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Men Feeling Women’s Pain

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"You still haven't said if you praise the British for stopping the practice of sati." Seems a reasonable outcome to me, but I don't put it down to any actions of a superior culture as you claim, but the actions of one man. As for your superior culture, it was that God fearing white Anglo Saxon culture than on October 27th 1857, castrated aboriginal men, raped aboriginal women and girls and then murdered them all, that went unpunished by your white authorities, obviously evidence of a barbaric culture. Agree?

As for "several hundred were jailed" for their part in the lynching of Negros in the Deep South of the US.....simply hogwash on your part.

What of the state sanctioned, by the God fearing white Christian Anglo Saxons, the penal servitude laws (slavery by another name) imposed on the black population in the Deep South US until 1942, hardly the actions of a superior culture would you not say? Hundred died through inhuman treatment as the result of forced labour under those laws.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 27 July 2024 9:33:14 PM
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This discussion really threw me. It made no sense to me
What the Victorian government
was doing by including transgender women in their inquiry on
women's pain.

I began to do more research - regarding transgender
medical care.

I came across the following:

The article asked:

"What does medical care look like when you're transgender?"

We're told that:

" Until more providers are trained in transgender care, many
patients will need to advocate for themselves."

"There are an estimated 1.4 million people in the US who are
transgender. It's a relatively big number and yet, many of
these individuals have difficulty finding doctors who are
right for them and their needs. Many have heart-breaking
stories about their experiences with health care providers,
even during a routine physical."

"Some providers make dehumanizing comments or won't acknowledge
their gender identity. Others ask inappropriate questions or
even refuse to treat them."

" But those who care for transgender patients have a message.
Don't give up on getting medical care."

" The doctor's office should be one place where everybody feels
safe and cared for, says Christy Olezeski, a psychologist
and director of the Yale Medical Pediatric Gender Program which
serves children, teenagers, and young adults up to age 25."

"Why do transgender patients face road blocks when seeking care?"

This is a question that did not occur to me earlier - at all.

I did not look at things from this perspective.

I am beginning to realize that my understanding of the
situation was narrow. I am starting to begin to somewhat understand
why transgender women are being included in the Women's Pain
Inquiry. It may help me better understand what
transgender really involves. And the problems they
face in our society.

Perhaps the inquiry will do that for others as well.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 July 2024 9:56:23 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Transgender people, I can understand that they have difficulty with medical treatment and finding heath professionals with expertise and understanding of their special needs. Again we see spiteful people, these old farts, who want to denigrate others for being different. Don't be swayed by the forums number one Old fart and his machinations on any subject, he's generally off his chops!

A friend of mine, told me how he was "medically" treated as a teenager for his disease of "homosexuality", that was in the 1970's, with his parents consent, he almost committed suicide, his life was a wreak. That "treatment" was done by a so called Christian doctor, it involved drugs, and even shock treatment. Fortunately today he is one of the finest human-beings I know.

BTW; A small number of men do develop breast cancer, rare as it is.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 28 July 2024 6:23:30 AM
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"As for your superior culture, it was that God fearing white Anglo Saxon culture than on October 27th 1857, castrated aboriginal men, raped aboriginal women and girls and then murdered them all, that went unpunished by your white authorities, obviously evidence of a barbaric culture. Agree?"

Just making stuff up again.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 28 July 2024 8:05:37 AM
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The older I get, the more I realize how little I really
know. There's so many subjects that are outside our
own experiences and I guess we all make assumptions
about others that we shouldn't.

That all should change
if we try to be inclusive. But then perhaps it is
human nature to be tribal as some point out.

This discussion has been a real eye-opener and that's
just one of the reasons why I enjoy OLO.

We can learn from each other.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 July 2024 9:18:04 AM
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Dear Paul,

I remember reading the biography of the transgender Australian
cabaret performer and TV personality - Carlotta years ago
and being moved to tears. Also the biography of Cate McGregor,
the prominent transgender writer, communicator, and former
Australian Defence Force Officer and friend of former PM
Tony Abbott.

And I think we all know Courtney Act (Shane G. Jenek) Australian
Drag Queen - and very talented performer.

We've had people who are "different" living and working
alongside us for generations. In every profession, and
industry not only the entertainment field. And it is time
that we recognised their existence - and the problems
they're faced with and try to make things better for us all
in society.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 July 2024 9:44:02 AM
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