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Men Feeling Women’s Pain

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Most men and women are the same in one respect - we don't hear from them. They sit back and allow a few big mouthed knowalls to take charge. The so-called women's organisations are not really about women at all: they are about a few hard-bitten harpies wanting to be noticed and getting whatever taxpayer money is available. They don't give a toss about real women and their well-being and safety. You don't hear them saying anything about males muscling in on women's sport, perving around in women's change rooms and so on. Nor are they interested in forced marriages, genital mutilation or an Indian immigrant burying his Indian girlfriend alive in South Australia.

They have a purely political agenda.

These activists do far more damage to their own sex than any man could.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 July 2024 8:30:57 AM
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Drunk woman's advice on arguing with total strangers online.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 July 2024 9:01:04 AM
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Chop off the last letter “s” on https and link will post as live.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 26 July 2024 8:31:23 PM
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"Indian immigrant burying his Indian girlfriend alive in South Australia."
- Oh what a racist thing to say ttbn.

Just wanted to beat you over the head with the 'racist card'.
What wre you thinking saying such a thing?

We need to be respectful of other cultures.
Maybe burying your girlfriend alive is a normal respectable thing to do in their culture?

Here's one from April:

Woman Dies After Being Set On Fire By Boyfriend In Chandigarh: Police
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 27 July 2024 12:05:06 AM
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Right. Thanks. Bit shaky these days, much to the delight of the ageist you-know-who.


Dreadful of me. The creep is in jail, and will “probably” be deported when he gets out. All part of “successful” multiculturalism. The part the anti-Australian brigade doesn't mention, for some reason.

I see the mother of the child-and-husband- under-under-the-train tragedy being “deported” because the husband’s work visa had expired, and how Australian authorities should have “compassion”.

The fact of the matter is that the mother had decided that she wanted to return to India to have the support and love of her family. Who would not! Her family was making arrangements for her return as the w…kers were w…king about the situation.

The media responsible for the vomit this time being SkyNews, which has joined the rest of the media, punching out Leftist ‘misinformation’ and tripe.

And, while we are on culture: when I heard of this awful event, I immediately imagined an Anglo family with little blonde twins. That's because of my culture, and the culture of my country. Normal to me. Probably makes me a nasty pasty to the usual suspects.

I also, naturally I believe, wondered who was in charge of the pram.

But, a brainwashed police Superintendent, mindful of his pronouns and promotion to Chief Superintendent, advised the press that “they” took the “their” hands off the pram handle.

We live in a stupid, artificial, and highly restricted society.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 July 2024 9:19:18 AM
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"Woman Dies After Being Set On Fire By Boyfriend In Chandigarh"

Re the ancient Indian practice of woman sacrifice.

In a better world when the Anglo culture was much more sure of its moral superiority and not yet corrupted by the thought that all cultures are equal, comes the story of Charles Napier, one of the British governors in the Sindh region of India. He came across a site where priests were preparing a pyre to burn alive the wife of a recently deceased husband. He asked them to stop but was advised that this was a ancient practice and he shouldn't interfere.

This was his response..

"Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs"

The practice of Sati was discontinued in the region.

Western civilisation was once confident enough to impose its superior moral positions on others for the good of all. That is no longer the case.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 27 July 2024 9:33:49 AM
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