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Should children be used as political activists?

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Come on mate, surely having kids with the skills to look at both sides of an issue is desirable.
Couldn’t agree more. The problem here is not one of skill or the lack of it, the problem is one of mentality ! Bogan parents pass on their mentality in ninety out of a hundred cases.
Peter Principle bureaucracy ensures that bogans remain in the circles which require sound thinking & education of teachers is the crux of the problem.
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 27 November 2023 6:32:46 AM
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These childish protesters are uninformed and whipped up by misinformation to go along with the vibe. They are making statements that do not reflect Australian values supporting the Government position. Things Like, "Free Palestine", or "From the river to the sea Palestine shall be free". These statements are calling for the eradication of Israel as a State. They are told Israel is on stolen land but they are not told that Israeli's occupied the land for thousands of years and it was taken from them.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 27 November 2023 6:43:17 AM
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We can safely assume that 99% of the Australians in those protests couldn’t point to Palestine if put in front of a globe.
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 27 November 2023 7:13:43 AM
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There were also a lot calls to Allah, not usually associated with school kids.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 November 2023 8:14:43 AM
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"AC, you show your bias"
- My bias is against all this needless loss of life.
Palestinian people have just as much right to resist and a right to their own state, and to live in peace and dignity.

"Gazan children are supposed to stay in schools so Hamas can fire rockets from their school grounds."
- If that's true, (and I don't doubt it's happened) and Palestinians are pressed into making that kind of decision then it just goes to show how horrible the situation is that Israel has helped make for them.
It may reflect how evil they are as some suggest.
But it may also reflect their desperation for change.
It may also reflect how flawed Islam is that they can celebrate martyrdom.

Did you watch that video of a member of the IDF admitting to a general policy of terror and execution I added on the other thread?

"Israel gives Gazan citizens electricity, water and employment. What does Hamas do with the water pipes? they make rockets to fire back at Israel."

Israel only 'gives' what is in it's own interest to give.

How Israel created a water crisis for Palestinians – video

How does one 'give' something that it stole in the first place?
Lets say I came to your house and stole all your food and your family was starving.
If I allow you to have some of your food back so you and your family can survive am I a good person when I created the crisis in the first place?
Palestinians have 500bln in gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, if they built a power station of their own Israel would bomb it in order to have something to hold over them.
I'm not sure the story about the water pipes is true, but if it is it's probably sewage pipes not fresh water.

"Australian Children are shouting "Free Palestine", which means eradicate Israel."
- Aussie kids probably don't know what they are saying, they probably just see dead kids on the TV.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 9:04:30 AM
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And Israel was only created in 1948. There are probably many people still alive that remember things from before that time.
'eradicate' may mean 'kill them all', it may also mean they wish this toxic ethnostate that murders them would go back to wherever they came from and that things were better before they came.

'This is an extremist Islamic religious war against a democratic state.'
How is it a democracy when Netanyahu stacked the judiciary?
Do all the people in Israel and Palestine enjoy equal rights?
If not, then it's time to for a 2 state solution and for Israel to state it's borders and stop stealing land.

"If this issue was not in Hamas charter they would live in peace and build a civilized state fronting a great coastline."
Have you read the Charter, it says they do not accept the Zionist state of Israel, and why should they after what happened in 1948 when the land was taken by force. Notwithstanding their non-acceptance of the Zionist state they do support a 2 state solution.

Israel should state it's borders, and then I would change my position from 'Palestinians have a right to resist occupation and defend themselves', to one of 'denouncing any and all cross border incursions or attacks'.

"However you prefer to fall for the propaganda of the Left and the only answer is the removal of a Democratic State to be replaced by an Islamic State - which is what the conflict is about."

I don't know what the solutions are, I just support diplomacy, dialogue, negotiations and compromise over conflict.

Peace probably won't be possible for at least another generation or so now after Israels mass slaughter of innocents, so you may as well get used to it. There's probably more likelihood of a wider war eventuating than of a peaceful settlement to the conflict.

"You watch in 50 years Islam will endeavor to establish an Islamic State in Australia"
- I didn't let them in, I think all religions are shite and I support ethics over religion.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 9:06:33 AM
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