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The Forum > Article Comments > Relocating Israel in Australia: crazy or not? > Comments

Relocating Israel in Australia: crazy or not? : Comments

By Brian Holden, published 20/11/2008

The idea of relocating Israel to the Kimberley is not so crazy if the cost of the relocation is less than the cost of Israel staying where it is.

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Brian Holden.............Jews occupied what is now Israel some 2

thousand years before Mohammod was even a twinkle in his father's what's this nonsense about a "Muslim space"?
Posted by Seneca, Friday, 21 November 2008 10:23:22 AM
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No Brian...what I am overwelmed with is your seeming arrogance in first, foisting a country on anyone else and thinking that will solve a will merely shift the problem or create different problems. And secondly, your somewhat misplaced idea that Israelies will want to move in the first place given that their holy book places their holy land exactly where they currently reside.

The problems in the middle-east do indeed have an imapct on the world, but your suggested solution is fanciful at best. And the Kimberly is more than just a repository for displaced people.

.. Bill Broome I agree about the Palestinans and aborigines...they had people foisted on them without so much as a 'do you mind?' along with many other clans and peoples in the past. But one would hope we might have moved past that now. Sadly it doesn't seem we have.
Posted by Phil Matimein, Friday, 21 November 2008 10:23:23 AM
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Brian: Your article conveys a strong sense of patronizing arrogance! "Let's just ship the Jews off from their homeland" - because many Muslims in the region simply don't like them & use relentless violence against them. Whether you like it or not, Jews have lived in the Land of Israel for thousands of years. In the last 60 years Jews have lived in the State of Israel, as a full member of the UN. The Jews are going nowhere! Also, Israel has not stolen anyone's land. When there's a real peace deal Israel will return the land it was forced to seize because of the war imposed upon it. Unfortunately, many of the comments on this page reflect your pathetic arrogance vis-a-vis "the Jews" & Israel. By the way, I'm glad you believe that Jews are the most enterprising people....this could be seen as a way of getting yourself of the hook!
Posted by MEBDA, Friday, 21 November 2008 11:37:24 AM
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A truly silly and arrogant article - like others, I hope it's supposed to be satirical.

Porky: << Se la vi >>

Porky's French is even worse than his English!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 21 November 2008 11:57:58 AM
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Mr Holden, you seem to have an underlying view that Zionism is the cause of much of the enmity between Islamism and the West. You could move Israel to wherever you want and will find out that this is not the case; no matter how much men like Ahmadinejad assert it.

Anyway, why not brush aside the true complexity of this issue and come up with some good Aussie pragmatism. This article suggests that you are not capable of much more than that.
Posted by MaNiK_JoSiAh, Friday, 21 November 2008 3:59:27 PM
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Mr Holden,
The wheels on your holden thunkery have fallen off.
I'm sorry but this idea is pure satire.
On the rarest of chances it was intended to be serious you obviously have little understanding of the Jewish motivation. I suggest you do more historic research.

The Zionists were offered an alternative homeland but rejected it. The primary problem that they don’t want ‘A’ homeland they want ‘THE’ homeland. There is precious logic or morality in their claim on ‘Israel’. All other problems stem from this basic RELIGIOUS presumption. No amount of coercion, pleading or logic will make a Moses' nasal hair’s difference to Israelis. Israel is a reality, exists and must be dealt with regardless of the above facts.

Notwithstanding the above the Palestinians response was or should have been predictable. This in no way gives a pass to the Arab proxy war against Israel.
In truth the victims in all this are the average people on both sides. This sore will continue becoming more entrenched until these extremists on both sides are dealt with by their own sides and an equitable solution is implemented. This includes ‘67 borders reparations and guaranteed peace for both sides.

Mr Holden I think the indigenous people of the Kimberly would have something to rightfully say about giving their land away, don’t you? Especially the Israelis don’t have a good track record of dealing with the native population even the compliant ones.
Posted by examinator, Friday, 21 November 2008 5:53:52 PM
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