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The Forum > General Discussion > Should children be used as political activists?

Should children be used as political activists?

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Speaking of education...

Australian kids just may be some of the dumbest on the planet.
- And teachers are quitting in droves and there is a shortage.

>>A new Australian Education Union (AEU) survey of public-school teachers found 39 per cent of early career educators were planning to leave the profession within a decade.
The same survey in 2020 found just 18 per cent of new teachers wanted to quit within the same time frame...<<

>>...She said the children in her Year 5 class were at such different levels, she needed a wide range of resources to teach them.
"I can be teaching a lesson about spelling and reading at Year 5 level, and have children in the room who don't know the whole alphabet," she said.<<

Meanwhile we actually have organised student groups specifically for protesting.

Port of Newcastle blockaded as paddlers protest coal exports and lack of climate action
"Niamh Cush, 15, from School Strike 4 Climate, said she was "terrified" for her future due to climate change."

Hey Indyvidual
"Why aren’t their teachers & parents charged with a fine ?"

- fines?
The government is offering a tax deduction to donate to the cause.
"All electoral communications authorised by Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth, Collingwood
If you'd like a Tax Deductible donation you can support us via here.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 November 2023 6:24:12 PM
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Australian kids just may be some of the dumbest on the planet.
Armchair Critic,
Only among the Caucasians. Not their fault though. The blame lies squarely with the parents, teachers, Entertainment industries, social engineers & political parties. The legal system also plays into the hands of those who want to see Caucasians under the yoke.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 25 November 2023 6:59:47 PM
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Not only are Australian school children, in the public system anyway, way behind most of the world in learning, they are among the most feral.

Australian public school classes are 70th out of 77 on the list of unruliness, 77 being the worst rank.

We really need, for their sake as well as ours and Australia's, to get back to the old theory that children should be “seen but not heard”. They will get their chance after their brains have fully developed at around the age of 25 years - although there is no guarantee that all of them will reach that stage, as the poor quality of people in power, including politicians, demonstrates.

Something I picked up tonight: a survey of students at the University of London revealed that only 20% of young people believe that all views and opinions should be allowed.

It could be these young people, naively thought by some to be the shining lights of the future, might very well be the ones to take us back to the Dark Ages by changing our liberal culture to a socialist culture, aka Communism.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 25 November 2023 9:31:00 PM
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“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “
– Mark Twain
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 November 2023 9:17:48 AM
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Dear Indyvidual,

Come on mate, surely having kids with the skills to look at both sides of an issue is desirable. These aren't bogan kids marching but rather ones who are prepared to investigate and arrive at a different viewpoint to the status quo if the issue warrants it.

I think good on them.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 26 November 2023 11:14:11 AM
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Religious based schools, indoctrinate children from the age of five into believing falsehoods and mystic nonsense. To make matters worse, there are those who then hand the children over to Fr. Fookemup for more education!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 November 2023 11:20:14 AM
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