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Relocating Israel in Australia: crazy or not? : Comments
By Brian Holden, published 20/11/2008The idea of relocating Israel to the Kimberley is not so crazy if the cost of the relocation is less than the cost of Israel staying where it is.
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This would have to be the silliest article I have seen on OLO. Even if the Kimberly was available, why on earth would any sane person consider inviting in a nation of 7 million people with a track record of violent invasion and a demonstrated tendency to ignore UN Resolutions, international law and opinion and general human decency in pursuing its zionist agenda. And how insulting to Muslims to suggest they would be taken in by an empty offer.
Posted by Candide, Thursday, 20 November 2008 11:15:14 AM
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This article is written so seriously, that one gets the impression that the author is being serious. But given the subject matter, he cannot possibly be writing it so earnestly. I was waiting for the puchline that never came.
Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 20 November 2008 11:32:27 AM
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Nobody should be moving to the Kimberly. It is time for man's destructive exploitation of the environment to end. Energy decline and overpopulation will "solve" the Israel/Palestine problem fairly soon.
Posted by michael_in_adelaide, Thursday, 20 November 2008 11:40:12 AM
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This has eerie parallels with Mad Max. Instead of Lord Humungous we have Ahmedinejad saying 'just walk away'. Again oil may be the underlying reason. The trouble with settling immigrants in any remote area is while in theory they are supposed to be self sufficient in practice many will migrate to the cities and form enclaves. Imagine if many moved to Lakemba area.
Getting back to reality 1) Aussies clearly don't want to relocate to the Kimberleys 2) the US under Obama will help Israel less. Perhaps a vanguard group could settle there in a kibbutz-like arrangement. If it works out for both them and those of us tied to the cities more could follow. Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 20 November 2008 11:55:50 AM
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I suppose if we want to see Israel's land turn desolate again we could give it to the Palestinians. I could just see Brian and his mates rushing to Israel under Palestinian rule. Don't worry Brian, a time is coming when it will all be over and their will be only one winner and it certainly won't be the Palestinians or those secularist sucking up to them.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 20 November 2008 12:12:08 PM
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Move Israel, great idea but not here thanks
Move it to America, New Mexico, Arizona with appropriate security guarantees for Mexico. Posted by Imperial, Thursday, 20 November 2008 12:17:26 PM
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Nah! Lets give them Lakemba.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 20 November 2008 12:56:07 PM
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The points made in the article were:
• 60 years of peace initiatives have gone nowhere (see ) • There is no light at the end of the tunnel, whatsoever. • Festering sores can become runaway malignancies. The options are; • Keep running up to a brick wall and bouncing off it. • Look for a back entrance. The idea expressed may have a zero chance of success. Assuming that the second option is the more sensible option to take, who has an alternative solution? Posted by Brian Holden, Thursday, 20 November 2008 1:14:21 PM
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Hmmm. Well, full marks Brian for thinking outside the box.
OK, giving this idea serious consideration: Not much of the Kimberley is of high or medium rainfall. Only really the isolated and rugged northwest coast. Areas anywhere near Broome, Derby, Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Ck are very dry. And Kununurra and Wyndham are not much better. There is no way in the world it could support 5 million people. The last thing Australia needs is a quick 25% increase in its population. If this was to become a new state or anything other than a separate country, people would be free to move on from the Kimberley and would in very large numbers locate in the southern cities. There is no way in the world that Rudd would get support from the Australian public for putting forward such an offer. He’d lose an enormous amount of respect if he ever uttered such a suggestion. So, does the idea have any merit? Well, if Australia could come to an arrangement that along with agreeing to allow Israel to relocate in Australia, we would not only halt population growth, but would reduce it by way of the facilitation of emigration and zero immigration, and strong incentives to not have kids or not have more than one…and… become absolutely committed to all other aspects of a truly sustainable existence…and… If Australia could be seen by the whole world to be making very significant progress towards overcoming the enormous rift between Islam and the West by accommodating Israel….and.. If Israel completely and quickly gave up its current homeland and allowed it to be returned to Palestine without any complications….then…. There just might be something worth considering here!! ?? Advance Istraelia Fair! Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 20 November 2008 1:20:37 PM
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Does anyone recall a previous proposal to relocate them to Madagascar? (I believe it was a serious consideration at the time)
Posted by Alfred, Thursday, 20 November 2008 1:26:33 PM
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A MUCH BETTER IDEA... would be to relocate all
displaced Palestinians in various countries (preferably not Australia) in small batches so as to completely negate any possibility of them ever posing the threat to the legitimate interests and national aspirations of Israel. They can re-invent themselves as citizens of other countries.. new identities.. and start enjoying life for a change. The Assyrians did this to the Northern Israelite kingdom and it worked perfectly. Today, you can identify many places where the 10 tribes of Israel migrated to, or were sent.. and this includes some in Afghanistan who are Hebrew by ancestry. When Cyrus the Great of Persia took over the Babylonian kingdom and reversed the Babylonina Exile policy and allowed the Jews to return and rebuild Jerusalem.. then they regained their sense of national identity and the rest is history. Posted by Polycarp, Thursday, 20 November 2008 1:28:49 PM
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So you were being serious Brian?
Then there is only one solution: kill their God. It's the only way. God has promised Israel to the Jews, you see. They won't give it up without a fight. It took them more than 1500 years to get it back after the Romans scattered them and they never gave up wanting it back. The only way is to kill the guy who promised it to them in the first place. Or maybe he's already dead and they are just fighting over the Will. Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 20 November 2008 1:31:01 PM
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A parody, surely? Perhaps they can bring their temple mount with them.
They’d need to bring the settlers into line first or we’d be building huge concrete walls around Perth before you could say “land grab”. Posted by bennie, Thursday, 20 November 2008 1:51:47 PM
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ummm, crazy.
besides, a cheap solution is available: the 'south african solution.' there is no insurmountable obstacle to peace in palestine, if the jews ever recover from raging zionism. another 50 years might do it. Posted by bill broome, Thursday, 20 November 2008 2:20:45 PM
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On a purely personal note, I think this article is completely ridiculous. And having spent some time in the Kimberley, I would be reluctant to gve it to anybody. It's one of the jewels in the Australian outback.
Perhaps Brian would also like to explain what the local inhabitants might do. You know those ones I mean. Those who have tens of thousands of years of living in this area and quite rightly call it home. I believe they may have a prior call to Israel on this land. The article is complete drivel. Posted by Phil Matimein, Thursday, 20 November 2008 2:49:55 PM
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by the way, phil- that argument about prior occupation rights didn't work for palestinians, or aborigines.
Posted by bill broome, Thursday, 20 November 2008 2:55:41 PM
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Surely the real point of this article is to indicate how dangerous to the West its insupportable support of Israel has become, isn't it? Posted by mac, Thursday, 20 November 2008 3:02:51 PM
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Meanwhile, back in the real world...Has anyone actually asked what the Israelis think about their new (unlooked for) homeland being organised for them by some guy in Australia? And the not-so-small matter of current Indigenous ownership seems not to have been considered by the author, which says a lot.
Surely it is stating the bleeding obvious to say that it is not possible to transplant a whole nation that doesn't have any cultural roots in the new location. It is not thinking outside the square. It is simply not thinking. Posted by Liz T, Thursday, 20 November 2008 3:17:19 PM
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Apparently the movie 'Australia' starring our Nic was filmed extensively in the Kimberleys. One of the aims was to promote tourism. While critics might pan the movie it can hardly be judged a failure if a whole country wants to relocate there.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 20 November 2008 3:43:47 PM
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The Author has sun stoke I think. The lands the Jews now call Israel is part of the fertile crescent that has been farmed for almost 10,000 years. Well before a philistine tribe decided to rename it's self to Jews.
The only fool proof way to "solve" the “middle east problem” is to nuke the lot of them. Both sides have shown that they are unable to control their extremist The secular west should not be giving favour or support to any none secular state. We should leave to it. Better yet let the Jews biuld their temple and when the end of the worlds doesn't come we can have more converts to the brights. Runner I’m beginning to think that not even you believe half the C**p you post. Posted by Kenny, Thursday, 20 November 2008 7:03:43 PM
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I rather enjoyed Brian's tongue-in-cheek article. Australia and the South Pacific have been suggested as locations for a possible Jewish homeland since the 19th Century. The vicious anti-Semitism of the Nazis revived the idea in the 1930s. My own personal favorite was Hardy Wilson's idea of packing the Jews off to New Guinea, dressing them in Chinese robes and putting Billy Hughes in charge. Wilson was apparently quite serious with this crackpot idea and even published a little pamphlet called "Solution of Jewish Problem"
The idea of a "Jewish Problem" really arises from the flowering of European nationalism in the 18th Century. Jews were seen as a "problem" because of their strong and distinctive culture and had been subject to discrimination since the Middle Ages. This made them an easy target for nationalists searching for domestic enemies. The solutions proposed by hopeful dreamers came to nothing because Zionists didn't want any old homeland. They wanted Israel. Now they've got it, they're not going to let it go. The Kimberley is safe from an influx of Jews, but the dreamers dream on. Posted by Johnj, Thursday, 20 November 2008 7:51:26 PM
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Dear Bill need a clean sweep mate :)
You said: "there is no insurmountable obstacle to peace in palestine, if the jews ever recover from raging zionism." The kind of peace you are talking about is a genocidal one. 1/ Jews are the problem...not the Palestinians. 2/ As long as the evil Jews repent.. all will be well. I think a good read of Genesis, Exodus, Joshua and Judges, 1 & II Samel will assist your remedial thinking needs. The problem is 2 fold.. speaking in a purely secular manner for a moment. 1/ The hard core 'zionists' as you refer to them, base their position on the idea of 'God gave the land' 2/ The hard core Jihadi's.. Hamas in particular, base their position on the idea of 'Allah gave the land' Bugsy has a secular solution "Kill their god" err nope.. Neitczhe tries that and it didn't work. The only ultimate solution is the BIG A one.. armageddon... the end.. kaput.. finito.. all wound up.. no fat lady singing but maybe a few million angels... Yessss I know, your eyes rolled and glazed over when you read my last paragraph :) But hey.. that's my view.. I don't expect you to share it from your secular (presumably) perspective. But at least you can recognize 'rock and hard place' when you see it. If they both feel 'God/Allah' gave it to them, there is only one solution...and that is a power struggle to see who's god is top dog. When you believe 'God is on our side' the important thing is to back the right God :) Sad...but true. Se la vi. Posted by Polycarp, Friday, 21 November 2008 7:48:38 AM
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The bloggers above apparently have become so overwhelmed with horror or hysterics that they forgot to address two questions;
[1] Is it critical to the security of the West that the Jewish state moves out of Muslim space? [2] If the answer to the above is "yes", then where on this planet would be the most acceptable place for the Jews to restart? Posted by Brian Holden, Friday, 21 November 2008 8:33:47 AM
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I don't believe it's critical for anyone's security other than those directly involved, Brian. Keeping the protagonists in one place will prevent other countries being burdened with their violent, unenlightened fundamentalism.
Posted by bennie, Friday, 21 November 2008 9:55:17 AM
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Brian Holden.............Jews occupied what is now Israel some 2
thousand years before Mohammod was even a twinkle in his father's what's this nonsense about a "Muslim space"? Posted by Seneca, Friday, 21 November 2008 10:23:22 AM
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No Brian...what I am overwelmed with is your seeming arrogance in first, foisting a country on anyone else and thinking that will solve a will merely shift the problem or create different problems. And secondly, your somewhat misplaced idea that Israelies will want to move in the first place given that their holy book places their holy land exactly where they currently reside.
The problems in the middle-east do indeed have an imapct on the world, but your suggested solution is fanciful at best. And the Kimberly is more than just a repository for displaced people. .. Bill Broome I agree about the Palestinans and aborigines...they had people foisted on them without so much as a 'do you mind?' along with many other clans and peoples in the past. But one would hope we might have moved past that now. Sadly it doesn't seem we have. Posted by Phil Matimein, Friday, 21 November 2008 10:23:23 AM
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Brian: Your article conveys a strong sense of patronizing arrogance! "Let's just ship the Jews off from their homeland" - because many Muslims in the region simply don't like them & use relentless violence against them. Whether you like it or not, Jews have lived in the Land of Israel for thousands of years. In the last 60 years Jews have lived in the State of Israel, as a full member of the UN. The Jews are going nowhere! Also, Israel has not stolen anyone's land. When there's a real peace deal Israel will return the land it was forced to seize because of the war imposed upon it. Unfortunately, many of the comments on this page reflect your pathetic arrogance vis-a-vis "the Jews" & Israel. By the way, I'm glad you believe that Jews are the most enterprising people....this could be seen as a way of getting yourself of the hook!
Posted by MEBDA, Friday, 21 November 2008 11:37:24 AM
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A truly silly and arrogant article - like others, I hope it's supposed to be satirical.
Porky: << Se la vi >> Porky's French is even worse than his English! Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 21 November 2008 11:57:58 AM
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Mr Holden, you seem to have an underlying view that Zionism is the cause of much of the enmity between Islamism and the West. You could move Israel to wherever you want and will find out that this is not the case; no matter how much men like Ahmadinejad assert it.
Anyway, why not brush aside the true complexity of this issue and come up with some good Aussie pragmatism. This article suggests that you are not capable of much more than that. Posted by MaNiK_JoSiAh, Friday, 21 November 2008 3:59:27 PM
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Mr Holden,
The wheels on your holden thunkery have fallen off. I'm sorry but this idea is pure satire. On the rarest of chances it was intended to be serious you obviously have little understanding of the Jewish motivation. I suggest you do more historic research. The Zionists were offered an alternative homeland but rejected it. The primary problem that they don’t want ‘A’ homeland they want ‘THE’ homeland. There is precious logic or morality in their claim on ‘Israel’. All other problems stem from this basic RELIGIOUS presumption. No amount of coercion, pleading or logic will make a Moses' nasal hair’s difference to Israelis. Israel is a reality, exists and must be dealt with regardless of the above facts. Notwithstanding the above the Palestinians response was or should have been predictable. This in no way gives a pass to the Arab proxy war against Israel. In truth the victims in all this are the average people on both sides. This sore will continue becoming more entrenched until these extremists on both sides are dealt with by their own sides and an equitable solution is implemented. This includes ‘67 borders reparations and guaranteed peace for both sides. Mr Holden I think the indigenous people of the Kimberly would have something to rightfully say about giving their land away, don’t you? Especially the Israelis don’t have a good track record of dealing with the native population even the compliant ones. Posted by examinator, Friday, 21 November 2008 5:53:52 PM
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The Israelis have as much right to exist exactly where they are now as any Arab state in that region. Isreal was created out of the same process that created Jordan ,parts of Syria and Lebanon etc.
That all came about because the Ottomans lost, tough titties, the world was a different place after WW1, for many peoples. The reason there is still continuing trouble is because of both of their dam religions and Gods. But the Muslims dont want a solution that recognises Isreals right to exist because there stupid bloody Koran tells them about the Ummah and their divine right to convert the world to their view. Pure and simple. Meanwhile whilst the Arabs can't read, dont produce any art or books or even feed themselves, or engage in self help (even to the extent of wilfully destroying the greenhouses left behind by the Israelis) the Israelis get on with life and produce 172 Nobel prizes countless patents and large amounts in other areas of humanity. The real culprit is the Arab mind, or lack of, and the duplicitous and amazingly hypocritical behaviour by the Saudis. Go and do some reading about the latest antics of the OIC in the UN, and how they continue to press for curbs on all our freedoms to protect their dopey religion--which they will get, because of the OIC majority. Read about the Durban 2 conference aims. Relocating Israel to Australia would add to the IQ level, and the coffers. Relocating the Arabs would send all measures backwords and do nothing for the stability of the ME. Posted by bigmal, Saturday, 22 November 2008 7:24:40 AM
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BRIAN HOLDEN's racist and anti semitic bias is now clear for all to see.
1] Is it critical to the security of the West that the Jewish state moves out of Muslim space? BRIAN's unsound unbalanced view of history is also there for all to now view. Brian.. "Muslim" space? ur kidding right? I suppose this means you subscribe to the "Ever since it was conquered by force by the Caliph Omar" view of history? that it thereby became an: "Islamic Waqf" from then until the resurrection ? So... ur 'Pro Muslim' as well? Taken together Brian.. one could legitimately describe you as an "Anti semitic supporter of Muslim thuggery" I'm just going by the clear meaning of what you posted.. I would not claim myself that you ARE those things.. but it's there for all to read in your own posts. IF...something 'became' "Muslim" space by conquest..does it actually surprise you that the original owners might.. might just feel they have a far superior right to RE-TAKE the land taken by conquest? They did... and now.. it is as much theirs as anyones. But it's much more... as they were the inhabitants for 2000 yrs until the Romans stole it and then the Arab Muslims invaded it. If I was a Jew..I'd say "Brian.. you are an enemy" but I'm not Jewish, so ur just ignorant of history and Islam. you view this incident as 'Islamic' or... not?,22049,24566900-5006003,00.html Note what the 'high profile' figures support him. PROTEST TIME. The Myer foundation is supporting/funding an Islamic education chair at Melbourne University. If you wish to protest against this, please write to them. Google this with 'Australia only' checked "Position number 0020321" Sidney Myer was a Jew who became a Christian. It is outrageous that the foundation would support education which includes calls to kill Jews, anti semitism and cursing of both Jews and Christians in Allah's name. Myer Foundation Level 18 8 Exhibition Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia Posted by Polycarp, Saturday, 22 November 2008 8:58:46 AM
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Good old Islamophobic Porkycrap, in full whack-a mozzie flight on a Saturday morning.
Same old, same old... Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 22 November 2008 9:07:43 AM
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Hmm, Polycarp says:
"PROTEST TIME. The Myer foundation is supporting/funding an Islamic education chair at Melbourne University...Sidney Myer was a Jew who became a Christian. It is outrageous that the foundation would support education which includes calls to kill Jews, anti semitism and cursing of both Jews and Christians in Allah's name." I followed your link Polycarp, but I couldn't find any mention of cursing or killing in the selection criteria. Perhaps I wasn't looking right? Maybe they'd only mention it at the interview? And you wonder why people like CJ Morgan call you Porky? Posted by Johnj, Saturday, 22 November 2008 11:22:58 AM
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JOHNj... no.. you won't find that in a job advert..
But you will find it in the Quran.. and the call to kill Jews is found in authentic hadith.. but hey..don't let a few facts get in the way of a good old "Chamberlain" by you eh? Speaking of whom At first I thought chamberlain was a total fool, but now I think he was captive to idiots who simply didn't want to see what was brewing on the horizon. Note his words that he brought back from the meeting with Heir Hitler. 'Yesterday, I had a long talk with heir hitler.. it was a frank talk, now.. I am confident that each of us knows what is in the mind of the other" You need to 'think' about what he is really saying there. That was prior to Hitler demanding the Sudetenland. When Hitler demanded that.. Chamberlain a-gain went to meet him. "This morning I had another meeting with Heir Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it, as well as mine...... we regard the (agreement) as 'symbolic' of the desire of our two peoples never to goto war against each other again" Once have to really look closely and "think" about what he said. Then.. a casual glance at history would be quite helpful. John.. only an absolute fool would promote those who have in their ideological documents the words "The last hour will not come unless the Muslims kill the Jews" Do you need a source for that? American Jews are apparently more awake than Australian ones You'd think a holocaust would be enough to make people wary of such words.. wouldn't you ? Before you become CJ's yapping puppy.. ask this: 1/ Do these words come from authentic, accepted Islamic sources? 2/ Is there any place where high ranking Muslim scholars REPUDIATE these words? Repudiate?...not a chance. Whine/claim victimhood? you betcha Members of the Muslim Student Union, ... called Nikias’ actions (of removing the hadith)“unprecedented and unconscionable” and said they amounted to unwarranted censorship. Posted by Polycarp, Saturday, 22 November 2008 1:21:24 PM
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Polycarp I'm afraid you've crammed so many logical fallacies into your post its hard to know where to begin. A Reductio ad Hitlerum (and False Analogy to boot), an Appeal to Authority (I mean JihadWatch, r u serious?), Argument From Silence ("Is there any place where high ranking Muslim scholars REPUDIATE these words?") and garnished with a pile of Rhetorical Questions. Oh, and the entire post is a Red Herring as it fails to address my original question.
So onto the questions: "1/ Do these words come from authentic, accepted Islamic sources?" Umm, no actually. You've admitted they come from JihadWatch a "project" of the David Horowitz Freedom Center (which also funds TerrorismAwareness). 2/ Is there any place where high ranking Muslim scholars REPUDIATE these words? Argument from Silence. As for beaing CJ's yapping puppy, all I can say is... Woof Woof Posted by Johnj, Saturday, 22 November 2008 5:30:18 PM
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Can they bring their nuclear weapons, their religious prejudices etc.Their philosophy like the Muslims and the Christians are just too narrow for our country.Just imagine 7 million Jews who could inflict their will on us all.Anyone for revolution?
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 22 November 2008 8:24:26 PM
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Israelis number 7.5 million – a third of Australia’s current population; all in the Kimberleys, the majestic magic of the Kimberleys.
How these dreams grow with age. Half a century ago, the number was a “mere” 50,000, as noted in “Safe Haven, Immigration and Settlement” - Following the Evian Conference (1938 in France), the London-based Freeland League (founded in 1935) proposed the purchase of seven million acres in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia (encompassing the properties of Connor, Durack and Doherty) as a farming settlement for a potential 50 000 refugees from Nazism. The League envisaged that a vanguard party of 500 to 600 ‘pioneers’ would construct homes, a power station, irrigation works, etc, pending the arrival of the main body of colonists. Dr Isaac Nachman Steinberg (1888–1957) was sent out from London in 1939 to investigate the scheme’s feasibility and to enlist governmental and communal endorsement. A skilled emissary, he stayed in Australia throughout the war and later wrote a book on his experience, Australia: The Unpromised Land. Steinberg won the support of churches, leading newspapers, many prominent political and public figures (including Western Australian Premier J C Willcock) and a number of Jewish leaders. The project came to nothing in the end, however, primarily because of concerns that the settlers would drift inevitably and in large numbers to the cities. Forty-seven per cent of the public opposed the scheme in a 1944 opinion poll and, in July of that year, Prime Minister Curtin formally rejected the proposal. Curtin’s decision had bipartisan political support Posted by colinsett, Sunday, 23 November 2008 6:36:40 AM
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Q: Relocating Israel in Australia: crazy or not?
A: Crazy Next! Posted by Mercurius, Sunday, 23 November 2008 7:26:41 AM
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Dear JohnJ
No, there were not 'many logical fallacies' in my post. I'll try to prune it down to something you can see more clearly. 1/ The “Kill the Jews” mantra is found in authentic accepted hadith of Islam. Here is a link which will take you to it. Scroll to number 6985 Oh wait.. you won't find it there.. my mistake....NOT. It is only 'not' there because the Simon Weisenthal centre stirred up such a fuss about genocidal holy books....that the USC Muslim Students Association was FORCED to remove them, but they did not repudiate the content. They complained about unwarranted censorship. Here is a link to another Muslim site which is not under the USA hate speech jurisdiction. Please scroll to number 6985 and you will find it. Perhaps you think this is a tiny storm in a tea cup? isn't. is a call for repudiation. The Jihad watch site simply quote the real texts...but you, by your sad bias (and perhaps bigotry?) just said it's from Jihad Watch..oh what do you expect from 'them'.... but you need to learn to look closer.. at original sources, which were accurately quoted. (as shown above) The real issue here is public awareness, or rather the lack thereof. The Quran and Hadith are the moral equivalent of Mein Kampf. That is a fact, not an opinion. (If language has any meaning) When you have the post holocaust Weisenthal centre and Horowitz going after them, and many others.. you know something is rotten in the target. Here is an Islamic source (see “The Four Sources”) which describes the 'sources of authority' in Islam. The issue of 'last hour/kill the Jews' is abundantly clear and unambiguous. All we need now is for you, (CJ and ilk) -to understand this. Posted by Polycarp, Sunday, 23 November 2008 9:03:54 AM
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All of the above comments are based on one perception – traditional land rights.
When astronauts look down on the planet they ask just one question – “Why cannot we live as one family on this one rock in the limitless ocean of space?” Only having the one global government will save us from our near extinction. There can be no hope for humanity while we brake the one human species up into nations which automatically leads to an uneven distribution of resources and the existence of a military. In time the Kimberly will belong to the world - and the world government will decide what to do with it in the best interest of the human species. I have been waiting for a blogger to come in with the bigger picture, but none have. Posted by Brian Holden, Sunday, 23 November 2008 10:16:48 AM
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Porky wouldn't recognise a logical fallacy in his rants if he tripped over it - as he so often does, metaphorically speaking.
<< The Quran and Hadith are the moral equivalent of Mein Kampf. That is a fact, not an opinion. (If language has any meaning) >> Godwin's Law, anyone? Brian Holden: << When astronauts look down on the planet they ask just one question – “Why cannot we live as one family on this one rock in the limitless ocean of space?” Only having the one global government will save us from our near extinction. >> I had a feeling that your article was written from another planet. "One global government" is about as likely in the foreseeable future as is an Israeli Kimberley. It would be far easier for the 7 million Israelis to renounce their Zionist aspirations and become absorbed in the global Jewish diaspora - and how likely do you think that is? Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 23 November 2008 10:31:01 AM
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“All of the above comments are based on one perception – traditional land rights.”
Brian, what a load of cods-wallop. “I have been waiting for a blogger to come in with the bigger picture, but none have.” Again, what nonsense. Please, you, take a step back and view the planet objectively - the whole planet, which stretches far outside the frame of your obviously limited vision. See what are its strengths and weaknesses in coping with the human plague. A plague which has grown like cancer. Homo sapiens would have totaled less than 1 million at 100,000 years ago. Then came the good times of agriculture 10,000 years past and we grew. By year 1of the Common Era perhaps we totaled 150 million, 1350/300 million, 1700/600 million, 1800/900 million, 1900/1,600 million, 1950/2.4 billion, 1985/5 billion, 2008/6.7 billion. For "the big brained mammal", how alike we are to yeast in bakers dough - multiplying rapidly until it kills itself off. Don’t take it too personally Brian, you are not the only one totally clueless as to the Kimberleys and to the big picture - world population continues to grow with tiddly-squat being done about it by people running world affairs. World population, a great proportion undernourished, lives off the capital of limited environmental resources, and continues to increase by 80 million a year. You are hardly looking at the big picture while you neglect this. Do you really expect that Israel transported can happily be embedded in the Kimberleys, all 7.5 million of them and on track to double their own numbers in a little over a generation? Posted by colinsett, Sunday, 23 November 2008 12:13:06 PM
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Polycarp you have now made Nazi analogies twice on this thread. I therefore invoke Godwin's Law and declare the argument closed (once might be excusable, twice is obviously just flamebait). Additionally, accusing me of bias and bigotry is simply cheap ad hominen.
Looks like I was wrong about Brian Holden. He's popped into the thread to assure us that he was deadly serious. "In time the Kimberly will belong to the world." And if so, likewise for Israel. It seems to me that an equitable solution in Israel would be more sensible (and easier) than shipping Jews elsewhere. But you can't stop the dreamers from dreaming... A large file (over 300 pages online) on the agitation for Jewish settlement in the Kimberley, 1944-1950, may be found here: This was a project of the Freeland League for Jewish Territorial Colonization, headed by Dr Isaac Steinberg. Interesting to note that a non-Zionist organisation was still advocating settlement in Australia even after the establishment of Israel. Posted by Johnj, Sunday, 23 November 2008 5:02:48 PM
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If you think about it Australia and Israel have a lot in common.
We both have bugger all fresh water. We both have governments dead set on increasing, population despite popular opinion not wanting it. We both have large immigration intake, again despite popular opinion. We both have large Lebanese communities. I don't understand the Kimberlies as prefered destination. Surely somehwere close to Lake Eyre would be more like home? Posted by T.Sett, Monday, 24 November 2008 5:39:59 AM
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Dear JohnJ....
you invited my response as you received. You made a wild claim that was absurd and ludicrous...that in effect mean't "calls for genocide don't matter". Well...I showed you absolutely clear documentary evidence that my claim was utterly substantiated... I showed you that it is such a concern to American Jews that they are lobbying to have the genocidal hadiths not only removed from online sites, but also that they be REPUDIATED by those claiming those holy books as their own. Those who hold such 'holy' books in high esteem did not repudiate these calls for genocide, they simply whined about censorship. In your response you DID NOT address that call for genocide.. you simply avoided it and attacked me... you sidestepped and ran for cover "Godwins law" ...... absolute unadulterated rubbish or the most sordid kind. In your first response you blamed "Jihad Watch" for a fake source. I showed you the original source. Both say the same thing. ..and you call this an ad-hominem? You don't have a polemical leg to stand on so you grab your toys and run home crying. (yes..this IS an ad-hominem against a childish infantile attitude.) Perhaps you can grow up a bit between now and your next post and actually make a comment on the genocidal call in Islamic holy writ. But given that it is claimed by Hamas in their Charter.. puh-leasseeeee don't give me the drivel that most wanna be IslamoFascist apologists try with the uninitiated "Oh.. your taking it out of context". Nope.. how about trying to ADDRESS the facts as they stand? BRIAN HOLDEN. Do you live in a surreal lala land? "One World Government'? ur kidding right? couple that with your sympathy for Islam... r we to assume you mean a theocracy? and if you don't, are you so unaware of world events and Islams part in them that you even think they will accept a non Islamic government for this world? Posted by Polycarp, Monday, 24 November 2008 6:37:10 AM
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Porkycrap: << You made a wild claim that was absurd and ludicrous... >>
You'd never do that, would you Porky? Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 24 November 2008 6:44:07 AM
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I'm simply wondering how Johnj can be expected to "grab his toys and run home" when he "doesn't have a leg to stand on." As for the topic, Relocating Israel in Australia? Crazy and ill-thought. The Zionists got their promised land - they can tend it. Posted by Fractelle, Monday, 24 November 2008 9:51:06 AM
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Should Google it but too lazy....can the Ord accommodate a West Bank?
This should cover the indigenous issue. I can see it working......the Dreamtime and the Torah have a lot in common.....but its all a mythtery to me. The Kimberleys..Rabbis and rabbits. I think I can see Fortescue from here...but its fading. Posted by waggamick, Monday, 24 November 2008 4:29:06 PM
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Seems that my point has been proved. Polycarp has obviously suffered some kind of brain explosion. Note, I'm not reopening debate, merely responding to the unwarranted ad hominem.
I thought it was Islam that was supposed to be the religion of bigotry and hatred? Posted by Johnj, Monday, 24 November 2008 6:43:43 PM
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The Jews are doing just fine right where they are. As for giving them a part of Australia just to appease the Islamists, well what can one say?
Looks like a lot of posters here are suffering from "Stockholm Syndrome". The Israelis have their land and they are going to keep it, and if the Mozzies try to take it away from them, they will receive more than a whack, I'm sure. Posted by Froggie, Monday, 24 November 2008 8:12:35 PM
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Absolultely nuts.
If they wanted to go it would be a logistical nightmare, building a new Sydney and Melbourne, with all the infrastructure would cost trillions of dollars. However, they are not likely to be willing, and it would be easier to move the palestinians. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 25 November 2008 12:58:27 AM
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Should we prefer that the Myer Foundation get up a Zionist Education Chair at the University of Melbourne ? Don't think so . Religious Fundamentalists, Christian, Muslim or Jewish are not welcome in the secular world as they are never happy with secular society . Even if they are not throwing bombs they look down their noses at the rest of society and do nothing to bring harmony. Australia's big miners and farmers are happily doing a good enough job of ruining all that they touch in the Natural world and that includes the Kimberleys . An influx of settlers of any religious bent will add to the Kimberley's battle to survive . Make some tracks and low key accomodation facilities that can handle a lot of tourists - have Aboriginals look after them and ship them back home as soon as their wallets are empty and their hearts are full of love for the natural environment. Hopefully to go home and help repair the world aound them and live a bit more sustainably. Posted by kartiya jim, Tuesday, 25 November 2008 8:17:47 AM
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kartiya jim: “Make some tracks and low key accomodation facilities that can handle a lot of tourists - have Aboriginals look after them and ship them back home as soon as their wallets are empty and their hearts are full of love for the natural environment.
Hopefully to go home and help repair the world aound them and live a bit more sustainably.” Best post yet – be careful to adjust the numbers and it will be fine: maybe an additional 7,000 per year limit (not 7,000,000), suitably limited in activity, might be what the place could handle without totally buggaring it Posted by colinsett, Tuesday, 25 November 2008 9:37:27 AM
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Why does there have to be a solution ?
Cannot anyone understand that there may not be a solution ? You know, every problem does not have to have a solution. There is no rule that says so ! Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 25 November 2008 9:51:23 AM
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Well spotted Fractelle.
>>I'm simply wondering how Johnj can be expected to "grab his toys and run home" when he "doesn't have a leg to stand on.<< You forgot that he also "sidestepped and ran for cover". Should we perhaps institute some form of award for "Mixed Metaphor of the Year"? It would certainly add a further dimension of enjoyment to reading Boaz's posts. Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 26 November 2008 8:59:21 AM
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Crazy, or for the benefit of the doubt, simply thoughtless.
Like any other place, there are many old people in Israel, who are too frail to make the journey, then suffer the drastic changes to their environment. Are you planning to just take their sons, daughters and grandchildren away and leave them alone? What about community, family and friends that live near each other, schools and homes that people built and invested their lives into, trees that they planted and grew up with. You are suggesting to take the whole fabric of life apart for those people - would you agree to that being done to you and your family? why should they agree then? Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 26 November 2008 12:43:05 PM
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Brian Holden writes that Islam has become unified in its hatred of Israel, implying that this happened with the establishment (by the UN) of the state of Israel as a secular Jewish state,
He could not be more wrong on when Islam started to hate Jews. Hatred of Jews and Judaism began, at least, with the establishment of Islam. Indeed, some scholars are of the opinion that, because the Koran is so filled with hatred of Jews and Judaism, that Mohammad had wanted to be accepted as a Jewish prophet, but was rejected by the local Jewish tribes, for various reasons (not the least because his message was substantially different to their own). In revenge, he turned on the Jews and sought to destroy them, which he and his followers went to great lengths to accomplish, and at which they were remarkably successful. When the Muslim armies came to the area the romans called Palestine in 634, whom did they find? A population the majority of whom were Christian and Jewish. The Christians had only been there around 600 years: the Jews had been there for 1500 years or more. The Jews of the Northern half of Palestine - Galilee - are the indigenous people of that area: there is no archeological evidence of any occupant people before them. The Muslims have been there, dominating the area, for the last 1400 years. The Jews are taking back an area in which they can rightfully say to have prior claim to all others in the area, not on religious grounds, but on prior and continuous occupation, including under severe oppression by the group they most recently displaced. Jews have no comparable connection with any other place in the world, and should be supported in liberating their homeland from their oppressors. Posted by camo, Monday, 1 December 2008 9:32:44 AM
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Camo ,
If that is your argument for the Jews continued War of Posession in the Middle East,I suggest that Aboriginal Australians with their 40-60,000 year ownership at least need a Treaty from us, the Invaders. The the sooner the better . We can then start emptying our jails . Posted by kartiya jim, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 6:50:03 AM
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While I strongly support Israel's right to exist, I think that the argument of previous-ownership is a very weak one and should not be used. The muslims generally did not settle those countries they conquered - they converted them instead, by coercion and by imposing a high tax on non-Muslims (in accordance with the Shariah laws). This means that those called "Palestinians" are likely to be the descendants of Jews. In the early days of zionism, attempts were made to bring the natives back to the fold and have them integrated in Jewish society, but these were abandoned following the cold-blooded massacre of Jews in 1929 and the subsequent alliance of the local Arab leaders with Hitler. Even then, these attempts were not completely abandoned - those natives, such as the Druze, Cherkesians and Bedouin tribes that accepted the right of Jews to live, are part of the modern state of Israel (and needless to mention, they were not required to convert). Regardless of who was there first, it is impossibly suicidal to allow such people who side with Hitler and wish to kill you, who still today teach their little children that all Jews must be killed and prove it in their actions, to gain control over you. What other "excuses" are needed? Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 9:11:36 AM
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Yuyutsu, thanks for your reply. I quite agree with you, and notice that very few people use the prior and continuous occupation arguement, so perhaps many think it is weak. I use it to put it into the public domain, and because I imagine that few people know this aspect of the very long history of the Jewish people. Personally I think it is a strong arguement.
And Kartiya Jim, I'm not opposed to a treaty with Australia's real aboriginal people, but they were killed off by the mob that currently call itself Aboriginal. When Australia's current Aboriginal people acknowledge this, we'll all be a little further ahead. The same is true of the Maori in New Zealand, who marginalised and largely killed off (ie didn't share the land with, conducted raids against, and pushed to the brink of extinction) the Mori Ori who lived in New Zealand when they invaded. Posted by camo, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 2:07:59 PM
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camo ,
I can't agree on your theory about Aboriginal people of lesser blood killing off the full bloods. It didn't happen on any scale at all . Old tribal rivalries WERE exploited whenever it suited the invaders. We have seen this in Iraq . This would have been the modus operandi of the British in New Zealand. At least they ended with a usefull Treaty in a country where their Naional Anthem at the Rugby is sung in Maori and white Kiwi players do a good job of the Haka! There is no doubt that squatters encouraged Aboriginal People of a different language group to attack those on the outskirts of their stations as they expanded. You should remember that most "coloured " Aboriginal People have Full Blood Grand or Great grandparents that were illegally disposessed often in a genocidal fashion . Survivors were left to their own resources, as long as it didn't involve living off their own tribal land. This history is there for all to see and is becoming more accessible. Even the Stolen Generations are finding their tribal and language groups and their full blood relatives . They respect their history. Many emotional and rewarding reunions are now happening . Attitudes are moving on at long last . Posted by kartiya jim, Tuesday, 2 December 2008 6:33:47 PM
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Muslims cause trouble wherever they are. If they were given Israel the main focal points would be Sudan, the Balkans and Chechnya.
Posted by victimofbigots, Saturday, 20 December 2008 8:32:48 AM
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"Muslims cause trouble wherever they are". Sounds like a bit of the one eye has rubbed off . Not ALL people are nice ;some races in the past and present have used their financial muscle to bring havoc to peace loving people who just happen to be "sitting" on something of great perceived value - be it land or resources . Obama lays some of the blame for our present financial mess on greed. I agree . Posted by kartiya jim, Saturday, 20 December 2008 9:38:19 AM
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Cut the crap. You are saying Africans were all peaceful and there was never any tribal warfare or any horrible things happening before the white man. Get a grip you racist bigot!
Posted by victimofbigots, Sunday, 21 December 2008 11:44:46 AM