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The Forum > General Discussion > Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

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In a sense Hebrewism is responsible for Christian Imperialism- Christianity being an sect of entryist Hebrewism especially during the early stages- Nietzsche appears to agree. All civilizations act tyrannically when outgroups act outside the sandbox- but in Communism there is no sandbox of freedom- there is only obedience or death- even inside your own head.

I like to think that European's have modified and owned Christianity over time (rather than being owned by Judea) and is the basis of western civilization. Protestant hard work seems to be an example of this- despite the instability caused within the Catholic Church.

The conflict between the European "Roman's" and Middle Eastern Silk Road "Judea" seems to have continued for 2000 years- describing the elements of conflict as a shared history of Judeo-Christianity seems to be a reframing of massive bloodshed as vigorous debate.

I suppose David F could be implying that Communism will bring similar benefits to Christianity over time (after many hundreds or a thousand years). However Communism seems to be pure misery and the worst tyranny for those forced to live under it- where as Christianity at times was interspaced by relatively short periods of misery and tyranny such as the Spanish Inquisition.

But in a sense I agree with David F that as we progress things stay the same- ie. much progressive politics isn't very progressive. Progressive is perhaps code for "I'm going to screw you but I'm going to tell you it's for your own benefit"- sounds very similar to communist claims of equality. Those advocating change and blind progressiveness aren't doing it for your benefit.

Generally I think that people should govern themselves- like the Roman and Catholic confederal model- at a minimum this means they only have themselves to blame if things go wrong and they wipe themselves out- this is in opposition to the dictatorial death yoke of communist universalism and globalism.

There are issues of cooperation/ freeloading inherent in the confederal model- needs balance between control and freedom at the different levels of social hierarchy.

Interesting things from Peter Turchin about civilization- carefully avoids politics.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 16 April 2023 12:41:56 PM
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David F said "The Nazi excesses were the logical outcome of Christian inspired hate".

Answer- not sure what David F is saying here. But it sounds like he is saying that the logical progression of Christianity is Nazism.

Perhaps the logical progression of David F's birth culture being Hebrewism is Nazism too.

Perhaps there is a bit of Nazism rightly or wrongly in everyone. Perhaps the label Nazism produces a market distortion that stops us solving important problems. I think David F has acknowledged this fact in previous points above.

Other- I like David F's article which he kindly provided in an above link about the evils of Communism- thanks David F.

David F said "The soviet version became a tyranny, but communism, itself, had a noble beginning."

Answer- I'm unsure about this noble beginning- because people are not equal- most movement leaders seek to maintain control of the movement while growing membership. It wasn't communist leaders that pulled the masses out of poverty- it was the evil industrialists of the industrial revolution and mass production which created goods that everyone could afford. There is a problem with industrialism because the moguls lose touch and set up legal frameworks to stop competition but we do need to reward those who produce- but we reward them less than their production- society benefits from the excess- otherwise we are rewarding those who don't produce- and there is nothing for society.

So stop Communism and it's probable inculcation through the auspices/vehicle of sexual revolution ie. "Stop Pedo Freaks".
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 17 April 2023 1:49:54 PM
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How are you going with that list of influential Australian Communists? The fact you ignore the question, show YOU are full of it! There is not one Communist of influence in Australia, its all in your imagination.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 17 April 2023 4:11:45 PM
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I think they probably have a point "stop pedo freaks".
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 17 April 2023 6:04:34 PM
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David F,

Just about every religion has extremists and Christianity is no worse than Islam etc. Aggressors through time have declared their war just and used the church including even Putin. However, trying to lay Nazi crimes at the feet of Christianity is a huge stretch.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 18 April 2023 4:50:48 AM
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The European Christian Churches were generally supporters of Fascism. There was the odd exceptions among clergy, but by and large they accepted Fascism as a counter to anti-christian Communism. As for the Jews, there were not Christian, and were of little concern. After the war there were those in the Vatican that actively helped Nazi's to escape justice.

In Australia, the Liberal Party government under the pro Fascist Menzies, turned a blind eye to collaborates of the Nazi's from Eastern Europe encouraging them to migrate here. Many of these pro Nazi collaborators joined the Liberal Party and were known as the 'Ugly' faction.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 18 April 2023 5:30:49 AM
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