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Finally Clarity The Voice Referendum Question
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Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 12 April 2023 11:53:18 AM
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Prolific OLO author (up to 2018) BRUCE HAIGH sadly passed away on April 7, 2023
Bruce's collected OLO Articles and a mini-biography are at His OLO biography reads: "Bruce Haigh is a retired Australian diplomat. He worked on Indonesian affairs and has written many articles, papers and a book on issues relating to Indonesia. He comments on international and domestic issues and farms olives and grapes at Mudgee, New South Wales. Bruce Haigh has 35 years experience in foreign policy and security analysis. He served in South Africa from 1976-79 and ran a training program for black South Africans in Australia from 1990-93 and recently gave his extensive black South African art collection back to the nation. Bruce Haigh served twice in Pakistan and Afghanistan and also in Iran and Saudi Arabia. He was a friend of Benazir Bhutto. His grandfather served as a soldier on the NW Frontier of India based in Quetta, Peshawar and Rawalpindi in 1904-05." Bruce was also published frequently by the Canberra Times and other fine newspapers. A fond Tribute "Bruce Haigh: a farewell" was written by Julian Cribb, dated April 9, 2023, at Bruce's collected essays, all but one written after his OLO career, are at Goodbye Bruce. You were a great humanitarian bloke and a stirring OLO author. Mavs Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 12 April 2023 5:31:59 PM
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Hi Mavs,
Thanks for that short critique of the "Dutton Doctrine" on "The Voice". I demand answers before I could support that doctrine! Where and how in the Constitution does he propose recognition of First Nations people appears. I suspect he wants some meaningless soft soap nonsense in the preamble. How would the voice of those in the far flung communities be transmitted to The Dud and those of his ilk in Canberra? I'm somewhat sceptical about the sincerity of the claims of Dutton that he wants improvement through practical outcomes for Aboriginal people, when The Dud and co sat on their hands for 10 years whilst in office. Another LIBERAL in the form of SIMON BIRMINGHAM is about to jump ship, he has told Dutton he wont campaign against The Voice referendum, and has give The Dud a week to find a compromise. Hardliners are demanding Birmingham resign. Good to see Ken Wyatt (ex-liberal party minister and member) out and about with Linda Burney campaigning for the 'YES' vote. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 13 April 2023 5:24:22 AM
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The Voice will divide intermarried aboriginal families and give those with aboriginal DNA preference over their cousins of non-indigenous heritage. This is a travesty of equality promoted by the Yes case for a voice. Dividing cousins by race is not the Australian way nor is it Christian as all persons deserve equality of opportunity under our laws.
Singling out a race or a religion or sexual preference as a basis of special treatment is third World politics and can lead to dictatorships. This happened under Hitler who singled out white Caucasians for preference over Jews. To be true to equal justice - VOTE NO. Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 13 April 2023 9:05:08 AM
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Proud Boy Jose'
Once again trying to associate those supporting the 'YES' vote with Hitler. Typical of YOU! Just as you claimed gay marriage would lead to wholesale instances of people wanting to marry animals, among other ridiculous claims, remember those outrageous claims of yours. Since none of them eventuated you will deny them now. Deja vu, as you peddle more of your nonsensical exaggerated claims this time about 'The Voice'. A third house of parliament, aboriginals making laws over us all, etc, all a load of tripe. There are genuine people who will vote YES! There are genuine people who will vote NO! Then there is the likes of YOU! Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:22:10 PM
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Hi Paul
Don't worry about the extremists, over-represented on OLO. There limited worldview is populated by: Stalin/Mao vs Hitler Bad Blacks/Muslims vs Noble White Christians with no subtle shades, humanitarianism or individuality in between. Mavs Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 13 April 2023 5:15:05 PM
"Despite the political acrimony over the Voice referendum, what’s most striking is the similarities between the positions of the Coalition and the Labor government.
Both agree Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be recognised in the Constitution.
Both agree practical outcomes are needed to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians.
Both agree parliament and the executive government need to be better informed about the laws and policies they make, and that they need to hear the voices of those on the ground who are affected by those laws and policies.
Given this agreement about what needs to be done, why is there disagreement about the referendum?
The key sticking point seems to be the relationship between constitutional recognition and achieving practical outcomes. The Albanese government proposes to achieve practical outcomes by establishing a constitutional means by which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can influence the laws and policies that affect them.
...In contrast, the Coalition proposes that constitutional recognition be split from practical outcomes. It would instead legislate to establish local and regional Voices, but not a national Voice.
It’s unclear what kind of constitutional recognition the Coalition proposes. But it would appear to be symbolic recognition, such as a reference in a preamble. This could be in either the existing preamble in the British Act that contains the Australian Constitution, or in a new preamble inserted in the Constitution itself..."
More at of April 6, 2023