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The Forum > General Discussion > Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

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Paul the spiteful little mind- Peter Dutton is only one member of a Party that is intelligent enough to recognize we are being conned by Albanese and an elite group of well of aboriginals living in first world conditions to relinquish power in decision making to them. This will achieve the same as NIAA, except control Government thinking.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 10 April 2023 9:05:33 AM
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Proud Boy Jose'

You call me a "spiteful little mind" yet YOU SIR as you have clearly demonstrated by your continual negative posts towards Aboriginal people your hateful racism and bigotry. End of story!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 April 2023 9:36:58 AM
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Hi Paul

I'm missing Foxy.

Is she still kicking?

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Monday, 10 April 2023 3:10:50 PM
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Clearly, you have bugger all on Dutton, so like the weasel you are, you use innuendo and slander.

As for the gangreens, they all do stuff and have their noses firmly in the trough. SHY was a bank teller with the IQ of a squid and uses taxpayer money for joy rides.

Albozo uses the jet to go to a footy game.

If there is corruption to find, look in your backyard.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 10 April 2023 3:49:59 PM
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Other than pre school/school 18 years , coppers about 10 years and politics 22 years. Dutton is aged 52, there is a 2 year period in Dutton's adult life when he was neither a copper, or a politician. You say "Dutton made millions" well if it wasn't in those short 2 years, between being a copper and a politician, then was it when he was a copper, maybe he was in the drug squad, or when he was a politician, maybe he was the minister for printing money. YOU TELL ME?

Dutton jr joined the family construction business which Dutton sn had set up 30 years beforehand. When good old Pete joined the business Dutton Holding came into existence in 2000, it soon operated under 6 different registered names. The Dutton's business was one of taking cheap old buildings, and based on the Old Mans building knowledge revamping them, and on selling them for a very handsome profit as quickly registered child care centres going concerns. As Dutton was a federal MP, his wife was the main beneficiary from Dutton Holdings as far as he was concerned. The LNP was in power in Qld 2012/15.

BTW, I was incorrect, on leaving the coppers Peter Dutton sued for $250k not $128 as I said.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 April 2023 5:44:52 PM
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Hi Mavs,

I know nothing of Foxy, and why she no longer posts on this Forum, she being one of the few long term regular contributors with alternate opinion. A very sensitive person who took abusive comment to heart, I told her to apply 'The Armadillo Principle' more than once over the years. Unfortunately most of the good contributors have left, and the forum has become nothing more than a boring and predictable drain for the regular "Old Farts" to vent their spleens down.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 April 2023 6:06:00 PM
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