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The Forum > General Discussion > ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants For Israel , Hamas Leaders.

ICC Seeks Arrest Warrants For Israel , Hamas Leaders.

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Dr Matt Killingsworth of The Australian Institute of
International Affairs in his analysis says that:

"Netanyahu and Gallant and the Hamas Leaders will
now be cast as pariahs, suspected war criminals, and
grouped with all those they've tried to define themselves

He goes on to say that:

"The International Criminal Court will not be able
to avoid the inevitable political fallout from its
actions. But, in behaving the way that it has, it has
strengthened its legitimacy as an agent of International
Criminal Justice."

There's more at the following:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 25 May 2024 1:14:20 PM
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This'll probably confuse quite a few.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 25 May 2024 1:21:06 PM
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Ya berk.

"not some figure you dreamed up no figures of 7,797 (children) or 4,959 (women) are mentioned on that page,"

Those figures are there in plain sight. Look at the graph headed "REPORTED CASUALTIES" and read the details - something I assume you rarely do.

Then come back and apologise....fat chance!
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 25 May 2024 1:27:24 PM
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Fat chance for an Israeli apology or a ceasefire.

Israel continues to do what it's been doing. After all
it has a right to defend itself - and it does not matter
how it chooses to do so.

It has razed the coastal enclave making it unliveable.
It has prompted a catastrophic humanitarian crisis and has
killed thousands of civilians - and continues to do so.

The current arrest warrants may or may not be carried out,
but it is important that the global community upholds
international law.

The prosecutor and his supporters see that justice delayed
as justice denied.

Yes it would be a shame if we have more loss of lives
in an effort to hold a few individuals accountable. But to
do nothing is not an option. To allow these vile actions to
continue is simply wrong.

Will the ICC fulfill the Nuremberg vision that inspired
its existence?

"I was only following orders," was not an acceptable
defense then. And" we have a right to defend ourselves"
(by whatever means and however we choose) -
should not be one now.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 25 May 2024 1:51:29 PM
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"This'll probably confuse quite a few."

Especially the already hopelessly confused.

Of course, some will just pretend the facts aren't the facts because the narrative has to be protected.

So now we have pretty much every UN agency they can conjure trying to save Hamas from the consequences of their murderous invasion of Israel so that Hamas can survive to perpetrate more murderous invasions as they already promised.

Thankfully the Israeli government is more concerned about saving the lives of their citizens now and into the future by excising the murderous terrorist group (Hamas) from the planet. The world should be grateful and probably would be if it were anyone other the hated Jews who were doing the excision.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 25 May 2024 5:18:01 PM
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Off in La La Land as per usual, name calling (ya berk). The ICC issues arrest warrants for three senior Hamas figures for war crimes, and you claim, "(the ICC is) trying to save Hamas". This is the same bloke who thinks 7,000 dead children is ah-okay, all honky-dory with him. He talks of "murderous invasions", you should know, with the World Court, backed by about 150 countries including Australia, ordering the Zionist State to stop its murderous invasion of rafah! The Zionist State has now joined the likes of North Korea as a global pariah. mhaze do you also support North Korea, along with Murderous America NK could be the Zionist State's last friend on the planet?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 May 2024 5:59:47 PM
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