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The Forum > General Discussion > Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question

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There seems to be a lot of doubtful language floating around in the posts.
Is it really necessary?
I suppose it helps people to 'let off steam'?

And there is one thing to be said for the libs.
They are the only major organisation which opposes the 'yes' vote?
For that I take my hat off to them.

However, I still want to know EXACTLY who wants the 'yes' vote.
And I still want them to tell me EXACTLY why they want it.
They, whoever they are, are not doing a very good job when explaining it.
So do they really understand what they are asking for?

That circumstance alone should lead any sane person to a 'no' vote.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Monday, 10 April 2023 7:29:26 PM
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EXACTLY who wants the 'yes' vote.
Ipso fatso,
Those privileged who try so damn hard to be seen as discriminated against & those brainwashed who believe them !
Normal thinking, decent people can see the power-crazed connivery behind it all !
Those who demand compensation for what their own ancestors did to their ancestors !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 5:59:58 AM
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By definition are you claiming those who vote 'YES' are insane? From the latest opinion polls that's the majority of voters. A 'YES' vote may not succeed, should that be the outcome it wont be the end for the struggle of Aboriginal people, they have struggled and suffered at the hands of Europeans for 235 years. No previous referendum has had so much debate, so much consultation, so many answers than this one, yet some are still demanding more, and will do so for ever and a day. The certainty and clarity of what is proposed is abundantly clear to me, and to many others, yet there are those who are deliberately being obtuse and demanding more. I suspect many making these demands are not "thick as some" and are deliberately trying to muddy the waters for ulterior motives, the 'Cow Cocky' Party is a prime example of that. Dutton knows what it's all about, he is deliberately trying to politicise it for his own selfish reasons, hoping to raise his own disastrous political stocks, which are presently at rock bottom. Dutton's past record shows him, if not a racist, certainly a bigot when it comes to Aboriginal people.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 6:16:24 AM
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As I stated here before, I'd be in favour of YES if the proposed organisation in charge were made up of well-meaning, decent people. Because I don't see such people supporting YES I am hesitant to give my support. I have lived & worked among people who are more interested in perpetuating disharmony rather than promoting it.
If someone from the YES camp can show us how they will not make this an ATSIC Mk2 or is manned by ATSIC Mk1 character type people then I could be swayed. You see, my problem in this are not the indigenous because they won't see a Cent or get any sensible benefits, my problem is to already know that it'll be a very, very light-coloured sea of bureaudroids & consultants congesting at the various troughs !
Show me a better picture & I'm with you !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 7:11:33 AM
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Paul, you cannot see the present status of aboriginals as you continually post history, a history of many "sorrys". " A 'YES' vote may not succeed, should that be the outcome it won't be the end for the struggle of Aboriginal people, they have struggled and suffered at the hands of Europeans for 235 years."
WHAT IS THEIR STRUGGLE? Remove all European settlement?
They have equality with any citizen, and many are wealthy above the average citizen. Where is the current suffering at the hands of Europeans? They suffer more at the hands of their own people. Is that the only reason you can think of to give them a power advantage in the constitution?

Those living remotely cannot expect the same services as those in the towns and cities, the same as any non-aboriginal person living remotely
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 7:31:55 AM
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Remove all European settlement?
Europeans are tolerated as a necessary evil by most non-Europeans. That is blatantly evident when you see where the all non-Caucasian refugees are headed & to whom their hands are automatically extended to receive ! But, when a Caucasian has to disturb the environment in order to get the materials for which those hands are extended, he/she is branded a reckless racist !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 11 April 2023 10:23:01 AM
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