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The inventiveness of John Howard - the SIM card terror case : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 23/7/2007No one can accuse John Howard (and his rather dreary acolytes) for being uninventive.
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Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 25 July 2007 4:50:09 AM
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It seems that Rudd failed to take the bait on this one, which was probably the real intention behind its escalation.
If it goes bad, Howard will now have to wear any consequences on his own. Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 25 July 2007 11:26:18 AM
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It may well be that Haneef has plenty to fear (ie he is aware of the extent of the evidence against him; we are not) and is in the process of accepting some sort of deal. This may involve giving information for his "freedom". In order for his associates not to be alarmed as he rats on them, he has been told to play it, loudly,as "I'm not saying nothing. I'm a 100% innocent man" while the cops make out "he's a tough nut to crack". Meanwhile numerous useful idiots run around screaming "he's not saying nothing, he's a tough nut to crack BECAUSE he's a 100% innocent man". Sooner or later he will be sent home after spilling his guts and the "authorities" will take the heat as incompetent morons, while calmly rounding up the villains Dr H has fingered.
Similar to David Hicks, it isn't enough to just name names. The cops/CIA have to have time to follow up on the info received, to ensure that it's legit. Haneef would be ratting on nutjobs in Britain and, maybe India, who are probably being tracked right now (maybe the ones currently held are on the list). This could take a while, and obviously the cops want them under lock and key before letting Haneef go home; too late to warn them and too dangerous to admit he's been singing. Hicks' "betrayed" would've taken quite a bit longer to verify, seeing as they were harder to find. Thus he had to sit it out a little longer than Haneef. Judging from his appearance and demeanor, it wasn't all that stressful for DH. It won't be for Haneef either, PS. I recall reading that a person resembling DH had been seen on the mainland USA during his "incarceration" at Gitmo. At a cathouse in NYC. At a gaming house in Las vegas. At the races in Kentucky. At the Golf in Augusta. At a fight at The Garden. At the Miss Universe Pageant in Puerta Rico in 2005. Wonder what David did to earn these priveleges? Eh guys? Cheers. Posted by punter57, Wednesday, 25 July 2007 12:01:18 PM
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Let’s be assured in my deep personal disappointment for lack of the local really neutralizing terrorism activities, as in Italy these days long-time operating in Perujo under noses of public mujahed-preparing courses were at last dismantled and al-Quaeda residents uprooted.
However, such a luck of a lack locally is a wick excuse for a story of a year ago being terminated mobile card found somewhere in possessions of one-not-alerting-authorities-about-he-might-know-of-something-in-Glazgo-at-the-end-of-the-world-somewhere. And about Mr. J. Howard book by W.Errington and P.Olensten, “John Winston Howard: The Biography”, provides, as understood, a picturesque description of a gray suburban rat, of which mere meanness and marriage-sustained protectionism were the most upon a life. Posted by MichaelK., Wednesday, 25 July 2007 7:09:12 PM
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Those who have time to read my material on my blog at and my website at will discover a lot that is mainly unknown to most Australians.
I for one continue to pursue that Howard and his cronies should be held accountable before the Courts. It doesn’t matter if he is out of the Parliament or not as I view to hold him accountable is a warning to others not to follow his conduct. We must not forget that on 19 October 2007 it will be 6 years of the drowning of 353 people (including 146 children) with SIEV-X and this too must be appropriately dealt with before the Courts as like numerous other matters, such as the unconstitutional invasion into Iraq. Either we have a Constitution and apply the RULE OF LAW to all or we have none and have a DICTATORSHIP. As my blog makes clear regarding Dr. Haneef case there is a lot more to it and why I view it is important that for once and for all were address these issues appropriately as to avoid others, under what ever name, to suffer the same! Last year, I did purchase a pallet of nails/screws, etc, is that meaning I am a terror suspect? Or are they going to come down to count all screws and nails in the home renovation to make sure none are used in bombs? Oops, I drive a car, don't they use cars for car-bombings? the police better impound all motor-vehicles in the Commonwealth of Australia as anyone of them could be used. It is the Federal Government which is the real TERRORIST. What a crazy world! Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Thursday, 26 July 2007 2:05:17 AM
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Now that the young Doctor has been verballed, vilified and demonised in prison Damian Bugg is stepping in about 3 weeks too late for this young man.
For the hysterics how about this. We take very car off the road, we lock up all men and we women can run the joint. After all cars are used as bombs so we can't have any of the nasty things on our roads and most of the drivers are men. Easy, problem solved. Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Thursday, 26 July 2007 4:20:59 AM
And the Government might not be doing anything but their job.
I am sure the Australian Government didnt arrange the bloke in UK to try to blow something up just to stick a sim card in his pocket to say his cousin works in Gold Coast Australia.
All these theories.
Maybe the Government will just let the Federal police get on with their job until August which isnt long and the court.
Everybody wants this case sorted and nobody wants to lock up an innocent man. Anybody who claims that is living on another planet.
For starters we dont need problems with India and the PM knows it.
I would like to thank the Federal Police for the hard job they do.
It must be really motivating to work so hard to protect this ungrateful lot.
HOWEVER The Government ARE responsibly for throwing our population so out of wack its hard to find a true blue Aussie.
Where do you think all these ideas comes from?
They come mostly from people who want to chip away at our society.
People who want to change this country.
You can give a man or women a visa for a week a year or ten years but there is nothing you can give him to suddenly turn him into a Australian.
Being Australian is not a bit of paper.
Stop giving these people PR and give them extended visas.
That way you may stop some of the movement to bring down Australian Governments