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The Forum > General Discussion > AI tool permit Israel to kill civilians

AI tool permit Israel to kill civilians

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Foxy, ya dill, that BBC report is dated 27 October 2023 while it was still (barely) possible to maintain the fiction that it was an Israeli strike. The world and even the BBC has moved on since then. You should try to keep up.

"BBC international editor Jeremy Bowen has admitted his coverage of the alleged bombing of a hospital in Gaza was “wrong” but still said he “doesn’t regret one thing” about his reporting...."

“Anyone who was under the impression that the BBC had learned any lessons from its hasty assignment of blame to Israel for the explosion at the Al-Ahli hospital on October 17th will understand from Jeremy Bowen’s statements that they were sadly wrong."

Ditto as regards Foxy who also has the distinction of declaring that there was no evidence tunnels were under the hospital on the SAME day as evidence was revealed that there were indeed tunnels under the hospital. Another claim she can't bring herself to walk back.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 6 April 2024 9:45:23 AM
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Thanks mhaze. What I found convincing about WSJ's analysis of the hospital car park bombing was the number of independently verifiable and objective sources of evidence, like the footage from four different cameras operating at the time of the incident.

What worries me at present is PenPen's determination to restore funding to UNRWA when there is no indication that they will stop teaching children hatred or supporting terrorism.

People will hold all manner of silly and illogical opinions on all manner of things, the length of the Uluru statement as an example. I'm sure that my opinions are no exception, but to be able to hold varied opinions on things is something to uphold as a triumph of democracy. So LGBTQ people are free to support and sympathise with people who would summarily and mercilessly throw them from tall buildings on the basis of their sexuality. I think it a little silly, but it's not my business to tell people what to think nor to condemn them for their views or the views of their cult leaders.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 6 April 2024 10:00:11 AM
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Hi Mavs,

Dr Nick Maynard, and many other doctors
at the hospital during the conflict have refuted
the claims of the IDF and said at the time
there were no Hamas fighters in the hospital.

We've got the baying of the hounds here, which is to be
expected. Winston Churchill famously said:

"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw
stones at every dog that barks."

This discussion is bringing us many barking dogs to deal

Here's a link as to what Dr Nick Maynard has to say:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 April 2024 12:00:19 PM
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As the owner of occasionally barking dogs I can assure you that they more than make up for their limited conversation with impeccable character judgement. And please refrain from throwing stones at animals. Just because it's part of the animal and Jew cruelty taught to kids in Gaza doesn't make it a civilised or acceptable practice.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 6 April 2024 1:59:23 PM
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Unfortunately children in Gaza have more than stones
thrown at them. They are bombed, killed, starved, and
much worse. Glad to hear that your dogs are treated well
by you. A pity the same can't be said for the children of Gaza.
But some empathy for the children of Gaza from you would be
appreciated and add to your humanity.

Also as reported on the PBS News Hour, the World Central
Kitchen was transparent about its movements in the
besieged Gaza Strip.

Apparently this was not just a case of bad luck situation
where "oops"we dropped the bomb in the wrong place.
As Founder and Chef of the World Central Kitchen stated,
"We co-ordinated our movements with the IDF,"
"The IDF airstrike in Gaza systematically targeted us car by car."
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 April 2024 2:12:06 PM
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Rather sad that some Festering posters on this thread have decided to conflate Israel's military and "neighbourly" policies with anti-Semitism.

Thanks for the link Foxy.
Posted by Maverick, Saturday, 6 April 2024 2:47:40 PM
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