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Should children be used as political activists?
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Posted by Josephus, Friday, 24 November 2023 8:35:40 AM
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These students protesting are unknowingly supporting Hamas and the extremist Muslim cause to eradicate Israel, "Chanting from the river to the sea". I note they say nothing about the release of Israeli captives held by Hamas, which includes children and babies. They are blinded by a radical religious Ideology.
The climate anxiety promoted by leftist teachers to children is extremist retoric and not based in climate science. The climate is heating up ever since the last Iceage, and we will not fry as the extremists claim. Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 25 November 2023 3:25:59 PM
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I don't support school students attending protests instead of being at school.
They're supposed to learn things to prepare for their own future as adults not be indoctrinated at school and used for political purposes. But that said, Israel has brought this whole situation on itself. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 November 2023 3:45:24 PM
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Why aren’t their teachers & parents charged with a fine ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 25 November 2023 3:56:49 PM
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I blame the parents who abandon their children to strangers before the age of five. Some of the kids are not even toilet trained when they are dumped into child care. Kids need their mothers at that age. No mother should have to go to work before the child starts school, and she has given them the nurturing and training they are entitled to.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 25 November 2023 5:22:31 PM
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The Education Minister needs to be made to make a stand on this !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 25 November 2023 5:42:53 PM
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Speaking of education...
Australian kids just may be some of the dumbest on the planet. - And teachers are quitting in droves and there is a shortage. >>A new Australian Education Union (AEU) survey of public-school teachers found 39 per cent of early career educators were planning to leave the profession within a decade. The same survey in 2020 found just 18 per cent of new teachers wanted to quit within the same time frame...<< >>...She said the children in her Year 5 class were at such different levels, she needed a wide range of resources to teach them. "I can be teaching a lesson about spelling and reading at Year 5 level, and have children in the room who don't know the whole alphabet," she said.<< Meanwhile we actually have organised student groups specifically for protesting. Port of Newcastle blockaded as paddlers protest coal exports and lack of climate action "Niamh Cush, 15, from School Strike 4 Climate, said she was "terrified" for her future due to climate change." Hey Indyvidual "Why aren’t their teachers & parents charged with a fine ?" - fines? The government is offering a tax deduction to donate to the cause. "All electoral communications authorised by Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth, Collingwood If you'd like a Tax Deductible donation you can support us via here. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 November 2023 6:24:12 PM
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Australian kids just may be some of the dumbest on the planet.
Armchair Critic, Only among the Caucasians. Not their fault though. The blame lies squarely with the parents, teachers, Entertainment industries, social engineers & political parties. The legal system also plays into the hands of those who want to see Caucasians under the yoke. Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 25 November 2023 6:59:47 PM
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Not only are Australian school children, in the public system anyway, way behind most of the world in learning, they are among the most feral.
Australian public school classes are 70th out of 77 on the list of unruliness, 77 being the worst rank. We really need, for their sake as well as ours and Australia's, to get back to the old theory that children should be “seen but not heard”. They will get their chance after their brains have fully developed at around the age of 25 years - although there is no guarantee that all of them will reach that stage, as the poor quality of people in power, including politicians, demonstrates. Something I picked up tonight: a survey of students at the University of London revealed that only 20% of young people believe that all views and opinions should be allowed. It could be these young people, naively thought by some to be the shining lights of the future, might very well be the ones to take us back to the Dark Ages by changing our liberal culture to a socialist culture, aka Communism. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 25 November 2023 9:31:00 PM
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“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “
– Mark Twain Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 November 2023 9:17:48 AM
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Dear Indyvidual,
Come on mate, surely having kids with the skills to look at both sides of an issue is desirable. These aren't bogan kids marching but rather ones who are prepared to investigate and arrive at a different viewpoint to the status quo if the issue warrants it. I think good on them. Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 26 November 2023 11:14:11 AM
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Religious based schools, indoctrinate children from the age of five into believing falsehoods and mystic nonsense. To make matters worse, there are those who then hand the children over to Fr. Fookemup for more education!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 November 2023 11:20:14 AM
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A massive walkout is such a great way to bring
attention to an issue. That is why it is important. Kids are getting bombed. That is a massive injustice. It's worth a protest. Glad to see it matters to our kids. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 26 November 2023 11:30:58 AM
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Foxy, it pays to tell the context. Children were slaughtered by barbarians with guns and knives and hoses burnt by fire in their presence and taken captive at gunpoint from their family. Almost 200 still remain captive in Hamas hideouts, I do not hear denouncement of this barbarity by the protesters. It's all about children being bombed, that Hamas is using as human shields. This is a travesty of inhumanity, but they have chosen to be ruled by barbarians.
The protests around the world, especially school children, are protesting a religious war of values. Islam has managed to capture the education system as the protests are one side of this religious war. They rate at the same level of hysteria of the Jews as did the Third Reich. This is threatening civil society and national security. Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 26 November 2023 4:39:23 PM
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You religious fundos put everything down to being a "religious war" when in fact the situation in Palestine/Israel is an economic and social justice war. Its where a depressed group, the Palestinians, are fighting back against an oppressive group, the Israelis. Do I agree with their tactics, no, do I understand the reasons behind their actions, yes. No doubt the religious cult that you are a member of uses brainwashing and religious indoctrination to force children to your way of thinking. Are your clerics still abusing children? You've never denied they do! Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 November 2023 5:10:27 PM
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"Islam has managed to capture the education system as the protests are one side of this religious war."
- What, and the Jews don't have Jewish religious schools pumping out radicalised settlers? No offense Josephus, but don't whinge about the education system when your mob bombs the schools into rubble. Your argument really doesn't pass the sniff test, sorry. - Smells like BS. ‘Why bomb schools?’ Gaza families have no safe space amid Israeli attacks Gaza: UN experts decry bombing of hospitals and schools as crimes against humanity, call for prevention of genocide At Least 24 Killed in Strike on Gaza School Run by the U.N. "Nearly 7,000 people were sheltering at the school, according to the United Nations. Another school had been struck on Friday." Many killed in Israeli attacks on two schools in northern Gaza At least 80 dead as Israel bombs UN schools in Gaza This one's from 2021, Great March of Return Fifty schools in Gaza and three in Israel have been damaged in the last week – Save the Children "Fifty schools in Gaza have been damaged by Israeli airstrikes over the past week, Save the Children said today, impacting 41,897 children. Three further schools have reportedly been damaged in Israel by rockets from Gaza... ...The figures emerge as UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, said that 47,000 displaced people have been driven to use schools as shelter after losing their homes to airstrikes." From 2014 'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15 Here just take the google link I used.. Whinging about the Hamas education system when you support the side bombing the schools and killing the kids is a bit rich.. - Kinda like pushing someone down a flight of stairs and then discriminating against them for being wheelchair bound. "Hamas is in there!" Yeah yeah, I know. Hamas is the government Josephus, and the teachers probably work for the government, does that mean the teachers are Hamas? "Well, there's school teachers in there!" - No shite sherlock... Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 November 2023 8:53:38 PM
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Apparently the school children in the anti-Israel skirmish were outnumbered by adults and people who never went to school in Australia.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 26 November 2023 10:18:26 PM
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AC, you show your bias. Israeli children have underground shelters into which they can escape the Hamas rockets. Gazan children are supposed to stay in schools so Hamas can fire rockets from their school grounds. If they get injured or killed Hamas knows that it gets the people riled up at the killing of civilian children. That is their strategy! Israel gives Gazan citizens electricity, water and employment. What does Hamas do with the water pipes? they make rockets to fire back at Israel.
Australian Children are shouting "Free Palestine", which means eradicate Israel. They are joining in the conflict and siding with radical Islam. This is an extremist Islamic religious war against a democratic state. If this issue was not in Hamas charter they would live in peace and build a civilized state fronting a great coastline. However you prefer to fall for the propaganda of the Left and the only answer is the removal of a Democratic State to be replaced by an Islamic State - which is what the conflict is about. You watch in 50 years Islam will endeavor to establish an Islamic State in Australia - probably Victoria under sharia laws. Similar laws are already in place in Victoria. Posted by Josephus, Monday, 27 November 2023 6:32:37 AM
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Come on mate, surely having kids with the skills to look at both sides of an issue is desirable.
SteeleRedux, Couldn’t agree more. The problem here is not one of skill or the lack of it, the problem is one of mentality ! Bogan parents pass on their mentality in ninety out of a hundred cases. Peter Principle bureaucracy ensures that bogans remain in the circles which require sound thinking & education of teachers is the crux of the problem. Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 27 November 2023 6:32:46 AM
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These childish protesters are uninformed and whipped up by misinformation to go along with the vibe. They are making statements that do not reflect Australian values supporting the Government position. Things Like, "Free Palestine", or "From the river to the sea Palestine shall be free". These statements are calling for the eradication of Israel as a State. They are told Israel is on stolen land but they are not told that Israeli's occupied the land for thousands of years and it was taken from them.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 27 November 2023 6:43:17 AM
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We can safely assume that 99% of the Australians in those protests couldn’t point to Palestine if put in front of a globe.
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 27 November 2023 7:13:43 AM
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There were also a lot calls to Allah, not usually associated with school kids.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 November 2023 8:14:43 AM
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"AC, you show your bias"
- My bias is against all this needless loss of life. Palestinian people have just as much right to resist and a right to their own state, and to live in peace and dignity. "Gazan children are supposed to stay in schools so Hamas can fire rockets from their school grounds." - If that's true, (and I don't doubt it's happened) and Palestinians are pressed into making that kind of decision then it just goes to show how horrible the situation is that Israel has helped make for them. It may reflect how evil they are as some suggest. But it may also reflect their desperation for change. It may also reflect how flawed Islam is that they can celebrate martyrdom. Did you watch that video of a member of the IDF admitting to a general policy of terror and execution I added on the other thread? "Israel gives Gazan citizens electricity, water and employment. What does Hamas do with the water pipes? they make rockets to fire back at Israel." Israel only 'gives' what is in it's own interest to give. How Israel created a water crisis for Palestinians – video How does one 'give' something that it stole in the first place? Lets say I came to your house and stole all your food and your family was starving. If I allow you to have some of your food back so you and your family can survive am I a good person when I created the crisis in the first place? Palestinians have 500bln in gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, if they built a power station of their own Israel would bomb it in order to have something to hold over them. I'm not sure the story about the water pipes is true, but if it is it's probably sewage pipes not fresh water. "Australian Children are shouting "Free Palestine", which means eradicate Israel." - Aussie kids probably don't know what they are saying, they probably just see dead kids on the TV. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 9:04:30 AM
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And Israel was only created in 1948. There are probably many people still alive that remember things from before that time. 'eradicate' may mean 'kill them all', it may also mean they wish this toxic ethnostate that murders them would go back to wherever they came from and that things were better before they came. 'This is an extremist Islamic religious war against a democratic state.' How is it a democracy when Netanyahu stacked the judiciary? Do all the people in Israel and Palestine enjoy equal rights? If not, then it's time to for a 2 state solution and for Israel to state it's borders and stop stealing land. "If this issue was not in Hamas charter they would live in peace and build a civilized state fronting a great coastline." Have you read the Charter, it says they do not accept the Zionist state of Israel, and why should they after what happened in 1948 when the land was taken by force. Notwithstanding their non-acceptance of the Zionist state they do support a 2 state solution. Israel should state it's borders, and then I would change my position from 'Palestinians have a right to resist occupation and defend themselves', to one of 'denouncing any and all cross border incursions or attacks'. "However you prefer to fall for the propaganda of the Left and the only answer is the removal of a Democratic State to be replaced by an Islamic State - which is what the conflict is about." I don't know what the solutions are, I just support diplomacy, dialogue, negotiations and compromise over conflict. Peace probably won't be possible for at least another generation or so now after Israels mass slaughter of innocents, so you may as well get used to it. There's probably more likelihood of a wider war eventuating than of a peaceful settlement to the conflict. "You watch in 50 years Islam will endeavor to establish an Islamic State in Australia" - I didn't let them in, I think all religions are shite and I support ethics over religion. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 9:06:33 AM
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I don't know what the solutions are Josephus,
- but I don't need to know what the solutions are to know the current situation isn't working. I denounce the violence and killing on both sides. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 9:22:58 AM
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The solution is a peaceful one of 'two states', fair and equatable to both Israelis and Palestinians. As AC said; "(I) know the current situation isn't working". The Zionists seem hell bent on some kind of "final solution", where all Palestinians are wiped off the face of the Earth, if a bullet don't get them, then starvation and disease will. I can't see anything coming from the Israelis as to what they intend for the Palestinian people after they have eliminated Hamas.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 November 2023 12:55:15 PM
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I see the claim that Israel exists on stolen land. It is evident they do not know the history of the land. Israel lived on the Land of Palestine for thousands of years until the Romans and Arabs moved in. The Land was given to those fleeing Hitler after the war, and there were already many Jews buying land in Palestine since 1836, to reestablish their homeland.
Abraham and his family occupied the land from 1930 BC till the drought that took them down to Egypt at the encouragement of Joseph for 300 years when Moses led them back to the land, where they existed till 72AD when the Romans dispersed many of them, because they did not view Caesar as God. There has always been some Jews in the Land the Romans called Palestine. It is a secular democratic State, I have relatives living there. The Extremist Muslim Arabs despise it because it is no longer under Shariah laws, like the restof the Middle East. Posted by Josephus, Monday, 27 November 2023 2:27:41 PM
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"I see the claim that Israel exists on stolen land. It is evident they do not know the history of the land."
Didn't King David go in their and slaughter every single man, woman, child, goat, cow, horse, chicken and rat etc... Then claimed 'God took if from them and gave it to us'? Look if you care so much about what happened 2000 years ago in Israel, why don't you put your money where your mouth is for Australia and move out and give the country back to the indigenous people? Ummm... Ummm... Ummm... mumble, blabber etc. We are not talking about 2000 years ago. [I also read that the gift by God of that land is not unconditional. If they turn away from God and become evil oppressors than they break that covenant and they don't deserve it. God will return and punish them] We're talking about the period 1917 - 1948, and then 1948 onwards. We're not talking about the ghosts of people were talking about REAL people who still have these events in their memory. Go read what I wrote on David Singers last thread. The people living there were lied to. They were encouraged to rise up and fight the Ottoman empire with the promise of self-determination by Laurence of Arabia. (So the British Empire could get a foothold in the region, divide the Arab world and get their hands on the oil) They were probably better off under the rule of the Ottomans than what they've been subjected to for 75 years... And my Great Grandfather, a 1st Australian Lighthorseman fought in the Second battle of Gaza, watched his Aussie troops die for the sake of that cursed land which has been drenched in the blood of innocents ever since. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 3:49:57 PM
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Israeli Children Sing Of Gaza Annihilation In HUGE Public relations Fail! Don't tell me the people on the other side of the fence are any better. They don't hold any position of moral high ground, and a Palestinians life is worth no more or less than an Israeli life. If anything the Israelis are far less desperate for change than the Palestinians are, that's all. - Because they live the good life, while the others live in their concentration camps. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 November 2023 4:04:12 PM
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There is simply no way for a sane human being to take a side in this insanity !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 5:07:21 PM
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Well if you can't support one side Indy
You can always support a 'thing' instead. Those things might be: Supporting diplomacy, discussion, dialogue, negotiation, compromise and peace - Over conflict. Support the lives of innocent civilians and non-combatants, - Over continued needless loss of life and other casualties Support de-escalation over escalation. Support love over hate Support forgiveness over vengeance. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 6:42:35 PM
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Armchair Critic,
None of these have worked in 2000 years as far as I can make out. I suppose the only one (with no chance of being heeded) that could work is the last one. Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 29 November 2023 6:54:33 AM
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Quote, "Teachers who engage in a campaign to show solidarity with Palestine face misconduct processes if they are found to be in breach of their professional code of conduct. Premier Jacinta Allan said on Tuesday the Education Department was working with schools in response to the teachers’ week of action, which encourages them to show support for Palestinians during the Israel-Hamas war by wearing a traditional keffiyeh scarf or inviting advocates into classrooms. Allan would not say what specific action could be taken but Education Department deputy secretary David Howes warned in a letter to principals on Monday that teachers who took part in the campaign risked breaching their obligation to maintain impartiality and public trust. Howes said it was important teachers were reminded that school staff “should not use their professional position to make political statements or seek to influence the political views of students”. A government school teacher involved in the campaign said they had been warned they may be in breach of several clauses in the public sector’s code of conduct, including impartiality, using their platform for personal gain and bringing the department or school into disrepute. A teacher who says she was sent home for giving colleagues leaflets that supported Palestine said school staff have been told to shut down classroom conversations about the Israel-Hamas war. “We have been told to not allow any discussions in the classrooms in regards to what is happening in Palestine and in Israel,” she said. “You can see the grief in the students and I don’t think they know how to process at all. I think the silence that is coming from the schools is actually quite damaging.” “Schools are a place where students cannot just get a great education, they can get the support that they need through challenging times and these are challenging times for many in our community,” she said. “It is simply not appropriate for additional division, additional distress to be brought into classrooms by this sort of action that could potentially cause distress to some students.” Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 29 November 2023 10:41:12 AM
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Continue, Quote" A teacher involved in the action, who wanted to be known only as Lucy, said staff and students had expressed relief the issue was being discussed in schools, which had up to this point conveyed “disturbing” expectations on teachers not to discuss the war.
“When UN officials are calling it a genocide, it’s really, really important for teachers to do what we have said for generations, which is not to be silent in the face of that,” Lucy said. “Schools must be a place – and they already are a place – for discussion about this.” Lucy said she was not concerned by what she dubbed an “absurd reading” of the code of conduct, which also said teachers must be leaders on human rights. In a letter to the Victorian branch of the teachers’ union on Tuesday, the presidents of Zionism Victoria and the Zionist Federation of Australia said they were deeply disturbed by the initiative. “The message to educators and, in turn, to students, lacks any balance or context...This one-sided and biased initiative will sow antisemitism into our schools and radicalise students against Israel and Jews,” Yossi Goldfarb and Jeremy Leibler wrote The government’s response to the school strike as confusing and the involvement of school children in protests as exploitative. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 29 November 2023 10:42:40 AM
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had expressed relief the issue was being discussed in schools,
Yeah right ! One-way indoctrination is no discussion in anyone’s but the Woke language. Demote the teachers involved & make those students repeat their past year or fail them ! Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 30 November 2023 8:56:04 AM
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The teachers involved in those protests were most likely the kind of Public Servants Paul1405 speaks so highly of.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 9 December 2023 7:59:03 PM
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If you got your way, you'd sack 95% of public servants, you said so yourself. nurses, doctors, teachers, police officers, military personnel, even the bloke who picks up your garbage. I got a better savings idea, how about we sack 95% of the old fart's on welfare like you, particularly those like you, that make ridiculous statements. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 9 December 2023 9:10:59 PM
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So, what would your solution be regarding non-performing bureaucrats ? You waffle on about Pensioners on $1000/fortnight being a burden yet you don’t seem too perturbed to keep bureaudroids doing even less than pensioners on big salaries plus Massive Taxpayer funded Super? Is it because you’re one of them ? Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 11 December 2023 6:09:05 AM
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Within any large organisation, such as a public company, or the public service, those employed from management down to the bottom rung will demonstrate various degrees of competencies. These organisations all have mechanisms in place to monitor performance. I at sometime worked for both, and from my experience the rigour of checks and balances is greater in the PS than it was in public companies. In both cases "personality" was very much in play. For a manager to asses ones performance on a scale of 1 to 10 by ticking boxes and writing comments is simply arbitrary. As for in house training, I found there was a greater commitment from the PS to competence training in house, than that demonstrated by private organisations. Can I say what is the level of competency in the PS overall, I don't know, certainly you don't know, or anyone else for that matter. Your's is all a minds eye view, with your 95% nonsense, it simply defies reality. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 11 December 2023 6:36:37 AM
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Paul. The new workplace laws introduced by labor and Greens, there are no performance criteria. You are paid the same for holding the same position no matter the performance. That is what small business is objecting to. If you are in the Public Service, you can now sit in an office and twiddle your thumbs all day and be paid the same as those that carry the workload.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 11 December 2023 7:29:14 AM
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Like the other old conservatives on this forum with a bent against the public service in general, you create your own false view of the workings of the PS with your misinformed statements like; "(In) the Public Service, you can now sit in an office and twiddle your thumbs all day and be paid the same as those that carry the workload." In any large organisation there is a cross section of diverse people, some hard working, other lazy, etc, which I believe the lazy are in a minority. Your conservative political mates for their own ideological reasons peddle the notion that all public servants are inherently lazy, inefficient, worthless, people, and those of your bent run with those false beliefs. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 11 December 2023 7:59:22 AM
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peddle the notion that all public servants are inherently lazy, inefficient, worthless, people ….
Paul1405, There you go again with quoting words no-one is saying. What is being said is the undeniable fact that the Public Service would be more efficiently administered with a far smaller number of bureaucrats. The excessive number of bureaucrats who got there via the Peter Principle is in fact the brake that brings administrative efficiency to a mere crawl & at times into reverse ! Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 12 December 2023 1:33:49 PM
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'These students protesting are unknowingly supporting Hamas'
No they are supporting the concept of right and wrong and Israel is seen as being in the wrong. If someone in your street commits a felony you don't kill all the people in the street as a consequence, and then have the audacity to expect legitimacy. Puleeze, gimme a break here! Posted by Special Delivery, Tuesday, 12 December 2023 2:06:29 PM
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If someone in your street commits a felony you don't kill all the people in the street as a consequence,
Special Delivery, No but any sane human being would get fairly cautious about them when the people in the street join the chorus of commitment to annihilate all those who don’t conform to 2000 year old proven failure. Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 10:49:23 AM
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I don't know whether you're a member of the disillusioned who thinks climbing a ladder of consequence begins half way up, or you just have nothing else to do in which case you have my sympathy. If every action has a reaction and before I comment on your, . 'No but any sane human being would get fairly cautious about them when the people in the street join the chorus of commitment to annihilate all those who don’t conform to 2000 year old proven failure.' . How about you having another attempt at saying what you actually mean leaving out the conjecture and supposition. Posted by Special Delivery, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 2:33:15 PM
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Special Delivery, you are morally ignorant of justice. If a terrorist organization was to rape and murder and burn all your relatives except a few whom they abduct for bargaining - get out of jail. In your view you would not seek everyone out and bring them to justice who are torturing your relatives.
Hamas still holds 143 hostages, and they are torturing and starving them, and you say let them die under the hands of people who want also to murder you. Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 14 December 2023 7:55:17 AM
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I just heard on ABC Radio that a Palestinian called for Labor to be punished at the next election for not doing enough for the Palestinians.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 14 December 2023 9:12:45 AM
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'you are morally ignorant of justice' Only a fool begins with an argument beginning with 'if' in attempting to present a distorted analogy on which to base an argument referenced on conjecture and supposition. Hamas has what it has, and Israel is doing as it is. The reasons as to cause did not start on October 7 but 70 years ago. However I recognise your limited capacity to understand cause and effect so I can only say you shouldn't believe that you're equipped to participate in matters above your level of comprehension. Stick to comic books with pictures. There's on old saying 'all receive benefit of doubt until they open their mouth' Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 15 December 2023 8:53:08 AM
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The reasons as to cause did not start on October 7 but 70 years ago.
Special Delivery, So, what were e all the quarrels with non Muslims over the past 2000 years ago about ? I mean aren’t many Islamist calling for all non Muslims not just the Jews to be done away with ? What is the agenda there ? Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 16 December 2023 7:27:01 AM
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It is said that 'argue with a fool and you will always lose' . Guess that means you win! Posted by Special Delivery, Sunday, 17 December 2023 11:34:30 PM
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Special Delivery,
I’m leaning more towards the saying that those with no retort resort to ridicule. It’s a typical intellectual cop-out. Pity you can only parrot Paul1405 instead of offering useful/constructive comments. Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 18 December 2023 7:07:06 AM
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Indyvidual, special delivery has poor cognitive skills and is unable to reason logically to put an argument for his case. He resorts to insults instead.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 18 December 2023 7:26:22 AM
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In a letter to the Victorian branch of the teachers’ union on Tuesday, the presidents of Zionism Victoria and the Zionist Federation of Australia said they were deeply disturbed by the initiative.
“The message to educators and, in turn, to students, lacks any balance or context...This one-sided and biased initiative will sow antisemitism into our schools and radicalise students against Israel and Jews,” Yossi Goldfarb and Jeremy Leibler wrote. So we have a Zionist directive passed onto Australian teachers not to discuss the topic? I bet the Zionists wouldn't have a problem if there were classes teaching the kids how Palestinians are vermin that need to be wiped out. Why don't these 2 Hitlers come in to the school and explain to the kids themselves why Israel is ruthlessly murdering thousands of other kids? - They should do that, and explain why Israel has a 'right to exist' when it acts this way, or else they should both just stfu. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 18 December 2023 10:18:06 AM
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AC, i see you take the side of the terrorist Hamas and their supporters. Who believe Israel does not have a right to exist anywhere even in Australian schools.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 18 December 2023 2:02:19 PM
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"AC, I see you take the side of the terrorist Hamas and their supporters."
I take the side of diplomacy, dialogue, negotiations and compromise over conflict. As for the conflict in Gaza, I take the side of humanity. I take the side of the oppressed over the oppressors. You take the side of the terrorist Israeli government and IDF - oppressors / ethnic cleansers / child murderers. You know I love showing people what hypocrites and how full of shite they are. Religious Christians who support Israel as it kills Christian women inside churches by sniper and tank fire, in the Holy Land, and you are one of those Christians, aren't you Josephus? Does your version of Christianity teach you support Israel no matter what? All that 'Love thy Enemy' and 'Do unto others' stuff, 'Thou shall not kill' etc.. just goes right down the toilet when God calls for you to unconditionally lick Jewish anus? I'm not sure God will grant you brownie points for buttkissing Israel. You should be defending the innocent, your fellow Christians brothers and sisters are being murdered by those you defend. Even when they're murdering Christians in cold blood. How does your religion work exactly mate? Are you sure you don't worship Lucifer by chance? Meh, I always said Christians are full of shite, so who cares Reminds me of that OzSpen, mind had turned into scrambled eggs... Hows it work with you? No moral compass? No conscience? No sense of ethics? No idea of right and wrong? Nope. Lol. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 18 December 2023 2:32:56 PM
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Israel is ruthlessly murdering thousands of other kids?
Armchair Critic, Are you inferring they target children other than those used as human shields ? Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 7:04:21 AM
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The IDF is not deliberately targeting civilians, Gaza is not based on Christian values, but on hate and eradication of the Israeli State. That Christians are used a human shields is demonic, but true Christians are not sending rockets into Israel and torturing women and children taken hostage. There are still 136 Israeli hostages held by Hamas and Israel will not stop until all hostages are recovered. Hames still sends rockets at Israel into civilian areas. hamas does not want peace it believes it can call the Muslim brotherhood into this war to eradicate Israel, that is why they play on sympathy.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 7:36:04 AM
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Well, they deliberately target journalists and heath workers...
I'm not necessarily saying they deliberately target kids, but they certainly do know that kids will be killed with every bomb and missile they drop. And I'm fairly certain the aim is to collectively punish and terrorise the people of Gaza as much as anything else. They terrorise Gaza because they face no consequences. Nothing happens by accident Indy. When a 6-year-old girl is killed, it’s because someone in the army or government decided it wasn’t a big deal. Take that attitude long enough, and you have thousands of dead kids. Israel has murdered by more children per day than any other conflict in the world. Israel shot Women, Children & Babies sheltering at a school in Gaza, “Execution-Style” and piled up their corpses. IDF chief rabbi says it’s ok to rape Palestinians to boost Morale. The IDF is raping it’s way through Gaza. “Israel is irredeemable” - that is the prevailing sentiment around the world now. - And you people think you will destroy Hamas? I told you it was a recruitment drive for Hamas. You have millions of people even non-Muslims who have decided enough is enough. His granddaughter screamed as she was crushed under the rubble of Israeli bombs. Never forgive. Never forget. Did y’all know Mark Liebler wrote The Uluru Statement to the Heart? Why is a Jewish Zionist pretending to be Aboriginal and passing his work off as First Nations People? Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 7:51:53 AM
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Armchair Critic,
Awful situation. Do you think Israel would do that if the Palestinians were peaceful ? Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 11:13:05 AM
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"Awful situation. Do you think Israel would do that if the Palestinians were peaceful?"
Maybe, from some of the things I've seen I wouldn't put it past them. They seem to do whatever they think they can get away with regardless of human rights knowing the US will always block any moves against them. Pretty sure the Palestinians have tried peaceful change. It didn't work either. Why would you expect an oppressed people under occupation to be peaceful? Should the French resistance under the NAZI's also just stayed home and been 'peaceful' too? Grateful for their predicament? How much does it cost to buy the US government? "We supported 365 pro-Israel Democratic and Republican candidates in 2022 with more than $17 million in direct support through AIPAC." The Squad Is Getting Primaried for Standing Against the War "Fourteen Democratic senators called for a 'short-term cessation of hostilities' on Thursday, as Israel’s airstrikes continued for the fourth week and a ground invasion intensified. So far 18 House members have signed on to a resolution, introduced weeks earlier, with stronger calls for an 'immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine.' Pro-Israel lobbying groups have already begun efforts to oust House members pushing for a ceasefire." How Progressive Democrats Were Railroaded in the Primaries by AIPAC and Allied Groups 'A people-powered insurgency threatened to reshape the Democratic Party. Then came the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its allied super PAC, Democratic Majority for Israel.' "Nina Turner: I was told by a prominent Jewish businessman that ‘We’re coming at you with everything we got, you need to disavow the Squad.’ If I didn’t do it, they were coming for me. And that also the Palestinian community didn’t have rights that were more important than the state of Israel. I even have emails right now, to this day of local, primarily business leaders in the Jewish community where they were encouraging Republicans to vote in this primary and were saying things like: We must support Shontel Brown, in no way can we let Nina Turner win this race." Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 1:03:18 PM
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Armchair Critic,
Thank you for your reply. I’d like to put this question again but specifically to unbiased OLOers. Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 19 December 2023 1:15:13 PM
Can teachers be charged with promoting hate speech and misinformation in class?