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The Forum > General Discussion > Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

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Hi Indy,

If as you say you have worked 52 years in this Country, then I humbly apologise for the insult "snout in the trough" indeed, most unworthy of a bloke who put in such an effort. I like your worked from the age of 17, put myself through "night school" for 8 years and worked till 65. I did run a small design and consultancy business for 3 years. At 50 I had a change of life after 30 years in Engineering, found another calling in an entirely different field. Yes I made some investments that paid off, but only to a degree, low interest rates did hurt some, but we have property that has more than made up for it. We still help the kids, although with the youngest being 35, you would think 'help time' might have ended some years ago, but not so. I estimate since retirement we have give the kids $100k, for mostly the grandchildren, before retirement another $100k. If we end up old and broke I say to the wife; "I don't know who'll be looking after us, but I bet it wont be the "kids".
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 April 2023 8:15:41 AM
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Why is Peter Dutton lying through his teeth when it comes to the Voice. Is if because he is a racists bigot, or is he a simple flat footed ex-copper who can't comprehend the concept? If the reason is he's a racist bigot, then we don't want him as Prime Minister of Australia. If it is because he's a dumb arse ex-copper, then we don't want him as Prime Minister of Australia.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 April 2023 9:33:14 AM
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My parents couldn't afford to send me to further education. Eight years of Primary School & that was it. Apprenticeship at 14, tradesman by 17. To Australia before 20 & it's been work & Tax ever since !
Four cars stolen & three break-ins & a major theft stalled me financially for years. Police & Law dismissed my enquiries to pursue a couple of those incidents. Civil Libertarians just said sorry Mate, can't help you, we're batting for the other team.
I think that should just about explain my aversion to people in Authority !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 9 April 2023 10:28:35 AM
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It's you that are lying through your teeth because you are a racist and a bigot.

Better an ex-copper who's made millions as a businessman than a failed engineer and ex-con.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 9 April 2023 10:48:26 AM
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It is essential that local people become responsible for their lives in their locality, not a Voice in Canberra. That has been the problem all along even NIAA with its $4.5 Billion has not been able to solve the problems as it is already advising the Government. The locals will have to step up and solve their local problems, which is the way society works. If it is water demonstrate how to find water, if it is food develop ways to have local income or farming.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 9 April 2023 2:22:24 PM
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Like Howard and Menzies before him, the Liberal Party needs to sanitise and deodorise Dud Dutton's past history, particularly his employment history. The Dud left high school and joined the Queensland coppers as Constable Dud, almost 10 years later in 1999 he was booted as Sn Constable Dud, claiming he could no longer drive a patrol car. he then tried to sue for $128K in compo. After exiting the coppers Dutton went to work for his Old Mans construction business for about 2 years, before entering Federal politics as a LNP member in 2001. Dud wife did make a lot of money through a child care business operated during the LNP's one term in office in Queensland.

If Dutton made millions as you claim, it must have either been during his time as a copper, or during the 20 odd years he has been a federal MP. What do you say.

On his record I wouldn't trust Dutton to run a bath, let alone the country. I don't know of any failed engineer and ex-con who wants to be PM, only that jerk off who never made it anyway.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 April 2023 4:43:53 PM
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