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Relocating Israel in Australia: crazy or not? : Comments

By Brian Holden, published 20/11/2008

The idea of relocating Israel to the Kimberley is not so crazy if the cost of the relocation is less than the cost of Israel staying where it is.

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The Israelis have as much right to exist exactly where they are now as any Arab state in that region. Isreal was created out of the same process that created Jordan ,parts of Syria and Lebanon etc.

That all came about because the Ottomans lost, tough titties, the world was a different place after WW1, for many peoples.

The reason there is still continuing trouble is because of both of their dam religions and Gods. But the Muslims dont want a solution that recognises Isreals right to exist because there stupid bloody Koran tells them about the Ummah and their divine right to convert the world to their view. Pure and simple.

Meanwhile whilst the Arabs can't read, dont produce any art or books or even feed themselves, or engage in self help (even to the extent of wilfully destroying the greenhouses left behind by the Israelis) the Israelis get on with life and produce 172 Nobel prizes countless patents and large amounts in other areas of humanity.

The real culprit is the Arab mind, or lack of, and the duplicitous and amazingly hypocritical behaviour by the Saudis. Go and do some reading about the latest antics of the OIC in the UN, and how they continue to press for curbs on all our freedoms to protect their dopey religion--which they will get, because of the OIC majority. Read about the Durban 2 conference aims.

Relocating Israel to Australia would add to the IQ level, and the coffers. Relocating the Arabs would send all measures backwords and do nothing for the stability of the ME.
Posted by bigmal, Saturday, 22 November 2008 7:24:40 AM
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BRIAN HOLDEN's racist and anti semitic bias is now clear for all to see.

1] Is it critical to the security of the West that the Jewish state moves out of Muslim space?

BRIAN's unsound unbalanced view of history is also there for all to now view.

Brian.. "Muslim" space? ur kidding right? I suppose this means you subscribe to the "Ever since it was conquered by force by the Caliph Omar" view of history? that it thereby became an:

"Islamic Waqf" from then until the resurrection ?

So... ur 'Pro Muslim' as well?

Taken together Brian.. one could legitimately describe you as an

"Anti semitic supporter of Muslim thuggery" I'm just going by the clear meaning of what you posted.. I would not claim myself that you ARE those things.. but it's there for all to read in your own posts.

IF...something 'became' "Muslim" space by conquest..does it actually surprise you that the original owners might.. might just feel they have a far superior right to RE-TAKE the land taken by conquest?

They did... and now.. it is as much theirs as anyones. But it's much more... as they were the inhabitants for 2000 yrs until the Romans stole it and then the Arab Muslims invaded it.

If I was a Jew..I'd say "Brian.. you are an enemy" but I'm not Jewish, so ur just ignorant of history and Islam. you view this incident as 'Islamic' or... not?,22049,24566900-5006003,00.html

Note what the 'high profile' figures support him.


The Myer foundation is supporting/funding an Islamic education chair at Melbourne University.

If you wish to protest against this, please write to them.
Google this with 'Australia only' checked "Position number 0020321"

Sidney Myer was a Jew who became a Christian. It is outrageous that the foundation would support education which includes calls to kill Jews, anti semitism and cursing of both Jews and Christians in Allah's name.

Myer Foundation
Level 18
8 Exhibition Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Posted by Polycarp, Saturday, 22 November 2008 8:58:46 AM
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Good old Islamophobic Porkycrap, in full whack-a mozzie flight on a Saturday morning.

Same old, same old...
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 22 November 2008 9:07:43 AM
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Hmm, Polycarp says:


The Myer foundation is supporting/funding an Islamic education chair at Melbourne University...Sidney Myer was a Jew who became a Christian. It is outrageous that the foundation would support education which includes calls to kill Jews, anti semitism and cursing of both Jews and Christians in Allah's name."

I followed your link Polycarp, but I couldn't find any mention of cursing or killing in the selection criteria. Perhaps I wasn't looking right? Maybe they'd only mention it at the interview?

And you wonder why people like CJ Morgan call you Porky?
Posted by Johnj, Saturday, 22 November 2008 11:22:58 AM
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JOHNj... no.. you won't find that in a job advert..

But you will find it in the Quran.. and the call to kill Jews is found in authentic hadith.. but hey..don't let a few facts get in the way of a good old "Chamberlain" by you eh?

Speaking of whom

At first I thought chamberlain was a total fool, but now I think he was captive to idiots who simply didn't want to see what was brewing on the horizon.

Note his words that he brought back from the meeting with Heir Hitler.
'Yesterday, I had a long talk with heir hitler.. it was a frank talk, now.. I am confident that each of us knows what is in the mind of the other"

You need to 'think' about what he is really saying there.

That was prior to Hitler demanding the Sudetenland. When Hitler demanded that.. Chamberlain a-gain went to meet him.

"This morning I had another meeting with Heir Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it, as well as mine......
we regard the (agreement) as 'symbolic' of the desire of our two peoples never to goto war against each other again"

Once have to really look closely and "think" about what he said.

Then.. a casual glance at history would be quite helpful.

John.. only an absolute fool would promote those who have in their ideological documents the words "The last hour will not come unless the Muslims kill the Jews"

Do you need a source for that?

American Jews are apparently more awake than Australian ones
You'd think a holocaust would be enough to make people wary of such words.. wouldn't you ?

Before you become CJ's yapping puppy.. ask this:

1/ Do these words come from authentic, accepted Islamic sources?
2/ Is there any place where high ranking Muslim scholars REPUDIATE these words?

Repudiate?...not a chance.
Whine/claim victimhood? you betcha

Members of the Muslim Student Union, ... called Nikias’ actions (of removing the hadith)“unprecedented and unconscionable” and said they amounted to unwarranted censorship.
Posted by Polycarp, Saturday, 22 November 2008 1:21:24 PM
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Polycarp I'm afraid you've crammed so many logical fallacies into your post its hard to know where to begin. A Reductio ad Hitlerum (and False Analogy to boot), an Appeal to Authority (I mean JihadWatch, r u serious?), Argument From Silence ("Is there any place where high ranking Muslim scholars REPUDIATE these words?") and garnished with a pile of Rhetorical Questions. Oh, and the entire post is a Red Herring as it fails to address my original question.

So onto the questions:
"1/ Do these words come from authentic, accepted Islamic sources?"
Umm, no actually. You've admitted they come from JihadWatch a "project" of the David Horowitz Freedom Center (which also funds TerrorismAwareness).
2/ Is there any place where high ranking Muslim scholars REPUDIATE these words?
Argument from Silence.

As for beaing CJ's yapping puppy, all I can say is...

Woof Woof
Posted by Johnj, Saturday, 22 November 2008 5:30:18 PM
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