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The Forum > General Discussion > Should children be used as political activists?

Should children be used as political activists?

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'These students protesting are unknowingly supporting Hamas'
No they are supporting the concept of right and wrong and Israel is seen as being in the wrong.
If someone in your street commits a felony you don't kill all the people in the street as a consequence, and then have the audacity to expect legitimacy.
Puleeze, gimme a break here!
Posted by Special Delivery, Tuesday, 12 December 2023 2:06:29 PM
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If someone in your street commits a felony you don't kill all the people in the street as a consequence,
Special Delivery,
No but any sane human being would get fairly cautious about them when the people in the street join the chorus of commitment to annihilate all those who don’t conform to 2000 year old proven failure.
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 10:49:23 AM
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I don't know whether you're a member of the disillusioned who thinks climbing a ladder of consequence begins half way up, or you just have nothing else to do in which case you have my sympathy.
If every action has a reaction and before I comment on your,
'No but any sane human being would get fairly cautious about them when the people in the street join the chorus of commitment to annihilate all those who don’t conform to 2000 year old proven failure.'
How about you having another attempt at saying what you actually mean leaving out the conjecture and supposition.
Posted by Special Delivery, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 2:33:15 PM
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Special Delivery, you are morally ignorant of justice. If a terrorist organization was to rape and murder and burn all your relatives except a few whom they abduct for bargaining - get out of jail. In your view you would not seek everyone out and bring them to justice who are torturing your relatives.

Hamas still holds 143 hostages, and they are torturing and starving them, and you say let them die under the hands of people who want also to murder you.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 14 December 2023 7:55:17 AM
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I just heard on ABC Radio that a Palestinian called for Labor to be punished at the next election for not doing enough for the Palestinians.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 14 December 2023 9:12:45 AM
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'you are morally ignorant of justice'
Only a fool begins with an argument beginning with 'if' in attempting to present a distorted analogy on which to base an argument referenced on conjecture and supposition.
Hamas has what it has, and Israel is doing as it is.
The reasons as to cause did not start on October 7 but 70 years ago. However I recognise your limited capacity to understand cause and effect so I can only say you shouldn't believe that you're equipped to participate in matters above your level of comprehension.
Stick to comic books with pictures.
There's on old saying 'all receive benefit of doubt until they open their mouth'
Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 15 December 2023 8:53:08 AM
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