The Forum > Article Comments > Relocating Israel in Australia: crazy or not? > Comments
Relocating Israel in Australia: crazy or not? : Comments
By Brian Holden, published 20/11/2008The idea of relocating Israel to the Kimberley is not so crazy if the cost of the relocation is less than the cost of Israel staying where it is.
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Apparently the movie 'Australia' starring our Nic was filmed extensively in the Kimberleys. One of the aims was to promote tourism. While critics might pan the movie it can hardly be judged a failure if a whole country wants to relocate there.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 20 November 2008 3:43:47 PM
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The Author has sun stoke I think. The lands the Jews now call Israel is part of the fertile crescent that has been farmed for almost 10,000 years. Well before a philistine tribe decided to rename it's self to Jews.
The only fool proof way to "solve" the “middle east problem” is to nuke the lot of them. Both sides have shown that they are unable to control their extremist The secular west should not be giving favour or support to any none secular state. We should leave to it. Better yet let the Jews biuld their temple and when the end of the worlds doesn't come we can have more converts to the brights. Runner I’m beginning to think that not even you believe half the C**p you post. Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 20 November 2008 7:03:43 PM
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I rather enjoyed Brian's tongue-in-cheek article. Australia and the South Pacific have been suggested as locations for a possible Jewish homeland since the 19th Century. The vicious anti-Semitism of the Nazis revived the idea in the 1930s. My own personal favorite was Hardy Wilson's idea of packing the Jews off to New Guinea, dressing them in Chinese robes and putting Billy Hughes in charge. Wilson was apparently quite serious with this crackpot idea and even published a little pamphlet called "Solution of Jewish Problem"
The idea of a "Jewish Problem" really arises from the flowering of European nationalism in the 18th Century. Jews were seen as a "problem" because of their strong and distinctive culture and had been subject to discrimination since the Middle Ages. This made them an easy target for nationalists searching for domestic enemies. The solutions proposed by hopeful dreamers came to nothing because Zionists didn't want any old homeland. They wanted Israel. Now they've got it, they're not going to let it go. The Kimberley is safe from an influx of Jews, but the dreamers dream on. Posted by Johnj, Thursday, 20 November 2008 7:51:26 PM
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Dear Bill need a clean sweep mate :)
You said: "there is no insurmountable obstacle to peace in palestine, if the jews ever recover from raging zionism." The kind of peace you are talking about is a genocidal one. 1/ Jews are the problem...not the Palestinians. 2/ As long as the evil Jews repent.. all will be well. I think a good read of Genesis, Exodus, Joshua and Judges, 1 & II Samel will assist your remedial thinking needs. The problem is 2 fold.. speaking in a purely secular manner for a moment. 1/ The hard core 'zionists' as you refer to them, base their position on the idea of 'God gave the land' 2/ The hard core Jihadi's.. Hamas in particular, base their position on the idea of 'Allah gave the land' Bugsy has a secular solution "Kill their god" err nope.. Neitczhe tries that and it didn't work. The only ultimate solution is the BIG A one.. armageddon... the end.. kaput.. finito.. all wound up.. no fat lady singing but maybe a few million angels... Yessss I know, your eyes rolled and glazed over when you read my last paragraph :) But hey.. that's my view.. I don't expect you to share it from your secular (presumably) perspective. But at least you can recognize 'rock and hard place' when you see it. If they both feel 'God/Allah' gave it to them, there is only one solution...and that is a power struggle to see who's god is top dog. When you believe 'God is on our side' the important thing is to back the right God :) Sad...but true. Se la vi. Posted by Polycarp, Friday, 21 November 2008 7:48:38 AM
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The bloggers above apparently have become so overwhelmed with horror or hysterics that they forgot to address two questions;
[1] Is it critical to the security of the West that the Jewish state moves out of Muslim space? [2] If the answer to the above is "yes", then where on this planet would be the most acceptable place for the Jews to restart? Posted by Brian Holden, Friday, 21 November 2008 8:33:47 AM
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I don't believe it's critical for anyone's security other than those directly involved, Brian. Keeping the protagonists in one place will prevent other countries being burdened with their violent, unenlightened fundamentalism.
Posted by bennie, Friday, 21 November 2008 9:55:17 AM