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Should children be used as political activists?
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 18 December 2023 2:32:56 PM
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Israel is ruthlessly murdering thousands of other kids?
Armchair Critic, Are you inferring they target children other than those used as human shields ? Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 7:04:21 AM
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The IDF is not deliberately targeting civilians, Gaza is not based on Christian values, but on hate and eradication of the Israeli State. That Christians are used a human shields is demonic, but true Christians are not sending rockets into Israel and torturing women and children taken hostage. There are still 136 Israeli hostages held by Hamas and Israel will not stop until all hostages are recovered. Hames still sends rockets at Israel into civilian areas. hamas does not want peace it believes it can call the Muslim brotherhood into this war to eradicate Israel, that is why they play on sympathy.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 7:36:04 AM
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Well, they deliberately target journalists and heath workers...
I'm not necessarily saying they deliberately target kids, but they certainly do know that kids will be killed with every bomb and missile they drop. And I'm fairly certain the aim is to collectively punish and terrorise the people of Gaza as much as anything else. They terrorise Gaza because they face no consequences. Nothing happens by accident Indy. When a 6-year-old girl is killed, it’s because someone in the army or government decided it wasn’t a big deal. Take that attitude long enough, and you have thousands of dead kids. Israel has murdered by more children per day than any other conflict in the world. Israel shot Women, Children & Babies sheltering at a school in Gaza, “Execution-Style” and piled up their corpses. IDF chief rabbi says it’s ok to rape Palestinians to boost Morale. The IDF is raping it’s way through Gaza. “Israel is irredeemable” - that is the prevailing sentiment around the world now. - And you people think you will destroy Hamas? I told you it was a recruitment drive for Hamas. You have millions of people even non-Muslims who have decided enough is enough. His granddaughter screamed as she was crushed under the rubble of Israeli bombs. Never forgive. Never forget. Did y’all know Mark Liebler wrote The Uluru Statement to the Heart? Why is a Jewish Zionist pretending to be Aboriginal and passing his work off as First Nations People? Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 7:51:53 AM
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Armchair Critic,
Awful situation. Do you think Israel would do that if the Palestinians were peaceful ? Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 11:13:05 AM
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"Awful situation. Do you think Israel would do that if the Palestinians were peaceful?"
Maybe, from some of the things I've seen I wouldn't put it past them. They seem to do whatever they think they can get away with regardless of human rights knowing the US will always block any moves against them. Pretty sure the Palestinians have tried peaceful change. It didn't work either. Why would you expect an oppressed people under occupation to be peaceful? Should the French resistance under the NAZI's also just stayed home and been 'peaceful' too? Grateful for their predicament? How much does it cost to buy the US government? "We supported 365 pro-Israel Democratic and Republican candidates in 2022 with more than $17 million in direct support through AIPAC." The Squad Is Getting Primaried for Standing Against the War "Fourteen Democratic senators called for a 'short-term cessation of hostilities' on Thursday, as Israel’s airstrikes continued for the fourth week and a ground invasion intensified. So far 18 House members have signed on to a resolution, introduced weeks earlier, with stronger calls for an 'immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine.' Pro-Israel lobbying groups have already begun efforts to oust House members pushing for a ceasefire." How Progressive Democrats Were Railroaded in the Primaries by AIPAC and Allied Groups 'A people-powered insurgency threatened to reshape the Democratic Party. Then came the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its allied super PAC, Democratic Majority for Israel.' "Nina Turner: I was told by a prominent Jewish businessman that ‘We’re coming at you with everything we got, you need to disavow the Squad.’ If I didn’t do it, they were coming for me. And that also the Palestinian community didn’t have rights that were more important than the state of Israel. I even have emails right now, to this day of local, primarily business leaders in the Jewish community where they were encouraging Republicans to vote in this primary and were saying things like: We must support Shontel Brown, in no way can we let Nina Turner win this race." Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 1:03:18 PM
I take the side of diplomacy, dialogue, negotiations and compromise over conflict.
As for the conflict in Gaza, I take the side of humanity.
I take the side of the oppressed over the oppressors.
You take the side of the terrorist Israeli government and IDF
- oppressors / ethnic cleansers / child murderers.
You know I love showing people what hypocrites and how full of shite they are.
Religious Christians who support Israel as it kills Christian women inside churches by sniper and tank fire, in the Holy Land, and you are one of those Christians, aren't you Josephus?
Does your version of Christianity teach you support Israel no matter what?
All that 'Love thy Enemy' and 'Do unto others' stuff,
'Thou shall not kill' etc.. just goes right down the toilet when God calls for you to unconditionally lick Jewish anus?
I'm not sure God will grant you brownie points for buttkissing Israel.
You should be defending the innocent, your fellow Christians brothers and sisters are being murdered by those you defend.
Even when they're murdering Christians in cold blood.
How does your religion work exactly mate?
Are you sure you don't worship Lucifer by chance?
Meh, I always said Christians are full of shite, so who cares
Reminds me of that OzSpen, mind had turned into scrambled eggs...
Hows it work with you?
No moral compass?
No conscience?
No sense of ethics?
No idea of right and wrong?
Nope. Lol.