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The Forum > General Discussion > Should children be used as political activists?

Should children be used as political activists?

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I don't know what the solutions are Josephus,
- but I don't need to know what the solutions are to know the current situation isn't working.
I denounce the violence and killing on both sides.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 9:22:58 AM
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The solution is a peaceful one of 'two states', fair and equatable to both Israelis and Palestinians. As AC said; "(I) know the current situation isn't working". The Zionists seem hell bent on some kind of "final solution", where all Palestinians are wiped off the face of the Earth, if a bullet don't get them, then starvation and disease will. I can't see anything coming from the Israelis as to what they intend for the Palestinian people after they have eliminated Hamas.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 November 2023 12:55:15 PM
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I see the claim that Israel exists on stolen land. It is evident they do not know the history of the land. Israel lived on the Land of Palestine for thousands of years until the Romans and Arabs moved in. The Land was given to those fleeing Hitler after the war, and there were already many Jews buying land in Palestine since 1836, to reestablish their homeland.

Abraham and his family occupied the land from 1930 BC till the drought that took them down to Egypt at the encouragement of Joseph for 300 years when Moses led them back to the land, where they existed till 72AD when the Romans dispersed many of them, because they did not view Caesar as God. There has always been some Jews in the Land the Romans called Palestine. It is a secular democratic State, I have relatives living there. The Extremist Muslim Arabs despise it because it is no longer under Shariah laws, like the restof the Middle East.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 27 November 2023 2:27:41 PM
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"I see the claim that Israel exists on stolen land. It is evident they do not know the history of the land."

Didn't King David go in their and slaughter every single man, woman, child, goat, cow, horse, chicken and rat etc...

Then claimed 'God took if from them and gave it to us'?

Look if you care so much about what happened 2000 years ago in Israel, why don't you put your money where your mouth is for Australia and move out and give the country back to the indigenous people?

Ummm... Ummm... Ummm... mumble, blabber etc.

We are not talking about 2000 years ago.

[I also read that the gift by God of that land is not unconditional.
If they turn away from God and become evil oppressors than they break that covenant and they don't deserve it. God will return and punish them]

We're talking about the period 1917 - 1948, and then 1948 onwards.
We're not talking about the ghosts of people were talking about REAL people who still have these events in their memory.

Go read what I wrote on David Singers last thread.
The people living there were lied to.
They were encouraged to rise up and fight the Ottoman empire with the promise of self-determination by Laurence of Arabia.
(So the British Empire could get a foothold in the region, divide the Arab world and get their hands on the oil)
They were probably better off under the rule of the Ottomans than what they've been subjected to for 75 years...

And my Great Grandfather, a 1st Australian Lighthorseman fought in the Second battle of Gaza, watched his Aussie troops die for the sake of that cursed land which has been drenched in the blood of innocents ever since.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 3:49:57 PM
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Israeli Children Sing Of Gaza Annihilation In HUGE Public relations Fail!

Don't tell me the people on the other side of the fence are any better.
They don't hold any position of moral high ground, and a Palestinians life is worth no more or less than an Israeli life.

If anything the Israelis are far less desperate for change than the Palestinians are, that's all.
- Because they live the good life, while the others live in their concentration camps.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 4:04:12 PM
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There is simply no way for a sane human being to take a side in this insanity !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 5:07:21 PM
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