, regurgitating utter nonsense, and claiming it as fact!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 25 July 2024 1:48:39 PM
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I think that the women can look after themselves. Not so sure about the the blokes. As you say, it's all about communist divide and conquer.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 July 2024 3:26:16 PM
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Many women are cherry pickers. They say they don't want to be treated like maidens when it suits them, and maidens when it suits them. They are fans of the kangaroo court- immoral.

Women need to take responsibility for their own positions- but they are too pussy to do so- they need to grow some balls.

At some point women will realise that men and women are different and that is ok. Sometimes it's a problem and sometimes it's an advantage.

Women need to stop letting themselves be manipulated by Woke Marxist's and trust their families more. If they look after their family the world will follow.

Part of wisdom is knowing that you don't have all the answers.

When things are 90% ok then any changes you make are likely to make things worse rather than better.

Society isn't better now than it was 70 years ago.

Women are not happier now than they were 70 years ago.

Women don't feel that their lives have meaning and purpose now? A sense of being part of a continuity larger than themselves.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 26 July 2024 12:06:37 AM
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CM is a typical misogynist, who can't get his head around equality, and that applies to all he views as "different", Aboriginals, gays, Muslims leftists, progressives etc, not just women. Then he rants the nonsense that its all some great Marxist plot to usurp the sovereignty of his own white Anglo Saxon race. He doesn't understand the meaning of equality and justice for all, he just knows privilege and power.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 26 July 2024 6:35:14 AM
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