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Embracing a moderate Islam : Comments
By Saeed Khan, published 7/9/2007There are challenges and responsibilities to the integration of Australian Muslims that we must all share.
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Posted by sharkfin, Friday, 7 September 2007 8:04:37 PM
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I actually find anything written about Islam by Islam interesting yet there is always the same question in my mind with Islam..."How can Islam be anything but Islam". The great global plan to gobble up everything will never change. Islam is Islam. It has never deviated from the great global plan. I have a christian friend who was born in Egypt, into a born again christian family, who some years ago went home to Egypt to visit relatives and when he was there he decided to sneak into the great Islamic University in Cairo and spy out what the lecturers were teaching the young muslims. Here he heard the great Islamic global plan to consume all other religious systems. Some muslims were to do it by violence, others were to do it more gently by sidling up to western politicians and jumping up and down to get open doors for the spread of the Koran and for the construction of staging bases known as mosques. He was astounded at what he heard. Whether its called moderate Islam or political Islam or violent Islam its all Islam. How can Islam be other than Islam? Everyone must be for Allah or....................
Posted by Gibo, Friday, 7 September 2007 8:16:33 PM
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I started to get concerned about local Islam about a year or so ago when an reliable, much trusted source began talking about a close friend who had entered the dark world of some of Sydneys muslim extremists to be shown caches of rifles and ammunition stored away for the great day of jihad here in Australia. ASIO would have known about this for many years but would have been much hamstrung me thinks by multiculturalisms demands for "pussy pussy" with the muslims. I often wondered also if Islam here had been having quiet chats with Islam in Indonesia about the future take-over of Australia. I actually have a photocopy of a photo that shows a map in Indonesian classrooms portraying all of the land north of Townsville QLD as "South Irian". Now that Russia is in some military deal with Indonesia (over 1 billion dollars of military technology) I'm getting somewhat more concerned. I would like to see some guns in the defence dept. arsenal for a citizens home guard defence force. Following Pt. Arthur the PM took all of the semi-automatic rifles and pump actions off the gun clubbers and the farmers and the loss was never compensated for in those arsenals. Not to my knowledge.
Posted by Gibo, Friday, 7 September 2007 9:29:26 PM
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There are no moderate Muslims. Period. There are only those that preach hate and kill, and those that make excuses and blame others.
The biggest internal challenge facing Australian Muslims, and the he biggest hurdle to Islamic integration in the West, is the fact that Islam is incompatable with Western values of equality, human freedoms. Just take a look at Islamic societies! Here we have, once again, an Islamic writer making excuses. Once again he refuses to look at the hate and violence in the QUran and the vile deeds of his dear Prophet. Note this new article in Timesonline about British Muslims. Note that they teach hate and violence when talking among themselves (Muslims). Note that their leader uses "his extensive knowledge of the Koran and the life and sayings of the prophet Muhammed to justify his hostility to the kuffar, or non-Muslims." If you read the hadiths and early biographies of Mohammad, you will find a story of war, plunder, slavery, torture, lies, treachery, and rape - and wife beating. These were written by his friends and followers. Yet Muslims, Austalians Muslims, love and respect this guy. He is a "great moral example". That says it all. Once again, there is no Moderate Islam. There is only a "pretend it is moderate until we can do to the Kuffir what our dear prophet did long ago" Islam. Kactuz Posted by kactuz, Saturday, 8 September 2007 4:11:40 AM
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Coach is 100% correct, and if possible, 101% correct.
Indian Muslims wanted an Islamic state to fulfill their dream for Shariah law and a Caliphate. Come 1947 Britain gave them Pakistan and about 2 million Hindus, Sikh, and non-Muslims and a small number of Muslims were killed in the ensuing riots. This year India and Pakistan celebrate their 60 years of independence. India is fast developing into one of the largest economies of the world whereas Pakistan has been classified a failed state. After having killed the Hindus in Pakistan, the Muslims have chased all the non-Muslims away. Now the Muslims are fighting among themselves. Prime minister Thaksin of Thailand was blamed for being tough on the Muslim rebels in south Thailand. He was kicked out by a Thai Muslim general (Sonthi). Currently the situation in south Thailand is getting out of hand. Almost on a daily basis a couple of Buddhists are shot to death by Muslims riding on motor bikes. In Germany 2 of the 3 would-be bombers are white-German Muslims(recent converts) and trained in Pakistan. Germany is worried about its white-German Muslims as they [Germany] are now getting the message that Islam is a violent religious-political system. Malaysia is an example of a “moderate” Muslim state. However, they practice an apartheid system where Malay-Muslims have distinct advantages like jobs in government, a certain percentage of a company must employ Malay-Muslims, etc. Fifty years ago when it became an independent country, Malay-Muslims formed about 50% of the population, but now about 65%, as many non-Muslims have migrated to other countries. Day by day the country is slipping downwards into economic backwardness. The Muslims blamed their economic slow-down on ‘colonialism’ and adopting Shariah law would address the problem! Its time non-Muslims countries, say Australia, propose to Saudi Arabia (or some Muslim countries) that X number of churches or Y number of temples be built [for newly converted ex-Muslims to Christianty or Buddhism] in Saudi Arabia, if they say ‘no’, then X or Y number of mosques will be closed down in Australia Posted by Philip Tang, Saturday, 8 September 2007 5:09:08 AM
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Saeed Khan, when you say, "A national campaign against racism could do wonders not just for Australian Muslims but for many other emerging cultural and religious groups." Which way are your fingers pointing? Outward or inward?
Posted by aqvarivs, Saturday, 8 September 2007 7:32:27 AM
I as a white Australian would be very happy to have one of my children marry a muslim if they would stop being so fundamentalist and stop wearing those robes. Because if my child marries a muslim any granddaughters will be expected to wear robes and I do not want this for my granddaughters. The wearing of robes by women throughout history has always gone hand in glove with the repression of women. Argue that point as you may history reveals this over and over. Early christian times included.
The muslim people are a handsome race very much like the
Greeks. The Australians and the Greeks have intermarried(intregrated) extensively. The only thing stopping this intregration with the muslims is the wearing of those robes.
The prophet Mohammed apparently ordered the weaaring of the robes in a time of conquest when women werent safe on the streets. Those times are gone so there seems to be no real reason to wear those robes anymore. When muslims can accept this it will free the way for true intregration.
When I was a girl it was expected that hats would be worn in a christian church by women. Hats were always worn in church at weddings. That has long been questioned and disregarded and people who no longer wear hats to church havent been struck down by God enmasse yet, in fact most of them a very happy and prosperous.
I think God or Allah would have too much sense to get that upset about hats and headdress. It is only mankind that gets stupid ideas about these things.