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User Details : bushbasher

The Forum > User Index > bushbasher

Most Recent 10 Posts

» 23/03/2010 8:01:43 AM geoff, your patience is remarkable. don, i can respond to your post, but see no need nor .....
» 23/03/2010 7:44:55 AM >> however many others, not only peasants, saw (and suffered from) the new political.....
» 22/03/2010 10:10:34 PM >> Bushbasher, the absolute weakest of excuses is "He made me do it". gr.....
» 22/03/2010 8:12:53 PM "Without religion you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil.....
» 22/03/2010 4:39:16 PM you loons choose today of all days to launch your braindead attacks on obama. your timing .....
» 22/03/2010 10:36:49 AM huh? did somebody call me? obama wasn't and isn't my hero. he has screwed up a lot, most.....
» 22/03/2010 9:23:34 AM >> Notice how GrahamY, CEO of OLO has not answered a single question I or any other .....
» 22/03/2010 8:59:53 AM >> This is because Diane Ravitch ... has done what Time Magazine (March 15, 2010) de.....
» 21/03/2010 2:16:06 AM george, i have no doubt that i'm one of the less favoured atheists for you, but on this th.....
» 20/03/2010 12:54:56 PM graham if this conversation isn't going anywhere it's because you ignore anything which ac.....

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