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The Forum > General Discussion > Media bias towards Israeli deaths over Palestinians in Gaza

Media bias towards Israeli deaths over Palestinians in Gaza

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The Middle East does not want Gazans in their society, so the Mothering instinct of the present Labor/Greens Government gives them refuge in Australia. We have imported Hamas supporters into our society which will create conflict and division. We have the Woke left promoting all sorts of social misfits and because they exist the ABC and SBS must give voice to their culture for their view of balance.

This will cause conflict with radical Islam imports who see the society corrupt and must be destroyed, such as gay and trans and drunkenness. To the extremist they are fair play for eradication. As the Muslim society gains numbers shariah laws will become enforced in Muslim strongholds. With Muslim Courts, as are Koori Courts and laws.

We are importing a culture directly in conflict with Australian values, when what we want are people who will adapt to freedoms of choice and not cultural laws.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 22 February 2024 8:24:46 AM
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"We are importing a culture directly in conflict with Australian values", says Josephus, correctly.

We - ‘they’ actually: politicians: have been doing that since they introduced multiculturalism, without our permission. And we let them get away with it.

If we are to have a peaceful, united society, multiculturalism must be thrown on the scrapheap of failed utopian theories. With few exceptions, it has been a monumental failure and needs to be replaced by monoculturalism. Reality should take precedence over idealistic leftist drivel." (Bryan Wimborne, Prophet and Loss ', Quadrant online, 21/2/24

“Across Western nations it is hard to find a single political leader who recognises the grave position we are in due to the self-inflicted destruction of our national identity and the erosion of the power of deterrence”. (Jason Thomas, ‘The biggest national security disaster disaster in our lifetime’)

I heard last night that Albanese intends to bring a further 2,500 Islamist “refugees” from Gaza to Australia.

Multiculturalism is a weapon to destroy Western culture, and Albanese, the most far-Left, maniac ever to disgrace our politics is just the boy to use that weapon more and more. He lost the Voice referendum, but he will continue to destroy Australia with massive immigration of the wrong sorts of people, and almost zero border protection.

Last night, he vowed to bring more “refugees” here. Illegals have been sent to Nauru as part of a pretence that no one who “comes by boat will settle here”, but they will settle here when the dust dies down.

It's not just boat arrivals. 22,000 foreigners arriving legally, by plane, have also pulled the asylum stunt. We don't hear what happens to them.

The only countries where democracy and democratic institutions survive are those with a fairly homogeneous population. We are fast becoming NOT one of those countries.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 22 February 2024 8:58:01 AM
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Academic Susan Carland writes:

"It is well documented that news media influences our
behaviour in all manner of ways, from how much we buy
to our attitudes towards exercises."

"Journalism does not merely hold a mirror up to reality,
as some have argued. It creates versions of reality.
With every decision of which story to include and
exclude, which image to show or not show, even which
grammatical choice is made, our impressions are sculpted.
This is especially the case with the Israel-Gaza war."

"Research has shown, for example, that exposure to news
media can induce Islamophobia. There's also evidence of
historical news media bias against Palestinians and Muslims."

There's more at the following link telling us how Australian
media's bias on the Gaza war against Palestinians has real world
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 February 2024 9:21:41 AM
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The journalism on this site does exactly what fox;s publication says.
Tbt jumps straight to the conclusion that 2500 refugees are islamist Palestinians. Misinformation at it's worst. Some one said that 60 % of Palestinians are not islamist. That is media bias.
Posted by Riely, Thursday, 22 February 2024 9:37:24 AM
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On the matter of fast-tracking visas for Muslims from Gaza, the Opposition has claimed that the visas were OK'd in less than an hour. So, we could have even more Arabs in Australia out on the streets screaming "gas the Jews", and preaching hatred of Jews, knowing that they can get away with doing so.

The problem these days is that our career politicians in both major parties are so rotten that we don't know which ones we can believe, or if we can believe any of them.

Instead of allowing politicians to replace the population, the population should replace the politicians; certainly the ones in Green Labor coalition and the Coalition, all of whom have reduced Australia to the divided state it is in.

We need voluntary voting and no nonsensical, undemocratic preferential voting.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 22 February 2024 9:45:07 AM
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"It is well documented that news media influences our
behaviour in all manner of ways,".."

As I've tried to explain many times over many years, that is only true if you refuse to expose yourself to multiple news sources. If on the other hand, you actively seek out news sources from both sides of the fence, you stand a reasonable chance, so long as your IQ starts with a '1', of understanding issues and making informed opinions.

As to the news media being too anti-Gazan, coupla points:

* Back in late 2023, at the height of the left's efforts to absolve Hamas of guilt, several hundred Australian journalists wrote a joint open letter calling on Australian newsrooms to stop telling both sides of the story - what they called 'both-sideism'. As those of us who understand these things would expect, there were more than a few ABC names among those that signed.

* And it seems their efforts to tell only one side has been successful. It is reported that anti-semitic incidents have increased by around 900% since 7/10/23. Reconciling that with claims that the press is too pro-Jew is something that only the leftist mind could achieve.

Yet somehow, the left aren't happy with their near total control of the narrative. They want any dissenting voice silenced.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 22 February 2024 12:48:35 PM
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