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Should children be used as political activists?

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A massive walkout is such a great way to bring
attention to an issue.

That is why it is important.

Kids are getting bombed.

That is a massive injustice.

It's worth a protest.

Glad to see it matters to our kids.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 November 2023 11:30:58 AM
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Foxy, it pays to tell the context. Children were slaughtered by barbarians with guns and knives and hoses burnt by fire in their presence and taken captive at gunpoint from their family. Almost 200 still remain captive in Hamas hideouts, I do not hear denouncement of this barbarity by the protesters. It's all about children being bombed, that Hamas is using as human shields. This is a travesty of inhumanity, but they have chosen to be ruled by barbarians.

The protests around the world, especially school children, are protesting a religious war of values. Islam has managed to capture the education system as the protests are one side of this religious war. They rate at the same level of hysteria of the Jews as did the Third Reich. This is threatening civil society and national security.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 26 November 2023 4:39:23 PM
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You religious fundos put everything down to being a "religious war" when in fact the situation in Palestine/Israel is an economic and social justice war. Its where a depressed group, the Palestinians, are fighting back against an oppressive group, the Israelis. Do I agree with their tactics, no, do I understand the reasons behind their actions, yes. No doubt the religious cult that you are a member of uses brainwashing and religious indoctrination to force children to your way of thinking. Are your clerics still abusing children? You've never denied they do!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 November 2023 5:10:27 PM
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"Islam has managed to capture the education system as the protests are one side of this religious war."
- What, and the Jews don't have Jewish religious schools pumping out radicalised settlers?

No offense Josephus, but don't whinge about the education system when your mob bombs the schools into rubble.

Your argument really doesn't pass the sniff test, sorry.
- Smells like BS.

‘Why bomb schools?’ Gaza families have no safe space amid Israeli attacks

Gaza: UN experts decry bombing of hospitals and schools as crimes against humanity, call for prevention of genocide

At Least 24 Killed in Strike on Gaza School Run by the U.N.
"Nearly 7,000 people were sheltering at the school, according to the United Nations. Another school had been struck on Friday."

Many killed in Israeli attacks on two schools in northern Gaza

At least 80 dead as Israel bombs UN schools in Gaza

This one's from 2021, Great March of Return
Fifty schools in Gaza and three in Israel have been damaged in the last week – Save the Children
"Fifty schools in Gaza have been damaged by Israeli airstrikes over the past week, Save the Children said today, impacting 41,897 children. Three further schools have reportedly been damaged in Israel by rockets from Gaza...
...The figures emerge as UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, said that 47,000 displaced people have been driven to use schools as shelter after losing their homes to airstrikes."

From 2014
'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15

Here just take the google link I used..

Whinging about the Hamas education system when you support the side bombing the schools and killing the kids is a bit rich..
- Kinda like pushing someone down a flight of stairs and then discriminating against them for being wheelchair bound.

"Hamas is in there!"

Yeah yeah, I know.
Hamas is the government Josephus, and the teachers probably work for the government, does that mean the teachers are Hamas?

"Well, there's school teachers in there!"
- No shite sherlock...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 November 2023 8:53:38 PM
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Apparently the school children in the anti-Israel skirmish were outnumbered by adults and people who never went to school in Australia.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 26 November 2023 10:18:26 PM
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AC, you show your bias. Israeli children have underground shelters into which they can escape the Hamas rockets. Gazan children are supposed to stay in schools so Hamas can fire rockets from their school grounds. If they get injured or killed Hamas knows that it gets the people riled up at the killing of civilian children. That is their strategy! Israel gives Gazan citizens electricity, water and employment. What does Hamas do with the water pipes? they make rockets to fire back at Israel.

Australian Children are shouting "Free Palestine", which means eradicate Israel. They are joining in the conflict and siding with radical Islam. This is an extremist Islamic religious war against a democratic state. If this issue was not in Hamas charter they would live in peace and build a civilized state fronting a great coastline. However you prefer to fall for the propaganda of the Left and the only answer is the removal of a Democratic State to be replaced by an Islamic State - which is what the conflict is about.

You watch in 50 years Islam will endeavor to establish an Islamic State in Australia - probably Victoria under sharia laws. Similar laws are already in place in Victoria.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 27 November 2023 6:32:37 AM
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