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Media bias towards Israeli deaths over Palestinians in Gaza

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Last night television program Media Watch highlighted the huge difference in many media outlets, particularly newspapers in Australia and worldwide over coverage of deaths in the current Gaza conflict.

It was shown many newspapers had a lot of coverage of Israeli deaths and issues facing Israeli hostages, but very little to nothing when it came to deaths of Palestinians.

You can view this part covering their analysis at:

It provides figures from newspaper articles highlighting the differences between Israel versus Palestine deaths and the media coverage.

It is time the mass media was fair in their media coverage here, something which seems to be lacking re the Gaza conflict.
Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 20 February 2024 2:26:16 PM
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For Heaven's sake! Of course the ABC puts that crap about: it is totally biased against Israel; as is most of the MSM; as all the lefties here are; as is the Albanese government; as are you, Nathan.

Who the hell do you think you are kidding!
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 20 February 2024 4:31:45 PM
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ABC being the ABC.

We really can't expect anything better.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 5:29:01 AM
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The ABC cannot get away with telling all sorts of lies to a society that believes that they can change their sex, that carbon dioxide causes climate change, that wind and sun can provide our energy needs, and that it is normal for a party that less than a third of voters wanted can govern the country.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 6:56:17 AM
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I don't suppose the ABC will report the 10,000 strong gathering in Sydney of ‘Never Again” against the most appalling anti-Semitism in Australia.

Australia used to be the safest country in the world for Jews. Not anymore! One of the few, if not the only, countries in the world never to have an official anti-Semitic policy, Australia is changing: and rapidly.

Christians also need to watch their backs in 21st. Century Australia. The rumblings against Christianity are getting louder, particularly since the ascent to power of the Albanese government. Calls from the Senate President to ban the Lord's Prayer in Parliament are only the beginning.

The Marxists want to oust our Judeo-Christian base.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 7:39:51 AM
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Australia's problem is multiculturalism.

In 1998, Robert Dahl wrote “On Democracy”, a book in which he expressed the opinion that “democratic political institutions are more likely to develop and endure in a country that is culturally fairly homogeneous”.

Australia today is nowhere near being ‘fairly homogeneous’: it is a multicultural madhouse, where “intractable social conflicts” will gradually make it impossible to maintain democratic institutions.

“The multicultural project has now been used as an aggressive ideology against the once predominant moral, legal, and religious traditions of the West”.

Multiculturalism has been used by a few social engineers to “dismember” the elements of existing societies, especially those of the West.

These “engineers” are promoting the destruction of our cultural identity.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 8:12:09 AM
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I won't choose sides over the innocent dead.
I'm not going to entertain the idea that ones sides innocent victim of this conflict is worth more or less than an innocent victim on the other side.
I denounce all violence against all innocent non-combatants.

The media should be non-biased, but it never is.
The Pro-Israel side here are complaining when the report says our national broadcaster gave Israel the favorable end of the coverage deal.

You don't see the Pro-Palestinian side complaining about the biased coverage on Sky.
Pro-Israel media / supporters have officially outdone the Poms for the title of 'Worlds biggest whingers'.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 9:42:20 AM
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Good Morning Nathan,

Thank you for raising this topic for discussion.

Of course our media's reporting on the Middle East
crisis has been questionable.

We've seen many examples recently of the reporting of
events, both global and local that were often skewed
to omit and confuse and criticisms have been made
regarding journalists and political commentators across
the Australian news media sharing their racist and bigoted views
in their reporting. Of course these views influence people
and sadly prolong the retention of these outdated views in
our society.

The Middle East conflict is a highly emotive issue - and we
see people at their worst taking sides. Accusations of
anti-Semitism rears its ugly head. As does the "terrorist"
label. A balanced middle-ground becomes difficult. A sad
situation for all concerned.

As for our national broadcaster?

The ABC has regularly been criticized with frequent
allegations of bias in reporting. However we're told that
78% - a large majority of Australians believe the ABC
does perform a valuable role in our community. While
over 30% believe they are "very valuable."

I watch "Q and A," "The Insiders," "4 Corners," and many
more programs. Including films and documentaries.
All interesting and enjoyable. No complaints from me.
The ABC is politically independent and fully accountable
with its Charter enshrined in legislation. The ABC
provides the balance our society needs and is entitled to
receive as a democracy.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 10:37:03 AM
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It's a bit much to expect unbiased reporting anyway, especially since Israel has been assassinating all the Palestinian journalists.
- The Pro-Israel whingers will never be satisfied until Israel installs gas chambers.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 12:10:49 PM
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Why be sympathetic to Palestinian's. Those that live with the enemy are the enemy.
Posted by Riely, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 1:28:05 PM
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Dear Riley,

«Those that live with the enemy are the enemy.»

Are you referring to the Israeli hostages?

The way Israel's government is behaving in the last days indicates that they indeed see the hostages as their enemy.

Possibly 60% of the adult population of Gaza identify with Hamas
- but young children and the other 40% are their miserable hostages, who are not allowed to leave.

Is being the "chosen people" only a blind privilege which doesn't come together with any obligations or expectation for a higher moral grade?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 2:16:30 PM
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"Is being the 'chosen people' only a blind privilege which doesn't come together with any obligations or expectation for a higher moral grade?"

- Exactly.
If they really are so special why don't they lead by example?
The current example they're giving us isn't up to scratch.
- Certainly not an example I'd want others to follow, that's for sure.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 21 February 2024 8:45:59 PM
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The ABC is continually failing to be unbiased and continually ignores its charter. To say that it is unbiased is a sick joke.

UNWRA has been funding Hamas for decades and yet the ABC and Penny Wong want to give vast swatches of taxpayer money to terrorists that participated in the genocidal massacre on Oct 7.

Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 22 February 2024 12:28:47 AM
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"To say that it is unbiased is a sick joke."
- Maybe 'unbiased' depends upon what one considers 'normal'

If you consider the ABC to be normal, you'll almost certainly think Sky news is biased towards the right.
If you consider Sky news to be normal, you'll almost certainly think the abc is biased towards the left.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 22 February 2024 12:41:37 AM
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"Why be sympathetic to Palestinian's. Those that live with the enemy are the enemy."
- Maybe it's because I value all human life.
People should be judged on their own character, not necessarily their association to others, especially if the only association is 'being born'
I'm not going to write-off other human beings just for 'being born'
That's the exact kind of prejudice that creates conflict.

- Maybe the Palestinians consider the Zionist occupiers who murder them and steal their land to be the enemy, but I'm guessing this fact never crossed your mind.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 22 February 2024 12:48:01 AM
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A visual of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the people of Gaza since October 7.
The people have been forced to go south to the Rafah border crossing.
Now Israel wants to attack the last refugee camp full of children and women.
The only goal is to drive 2.5 million people into Egypt and completes the ethnic cleansing.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 22 February 2024 2:01:08 AM
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"Now Israel wants to attack the last refugee camp full of children and women."

Now Israel wants to attack the last hold out of the Hamas terrorists who are hiding behind children and burkas. There, fixed it for you.

Interesting that your visual aid showing the movement of Gazans southward stops at the Egyptian border. I wonder why the mohammedan Gazans can't flee into the mohammedan arms of their Egyptian cousins. Oh, that's right, Egypt doesn't want to have a bar of the maniacs from Gaza either.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 22 February 2024 5:58:40 AM
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The dropkicks that protest in favor of Palestinians are showing a very dangerous precedent.
It shows what sort of mind set we have here, I mean who attacked who and who are these people in bed with. To me the stage is set for a clearing of offenders to bring a permanent end to how many decades of imminent war. It;s clear the two societies cannot live together. All the protests can not solve anything.
The UN is absolutely biased and only prolong this civil war, so keep out of it.
Posted by Riely, Thursday, 22 February 2024 7:04:22 AM
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The Middle East does not want Gazans in their society, so the Mothering instinct of the present Labor/Greens Government gives them refuge in Australia. We have imported Hamas supporters into our society which will create conflict and division. We have the Woke left promoting all sorts of social misfits and because they exist the ABC and SBS must give voice to their culture for their view of balance.

This will cause conflict with radical Islam imports who see the society corrupt and must be destroyed, such as gay and trans and drunkenness. To the extremist they are fair play for eradication. As the Muslim society gains numbers shariah laws will become enforced in Muslim strongholds. With Muslim Courts, as are Koori Courts and laws.

We are importing a culture directly in conflict with Australian values, when what we want are people who will adapt to freedoms of choice and not cultural laws.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 22 February 2024 8:24:46 AM
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"We are importing a culture directly in conflict with Australian values", says Josephus, correctly.

We - ‘they’ actually: politicians: have been doing that since they introduced multiculturalism, without our permission. And we let them get away with it.

If we are to have a peaceful, united society, multiculturalism must be thrown on the scrapheap of failed utopian theories. With few exceptions, it has been a monumental failure and needs to be replaced by monoculturalism. Reality should take precedence over idealistic leftist drivel." (Bryan Wimborne, Prophet and Loss ', Quadrant online, 21/2/24

“Across Western nations it is hard to find a single political leader who recognises the grave position we are in due to the self-inflicted destruction of our national identity and the erosion of the power of deterrence”. (Jason Thomas, ‘The biggest national security disaster disaster in our lifetime’)

I heard last night that Albanese intends to bring a further 2,500 Islamist “refugees” from Gaza to Australia.

Multiculturalism is a weapon to destroy Western culture, and Albanese, the most far-Left, maniac ever to disgrace our politics is just the boy to use that weapon more and more. He lost the Voice referendum, but he will continue to destroy Australia with massive immigration of the wrong sorts of people, and almost zero border protection.

Last night, he vowed to bring more “refugees” here. Illegals have been sent to Nauru as part of a pretence that no one who “comes by boat will settle here”, but they will settle here when the dust dies down.

It's not just boat arrivals. 22,000 foreigners arriving legally, by plane, have also pulled the asylum stunt. We don't hear what happens to them.

The only countries where democracy and democratic institutions survive are those with a fairly homogeneous population. We are fast becoming NOT one of those countries.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 22 February 2024 8:58:01 AM
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Academic Susan Carland writes:

"It is well documented that news media influences our
behaviour in all manner of ways, from how much we buy
to our attitudes towards exercises."

"Journalism does not merely hold a mirror up to reality,
as some have argued. It creates versions of reality.
With every decision of which story to include and
exclude, which image to show or not show, even which
grammatical choice is made, our impressions are sculpted.
This is especially the case with the Israel-Gaza war."

"Research has shown, for example, that exposure to news
media can induce Islamophobia. There's also evidence of
historical news media bias against Palestinians and Muslims."

There's more at the following link telling us how Australian
media's bias on the Gaza war against Palestinians has real world
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 February 2024 9:21:41 AM
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The journalism on this site does exactly what fox;s publication says.
Tbt jumps straight to the conclusion that 2500 refugees are islamist Palestinians. Misinformation at it's worst. Some one said that 60 % of Palestinians are not islamist. That is media bias.
Posted by Riely, Thursday, 22 February 2024 9:37:24 AM
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On the matter of fast-tracking visas for Muslims from Gaza, the Opposition has claimed that the visas were OK'd in less than an hour. So, we could have even more Arabs in Australia out on the streets screaming "gas the Jews", and preaching hatred of Jews, knowing that they can get away with doing so.

The problem these days is that our career politicians in both major parties are so rotten that we don't know which ones we can believe, or if we can believe any of them.

Instead of allowing politicians to replace the population, the population should replace the politicians; certainly the ones in Green Labor coalition and the Coalition, all of whom have reduced Australia to the divided state it is in.

We need voluntary voting and no nonsensical, undemocratic preferential voting.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 22 February 2024 9:45:07 AM
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"It is well documented that news media influences our
behaviour in all manner of ways,".."

As I've tried to explain many times over many years, that is only true if you refuse to expose yourself to multiple news sources. If on the other hand, you actively seek out news sources from both sides of the fence, you stand a reasonable chance, so long as your IQ starts with a '1', of understanding issues and making informed opinions.

As to the news media being too anti-Gazan, coupla points:

* Back in late 2023, at the height of the left's efforts to absolve Hamas of guilt, several hundred Australian journalists wrote a joint open letter calling on Australian newsrooms to stop telling both sides of the story - what they called 'both-sideism'. As those of us who understand these things would expect, there were more than a few ABC names among those that signed.

* And it seems their efforts to tell only one side has been successful. It is reported that anti-semitic incidents have increased by around 900% since 7/10/23. Reconciling that with claims that the press is too pro-Jew is something that only the leftist mind could achieve.

Yet somehow, the left aren't happy with their near total control of the narrative. They want any dissenting voice silenced.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 22 February 2024 12:48:35 PM
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Louise Adler, back in 2021 asked the question - why
is Australia and its media so fearful of debate on
Israel's treatment of Palestinians? Many others have
asked the same question which is even more relevant
today as the war continues.

Adler wrote "Until the discussion moves beyond the
strategic conflation of Zionism and anti-Semitism people
who are suffering will not be heard."

Adler spoke of the 700 journalists and writers who had
signed a petition calling for further media coverage of the
plight of the Palestinians. She pointed out how -
"Reportage on the Middle East has long been contested.
For Zionists the Australian media is a hot bed of biased,
left-wing enmity. For Palestinians the lack of a fair
hearing and accurate reporting is a given."

"The petition triggered a furore as media proprietors
and their editors were called out for self censorship. "

Adler said "There is a tacit consensus in newsrooms across
the country, that attempting objective reporting and
honest analysis isn't worth the grief. Both implicitly
and explicitly it is argued that subjects best avoided
are daily life for Palestinians."

Yet there are writers and editors who are prepared to
risk a great deal and do choose to write on the subject.
For that we can all be grateful.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 February 2024 3:07:55 PM
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Undisputed fact. Not one Islamic country wants to take in Gazan Refugees. Ask the question WHY??
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 22 February 2024 3:35:06 PM
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The ABC is as woke as f*. There is not a left-whinge cause they haven't championed nor a conservative cause they haven't pilloried. Claiming that they are centrist is a complete joke.

That this is coming from a Putin fancier who loves genocide is even more laughable.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 22 February 2024 3:43:34 PM
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Hi ttbn,
"On the matter of fast-tracking visas for Muslims from Gaza, the Opposition has claimed that the visas were OK'd in less than an hour. So, we could have even more Arabs in Australia out on the streets screaming "gas the Jews", and preaching hatred of Jews, knowing that they can get away with doing so."

If you don't want them here ttbn, then support a ceasefire, resolution to the conflict, their own state, and the right of return.

- Then not only will it stop more from coming, the ones that are here can go home.

...unless you have a better solution?

The UN globalist types are going to try to divvy up the refugees between all western countries and you know all the weak western leaders will go along with it.

Hi SM,
"That this is coming from a Putin fancier who loves genocide is even more laughable."
- Shame on you, for denigrating Vladimir Vladimirovich, lol.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 22 February 2024 3:58:27 PM
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To those disputing the figures in the video (if they've watched it?), we don't need to be any clearer.

The differences between mainstream media highlighting Israeli deaths over Palestinians are huge.

Their aim is of course to set an agenda and ensure people only see one side of the deaths in Gaza and sympathise with Israel. There seems to be no balance when it comes to reporting and facts. No, it's not a competition, but people like myself who expect the media to follow some standards when it comes to fairness, see the current lack of balance as a serious issue.

The reality is there are not too many programs on television that analyse the media or anywhere online, so it's easy to go after the fact Media Watch is on the ABC.

Reality is reality here.

The story about the six year old Palestinian girl, Hind Rajab who died was broadcasted via a whole range of media outlets internationally, but the Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun and Courier Mail found no space to write about the story in their print editions. Nor could the Age, Sydney Morning Herald or the Australian.

Just what is going here? Perhaps those defending the media bias on this issue can provide a response.

See the six year old's photo and her story here: Just imagine if if was your six year old daughter, niece, cousin, friend - you'd be upset at their passing.

The sad thing is you won't get much about her story in the Australian mainstream press as reality shows. It's sad really. People have a right to know what is going on in Gaza at the moment, all sides affected - and the media need to stand up to any fears or claims about antisemitism and the like. It's not healthy in terms of journalism and our right to know.
Posted by NathanJ, Thursday, 22 February 2024 5:02:42 PM
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"...ABC being the ABC..." Thank heavens for that. About time I say mhaze.

Obviously you never watch the ABC because you already now that it is a cesspool of left-wing, commie, Marxist woke pinkos.

Soooo let me enlighten you sunshine. The last time I watched Insiders I seriously thought I had accidentally tuned into Sky News. Everyone on the couch was a Murdoch hack.

So, please all you naysayers, stop acting like a chorus from a Wagner opera, all chanting the same lines to the same tune over and over and start opening your mind to the world as it really is. I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised at how wonderful it can be.
Posted by Aries54, Thursday, 22 February 2024 5:16:14 PM
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I go along with that last post. This is a right wing forum. They can not stand the ABC in any format. But sky news would suit them graciously.
Right wing journalism + a good dose of Hitler ideals.
Right wingers fail to see both sides and support infiltrators.
No doubt these persons were Abbott supporters right to the ballot that saw Abbott crab walk out in disgrace. Let alone the NBN we still have not got. How much gold has that cost so far. He did not like his former hierarchy's plan so he derived one on the spot didn't he.
Posted by Riely, Thursday, 22 February 2024 6:15:23 PM
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Dear Critic,

«If you don't want them here ttbn, then support a ceasefire, resolution to the conflict, their own state, and the right of return.»

The right of return, Hmmm:

Bulldose hospitals, schools, freeways, factories, modern office and apartment buildings and so on, and instead rebuild there, where their original villages used to stand in 1948, the original single-room mud-huts of their grand-grand-grandfathers.

Just don't expect them to have there any running-water or electricity, which their grand-grand-grandfathers never had, bring back also the original lice, malaria-carrying mosquitos and open sewage, but they surely will prefer that over remaining in exile here in Australia...
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 22 February 2024 7:22:27 PM
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Imagine if your 12yr old niece resisted being raped and as a result was beheaded with a spade. Was that reported?

Israel is not simply going to disappear the Palestinians need to live with it or not.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 23 February 2024 5:56:22 AM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
"Just don't expect them to have there any running-water or electricity, which their grand-grand-grandfathers never had, bring back also the original lice, malaria-carrying mosquitos and open sewage, but they surely will prefer that over remaining in exile here in Australia..."

Israel gets most of it's water from West Bank.
They steal it then deprive the Palestinians of it.
The Palestinians have rain water tanks on their roofs in Gaza because Israel routinely cuts off supply.
And considering they have like 500 bln in gas reserves offshore in Gaza, they have plenty of money to build a damn power plant, sewerage, nit treatments and whatever else.
How about Israel start paying for the organs they harvest from Palestinians and trade in?
How about they pay reparations for 80 years of terrorism for land theft?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 23 February 2024 7:18:06 AM
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Thieves never become owners.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 23 February 2024 7:19:02 AM
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Aries54 writes, without providing even a iota of evidence..." Soooo let me enlighten you sunshine. The last time I watched Insiders I seriously thought I had accidentally tuned into Sky News. Everyone on the couch was a Murdoch hack."

Well I call BS on that piece of rubbish. I watch every episode of Insiders (on iView) and NEVER recall an episode that had such a panel. I suspect Aries lives in a fantasy world where people saying anything he doesn't like makes them rightists.

I don't watch SkyNews so can't be sure what their attitudes are.

BUT, we should all note that antisemitic incidents in Australia have increased by around 900% since the rape of 7/10, and that that is entirely INconsistent with claims that the media is pushing the Jewish cause. The explanation for it is that the media are pushing the cause of the Gazans and that in turn is, in some deranged minds, justifying attacks on Australian Jews. Just screaming that you don't want that to be true, doesn't really cut it.

AC still raves about the ceasefire bringing an end to the suffering. But his idea of ceasefire is an Israeli surrender. The suffering could end tomorrow if Hamas simply gave up the hostages, or those that survive, laid down their arms and came out of hiding behind burkas and creches. Deaths would stop immediately. But the Gazan cheer squad don't want that type of ceasefire, they want a Hamas victory. Proving that their garment rendering over the deaths is mere theatre.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 23 February 2024 8:58:22 AM
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This whole silly post and pointless arguments could have been avoided with four words in answer to its heading: 'The opposite is true'.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 23 February 2024 9:09:58 AM
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Dear Critic,

«Israel gets most of it's water from West Bank.
They steal it then deprive the Palestinians of it.
The Palestinians have rain water tanks on their roofs in Gaza because Israel routinely cuts off supply.
And considering they have like 500 bln in gas reserves offshore in Gaza, they have plenty of money to build a damn power plant, sewerage, nit treatments and whatever else.
How about Israel start paying for the organs they harvest from Palestinians and trade in?
How about they pay reparations for 80 years of terrorism for land theft?»

When it comes to views, you have some good points to make.
But when it comes to facts, you spoil the appreciation of these points.

Israel's water does not come from the West Bank.
Israel has plenty of its own water and provides some for Jordan as well.
(it's the West-Bank Jewish settlers who steal their neighbours' water for their swimming-pools and green lawns as well as just because they are mean, not Israel)

Nearly everyone has water tanks on their roof in that region, including Israelis, always had, that is just part of the Middle-Eastern culture where roofs are typically flat.

Israel has enough gas reserves of its own.
It stopped pumping gas due to the war.
It is in Israel's interest to have peace so it can produce gas again.

Yes, the Gazans could have done a lot with their gas, I wish they did, but Hamas doesn't let them and instead takes and uses whatever they get to build tunnels and purchase weapons.

Israel does not harvest organs from anyone other than volunteers.

If it ever comes to reparations for land theft and terrorism, including the theft of Jewish lands in Arab countries, then on balance the Arabs would have to pay more.
(that does not mean that I support land-theft or terrorism, even in return)
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 23 February 2024 9:56:00 AM
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How Israel created a water crisis for Palestinians – video

‘A cruel harvest of the poor’: Israeli allegedly behind human organ black market arrested in Cyprus

Israel 'stealing organs' from bodies in Gaza, alleges human rights group
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 23 February 2024 10:53:10 AM
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Gaza Gas Reserves Israel's Real Agenda In Hamas War? EU, US Join Energy Race Post Russia Ukraine War

I don't have the mindset to dig into all these issues right now, and I admit I may sometimes get things wrong or out of context, but there's always a basis for the things I say.

As for Syria you mentioned earlier, I think members of the government recently announced an intention to go to war with Israel over the Golan Heights.
- Don't know if it's just tough talk or not.

US companies are taking oil and gas from Golan Heights as well, look up 'Genie Energy' there are members of previous US executive branch and other bigwigs as shareholders.
Syria needs to get it's land back that America occupies.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 23 February 2024 11:03:40 AM
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This is worth a look: China's take on the situation.
Chinese representative speaks in english and comes across very statesman-like.

China Counters US Point By Point At ICJ | Israel’s Occupation Of Palestine

Ma Xinmin, China's Foreign Ministry's legal adviser and representative at the ICJ:
"Palestinians have an 'Inalienable Right' to use force for self-determination against foreign oppression"

"Miss President, distinguished members of the Court, it is a great honor and privilege to appear before you on behalf of China.
China is committed to promoting the rule of law in international relations, stands in firm support of the court in preserving and safeguarding international peace and security, international order, fairness and Justice.
Dealing with the question of Palestinian served as a litmus test for collective conscience of humanity, the wisdom of United Nations and the authority of international law..."


US asks world court not to call for Israeli pullout from Palestinian territories
'US calls for international court of justice to consider Israel’s security needs in hearings on legal status of occupied territories'

- So China is supporting international law, and the US is begging 'Please ICJ, don't force Israel to follow international law'.

To be fair I should probably add this article:
Israel a no-show at the ICJ, but its advocates argue the ‘occupation’ isn’t illegal

'consider Israel’s security needs' - US says...
- The issue may have some validity, but it's also a bit hypocritical coming from the US given what it's doing.

The war in Ukraine has cost half a million Ukrainian lives because the US didn't give a hoot about Russia's security interests and they want to put NATO nukes in Ukraine, on Russia's borders.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 23 February 2024 1:43:08 PM
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Looks like I'll do 'Part II of Western Thieving Hypocrites'

G7 finds ‘experts’ to declare theft of Russian assets legal

(This article relates to a Bloomberg article entitled:
Seizing Frozen Russian Assets Over Ukraine War Wins Endorsement of Legal Experts)

>>Having given our most serious consideration to this issue, we have concluded that it would be lawful, under international law, for States which have frozen Russian State assets to take additional countermeasures against Russia, given its ongoing breach of the most fundamental rules of international law,” the signatories claimed.

According to their case, Russian state assets could be seized “as compensation for the damage that has resulted directly from Russia’s unlawful conduct,” which they define as an “invasion” and “occupation” of parts of Ukraine.

The rules they allege Moscow violated “are indispensable to the foundation upon which the entire rules-based order is built,” the letter states. The group also goes on to argue that the West’s sanctions and freezing of Russian assets were “lawful countermeasures” but that any reprisal by Moscow would be illegal and illegitimate.<<

'rules-based order' - are you freaking kidding me?
We just went through this in my previous comment yesterday...

US asks world court not to call for Israeli pullout from Palestinian territories
'US calls for international court of justice to consider Israel’s security needs in hearings on legal status of occupied territories'

- So China is supporting international law, and the US is begging 'Please ICJ, don't force Israel to follow international law'.

When are you lot going to realise that the west are just common thieves and hypocrites?
America occupies land in Syria, only stealing that was not a matter of US security interests.

Rules-based Order... Rules for thee, but not for me.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 24 February 2024 7:34:53 AM
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Overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List

By the line of thinking above, can the whole entire world now steal American assets for compensation for what its been doing?

What a bunch of lowlife scumbag hypocrites our western leaders all are.
- A bunch of weak little yes-men.
Your average chihuahua has more balls than all of them put together.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 24 February 2024 7:45:11 AM
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Ayelet Azoury
*Sources can be found at the bottom*
This is Agam Goldstein Almog aged 17, former hostage in Gaza when she was kidnapped from Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7. She has expressed herself through the pen about what life was like with Palestinian terrorists.
The title is called "The girls I met in the tunnels".
The text has been translated into Norwegian:
"I was in a dark and moist tunnel deep underground when I heard the stories of the young women with quiet voices.
I was with my mother my protector who did everything she could to keep me alive while we were captive by Hamas. Together with my two young brothers of nine and eleven years, four of us had been taken from our home in kibbutz Kfar Aza in the morning of the 7th. October.
But not until terrorists shot my father Nadav and then went after my older sister Yam, the bullet ripped through her face.
Their blood was sprayed all over. We walked over my father's dying body as the terrorists shouted at us, took us out of our home and drove into Gaza.
I never got to say goodbye. Any hope we had that they were still alive was shattered when we heard over the radio that they had been murdered at some point during our captivity.
We were moved a lot during our time in captivity, transferred through a number of homes, apartments, tunnels and even a mosque in Gaza. Our captors were horrible.
During their captivity they told us they wanted to return to our kibbutz. The fear was crippling. It took over me. I remember telling my mother as we got into town, "They're going to torture me." Their going to rape me "
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 7 March 2024 8:34:19 AM
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Ayelet Azoury
It was in the tunnels that I met other young women. Most of them were only a year or older than my 17 year old. Some still had bloody gunshot wounds that had been untreated in makeshift bandages. One had a cut limb.
I've heard from them about frightening and grotesque sexual assaults, often with a gun. They told me that when they were sad and crying, their captors would take advantage of their helplessness even more, stroke and caressed them, and then pushed and grabbed the intimate parts of their bodies.
They were treated like toys.
My mom Chen squeezed them. They told us they hadn't heard the word Ima (mom in Hebrew) in so long. They were looking at their mothers. My mother later told me that she felt that they were all her daughters, after losing one of her daughters herself.
These young women were scared and in fear for their lives. They begged us to meet their families if we were released. Tell them you saw us they said, but don't tell them everything. Save their souls from the horrific details they said, some of them near their breaking point. They begged us to keep fighting for them. To make sure they come home. Don't let the world forget us, they whispered.
They told me this more than 50 days ago.
The women I met in captivity are strong. These guys are some tough ones. And in spite of all they have been through - cruelty that no human should ever witness, they still hoped for. But when I left them, my hope had begun to fade.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 7 March 2024 8:36:20 AM
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Ayelet Azoury
Living in captivity is unbearable. You are living death. Days and nights merge into one, with thoughts of death racing in your soul. Will I die fast like my sister did? Or will it be a long, horrible abuse? Endless painful thoughts were running through my brain.
I don't know if the women I left in the tunnels are still together. As I type these words I can still see the look in your eyes. What more have they endured? Are they still being abused? Are they still alive ?
On the 26th. November I was released along with my mother and my brothers after 51 days of captivity in Gaza.
But I'm forever changed. The 7th day October I saw the evil in it's enormous scale. I saw evil I never thought existed. The villains in the most bone-chilling horror movies are nothing compared to the cruelty and brutality of these terrorists.
My family was destroyed by that evil A murdered father, a murdered sister, 51 days in the hands of terrorists - not things you know how to deal with at 17 years old. What I know is I can't start living my life again until we bring home our sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.
I can't breathe freely knowing they are still there.
Im just a teenage girl
But I ask the world to hear my cry: save them. Bring them home now. "
Source of the original text:
Interview with Agam by Washington Post:
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 7 March 2024 8:38:01 AM
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The world needs to learn about the history of Jihad.
It explains it all, right from the beginning it has been like the last post.
It will come here when they are ready.
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 13 March 2024 2:10:56 PM
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What is 'Rape Culture'
Answer = 'insert image of map of Israel'

On Israel and Rape
'Tel Aviv’s dubious rape allegations against Hamas conceal Israel's own shocking domestic sexual violence crisis, in which 260 Israeli women and minors are raped each day.'

>>Rape, normalized in Israel

In addition to being a regional hub for human trafficking and a haven for pedophiles, Israel consistently ranks the highest in West Asia for documented cases of rape and sexual assaults.

In 2020, protests erupted across Israel after 30 men gang-raped an intoxicated 16-year-old girl, which prompted Ilana Weizman, of the Israeli women's rights group HaStickeriot, to disclose that a shocking one in five Israeli women was raped during her lifetime, with 260 cases reported every day.

In March 2021, a series of gang rapes against minors, with the youngest victim being just 10-years-old, sparked widespread concern in Israel over the prevalence of sexual assault. APCCI said that the rate of violent sexual offenses in Israel was 10 percent higher than the average for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, labeling it as an "epidemic." A Knesset report from the same year revealed that nearly half of the sexual abuse cases between 2019 and 2020 involved underage girls.<<
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 16 March 2024 4:19:51 PM
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Dear Critic,

«Israel consistently ranks the highest in West Asia for documented cases of rape and sexual assaults.»

Ah, West Asia, the cradle of human civilisation, the Arab world in other words, where a girl is considered merchandise and married off young in deals between clans, so when the perpetrator is her "husband", that is not counted as rape or a sexual assault. A raped girl is considered damaged goods and is often eliminated by her family so they don't have to bear the shame. For obvious reasons, girls and their mothers would never report such incidents.

«APCCI said that the rate of violent sexual offenses in Israel was 10 percent higher than the average for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries»

Why OECD? Of all "West Asia" countries, only Turkyie and Israel are members of the OECD.

Referring to the original Israeli website (sorry, it is in Hebrew, they also have an English version but it is abridged):

Worldwide, according to WHO, 35% of women are sexually attacked during lifetime.
In Israel, the estimate is "one in three".

«A Knesset report from the same year revealed that nearly half of the sexual abuse cases between 2019 and 2020 involved underage girls.»

18.3% of Israeli girls under 16 were sexually attacked, 46.5% of them more than once.

Among those attacked: 29.7% of Jewish boys and girls up to 16 were attacked within the family, whereas among Arab Israelis, that number is 2/3 (no decimal figure provided).

«Israel's own shocking domestic sexual violence crisis, in which 260 Israeli women and minors are raped each day»

According to the source, the number is 230.
Who added the extra 30 in order to make it "shocking" and 10% higher?
How much would you rely on such sources, say for your financial investments?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 17 March 2024 4:45:45 AM
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This stream is almost a month old!
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 17 March 2024 6:32:49 AM
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"Ah, West Asia, the cradle of human civilisation, the Arab world in other words, where a girl is considered merchandise and married off young in deals between clans, so when the perpetrator is her "husband", that is not counted as rape or a sexual assault. A raped girl is considered damaged goods and is often eliminated by her family so they don't have to bear the shame. For obvious reasons, girls and their mothers would never report such incidents."

It's a bit messed up maybe.
To hide the rape of a woman because it brings a family shame
It kind of all seems to be based around a woman being a mans property
And no man wants the tainted property (raped woman)
When it's the men who rape them.

Kind-of messed up deal if you're born female.
Raped, shamed, shunned and then passed over for being such.

I'm not sure if these a bit of buggering of young boys going on in these places as well, though I'm not sure how widespread it is if so.

"Why OECD? Of all "West Asia" countries, only Turkyie and Israel are members of the OECD."
- Typical of articles these days to cherry pick or twist facts to sell a pre-existing bias, rather than give us the bigger picture without bias.
I think were all being lead down the garden path these days no matter what we read, the people writing the stories are biased too.

"How much would you rely on such sources, say for your financial investments?"
- That's a pretty sound argument, I like it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 18 March 2024 7:54:36 PM
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A vary serious meeting was held in Moscow in the last week or two.
It was chaired by the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and attended by
the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, Qartar and other Arab countries
and a number of terrorist groups including Hamas.
They agreed to form a "Technocratic" government.
The terrorist organisations members are to be known as "puppets".
Hamas is to be an invisible member.
This strikes me as being a very dangerous organisation for the West.

The interesting part is I have not seen a report anywhere in our
media of this meeting. Has anyone else seen a report of this meeting ?
A question, is Putin moving to use them as his pet terrorists ?
Posted by Bezza, Monday, 18 March 2024 10:07:08 PM
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I just went back to that link I gave above and the article has been
considerably expanded.
The Financial Times was quoted as asking questions.
Posted by Bezza, Monday, 18 March 2024 10:17:46 PM
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Why Do Young Americans Support Hamas? Look at TikTok.
November 1, 2023

>>Rep. Mike Gallagher

According to a Harvard/Harris poll, 51 percent of Americans ages 18–24 believe Hamas was justified in its brutal terrorist attacks on innocent Israeli citizens on October 7.

[Poll Reference Page 43]

I read that statistic at a time where I thought I’d lost the capacity to be shocked. For weeks, I’ve seen the clips and read the firsthand stories documenting Hamas’s atrocities: burned bodies, decapitated babies, raped women, children tied together with their parents, mutilated corpses. I’d seen the rallies on elite campuses celebrating Hamas’s murderous cause, the faculty letters excusing the terrorists. I thought I had grasped the extent of the moral rot. I thought I had seen the bottom.

But I hadn’t.

How did we reach a point where a majority of young Americans hold such a morally bankrupt view of the world? Where many young Americans were rooting for terrorists who had kidnapped American citizens—and against a key American ally? Where were they getting the raw news to inform this upside-down world view?<<

* Roughly 50% of people 18 - 35 thought Hamas was justified in its Oct 7 attack
Also here's the basis for proposed Tik Tok legislation. 'AntiSemitism'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 19 March 2024 7:41:11 PM
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The kind of protest we see these days was unheard of during the
Vietnam war, but what would it have been like if the internet was
then available to all ?
It is difficult for authorities to handle but once Jihad groups take
it up it will get a lot worse.

The Opera House event was bad enough but if some of these preachers
are not dealt with similar events like in Europe will occur.
Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 19 March 2024 9:56:49 PM
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So what are you saying Bazza
Ban the right of citizens to protest, including banning of protesting against actions the government takes?

Are the Muslims destroying our 'free country' or is it people like you?
Tell us your plan.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 22 March 2024 9:06:55 AM
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