The Forum > Article Comments > Keeping Australia safe by an improper exercise of power? > Comments
Keeping Australia safe by an improper exercise of power? : Comments
By Surya Deva, published 27/7/2007It is time the Australian Government showed some character in protecting the human rights of its citizens and non-citizens living in Australia legally.
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Posted by nickmihaleff, Tuesday, 31 July 2007 11:33:12 PM
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Thanks ozbib,
The ALRC site was very illuminating. My concerns are strengthened. Would appreciate your comments on "Bill of Rights" thread. Cheers Posted by davsab, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 10:55:01 AM
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Whatever happened to the privileges of good citizenship and assisting the government with their inquiries? Why the promotion of the Us verses Them mentality from these individuals consumed with the rights of suspected criminals. The same people whinging about Haneef's rights and why wasn't he roaming the streets while under suspicion, are the same people who have petitioned the government to arrest criminals and have them off the streets, courts hearing or no. It's not mistreatment to be held for questioning. It's not mistreatment to be found innocent of any suspicion. It's not mistreatment to have a visa revoked for some other incidental misbehavior. And it's not mistreatment to be allowed to leave of your own free will before any deportation order.
I'm not afraid of terrorism either. I'm afraid of ill intention in the name of civil rights to weaken my nations ability to investigate each and every accusation whether or not it is proved unfounded after such investigation. The idea that any western democracy can exercise[s] absolute power is nonsensical and ignorant of the multi layering of institutions that make up government in a democracy. Fear mongering as blatant inflammatory conjecture of "what's happening is a conspiracy to remove our rights". You have the government you wanted and built up over the last 40 odd years of socialist ideology and government knows best. And that ever expanding and influential and intrusive government we have today. It's thanks to you ceaseless whingers and government crying socialist who didn't want the responsibility for your own decisions or to put any effort into your world but collect victims, and cry your 'feelings' are equal to intelligent reasoning and champion deconstructionist arguments to tear at the world you created by fostering a dependency on government through political policy and social/cultural management. Don't blame the government for answering your every beck and call to responsibility. They are just not going to get it right each and every time as you demand more and more that they take responsibility for your life. Posted by aqvarivs, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 12:01:19 PM
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Frank gol, I find the civil Libertarians are extremely selective in choosing whom they may stand up for. It is usually someone they can use to get at the government. Otherwise why were you not up on your hind legs howling when Sheik Hilali and his type were insulting, offending and encouraging rape? Why are you not in full cry after those who abuse Aboriginal women and children in the worst ways?
Not a whisper from you when the innocent were bombed twice in Bali? You certainly pick your targets but you leave many Australians feeling revolted at your ideas of 'civil rights'. Posted by mickijo, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 3:51:37 PM
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aqvarivs, are you seriously accusing the civil rights groups of embarking upon the "Us versus Them" tactic? What planet have you been on for the last 10 years, while Howard and his thugs have been demonising anybody convenient to demonise? Christ, go ahead and debate the worth and application of terror laws, but please don't make crap up.
mickijo, to the extent your post makes any sense, you are substantially wrong. Most civil rights groups are extremely non-selective in whom they defend. They are defending principles, not people. And your reference to the Bali bombings makes absolutely no sense. I know no one who wasn't horrified by those bombings. I know no one who didn't want to see the perpetrators punished, and sincerely wanted to consider ways to stop it happening again. So what, exactly, is your point? Posted by bushbasher, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 4:28:31 PM
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The point is Bushbasher that in the cases I mentioned plus the drug smuggler cases ,civil libertarians are conspicuous by their silence,their absence.
But get a chance to demonise[your word] the Howard government, you are way up there and singing loudly. It is very obvious and we see it for the hypocracy it is. Posted by mickijo, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 5:23:30 PM
I came to this nation in 1967 because it was and is different, not now as it follows step by step the abuses of the US.
I said it before and here I go once again I don't fear terrorists but I do fear the world that allows this carry-on, it is un Australian and unacceptable; not the type of legacy I wish for my children and their children. You know when the governments practice absolute power then that power corrupts and we as voters have an obligation to turn the compost heap over. The declaration of independance says it best paraphrased that we that put them in power MUST remove them.
I don't seek the approval of others about what I know is right and justice isn't carried out for approval or acceptance is supposed to be a JUST system of fairness, Australia has always been about a fair go.
POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY, dna samples, movement monitoring through mobiles, wire tapping of telephone conversations (without warrants).