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The Forum > Article Comments > Australian Muslims have no need for a mufti > Comments

Australian Muslims have no need for a mufti : Comments

By Hossein Esmaeli, published 27/6/2007

The office of mufti in Australia is not necessary and should, under no circumstances, be officially recognised in Australia.

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By the time you would be anywhere near my ongoing effort to seek JUSTICE for others, then I view you can come back, but for now I view unlikely would you be this kind of person!

In 1985 I created the document titled “ADDRESS-TO-THE-COURT” see also my published book;
A book on CD, making litigation a more level playing field
ISBN 0-9580569-7-8 (After 1-1-2007; ISBN 978-0-9580569-7-7

This document since has been used in all levels of Courts including the High Court of Australia in both civil and criminal cases.

It means that a person without having legal representation in court can file such a document setting out their entire legal arguments and be able to walk free from the Court without any trial being held, with charges being dismissed/struck out.

Others desire to seek a revenge to give a message to the community to contemplate a mass murder. Today society refer to them as “TERRORIST”, but they are people who pursued JUSTICE but lacking this ended up doing worse to others are simply out of their minds.

I accept that my wife is right that after 25 years I should now avoid selling further shares in that if something were to happen to me my wife will not be left without financial security. If you consider this to be a sin then you would be indeed very small minded.
I choose to rather assist people, regardless of the financial burden with it.
Knowing what make people tick to commit suicide/murder and how to possibly avoid it I do my bit for society. As such "YES, WE KINDLY ACCEPT DONATIONS" is an indication that albeit assistance is sought to be provided where possible we no longer will refuse monies.
Hence, if you were trying to make a cheap attack upon my person then consider you have, so to say, egg-on-your-face.


The tread is about a mufti in Australia, not in another religious country!
As long as the mufti remains preaching within Australian legal provisions I for one have no issue with a mufti.
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Thursday, 5 July 2007 11:30:00 PM
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FH... A few points.

1/ I've not singled out Islam as 'the enemy' due to the differing position on Jesus. Its because of the POLITICAL nature of Islam.
Buddhists and Hindus also have a differnt view of Jesus, but they are not a political threat. Nor are they bombing in the name of their religion mate.

2/ Don't confuse my attacks on Islam 'the idea' with Muslims..the people. I say this so much but u still don't seem to get it.

The way you say "Attacking Islam is to attack Muslims" is not my problem but yours old son. I can only respond to what I read, observe and hear.

While I'll put my arm around my Shia buddy at gym, I'd do what I had to do (if I'm in the police or army or.. encountered a physical attack by a radical) towards the likes of.. xyz radicals like Abu Izzadeen or Anjem Choudary. If I met Anjem Choudary in the street at a demo and he had a sign "Behead those who insult Islam" I'd probably consider that an act of war and take appropriate action :) like squeeze his nose or something horrible like that.

You most likely don't 'see' as I see when it comes to the political/social impact of Islam, and you will need to consider that when looking at my comments.

As for Deedat and Swaggart.. I saw that debate (or one of them) a while back.. I'll bet the Muslims were overjoyed when it came out that Jimmy had done the wrong thing...
Have you seen any debates with Anis Shurosh? Quite a powerful speaker. Deedat just does his usual thing 'Did Jesus say dogs have 3 heads" ?... NO.. and then proceeds to argue that straw man.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 6 July 2007 9:26:53 AM
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It appears we are not on the same wave length. Although I admire what you are contributing to Australia, I must insist Islam is a completely new ball game with unpredictable rules.

So I repeat if you want to continue to work with people without differentiating, you need to really "know" as you put it "Knowing what make people tick to commit suicide/murder and how to possibly avoid it I do my bit for society."


As for:
"The tread is about a mufti in Australia, not in another religious country!
As long as the mufti remains preaching within Australian legal provisions I for one have no issue with a mufti."

I agree, the mufti is preaching "legally" - but some of us are concerned with the content of his sermons and the legality of his religion.

ISLAM is the common denominator for all islamists and suicide killers. It is that religious ideology that needs to be exposed, scrutinised, and not just allowed to "legally" and freely prosper producing more radical criminals every day.

Our government has been found grossly incompetent dealing with Islamic policies.

Hizb el Tahrir is just another example of Government blunder. Clearly and openly a revolutionary group, banned in many countries, posing a direct threat to our national security, but happily “legal” in Australia.

Our Government is clueless and totally inept when dealing with the home grown enemy within Australia.

God help us all.
Posted by coach, Friday, 6 July 2007 10:02:27 AM
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“You most likely don't 'see' as I see when it comes to the political/social impact of Islam, and you will need to consider that when looking at my comments”

That’s incorrect I lived long enough in Muslim countries and aware of potential political and social impact. The difference between you and I is I think its today’s Muslims problem to deal and resolve these issues with the support of intl community. While you are taking the failed missioanries approach: pin it all on Islam so you can promote your views. You reminded me of a joke about Fidel Castro: communism didn't work for his country for decades and he needed 'few more months'. French missionaries failed for 14 ceturies but Boaz need few more weeks ! : - )
No offence intended.

I have seen all Dr Anis Sorrosh videos and you summarised it beautifully: ‘powerful speaker’, that’s it.
I was surprised to see him challenging Deedat and had little homework done. The result was expected.

None of the televangelist I watched seems to have studied the Bible (earlier versions, including the 5 major revisions) let alone the Quran. I think they are more like movie stars in the sense of they act well the script at hand but they can’t defend it or understand it.
Maybe a real theologist can be up to the challenge but not the 'Hollywood' mob.

This is also a good one on a debate with Deedat's Jewish boss:

PS: I accept Deedat can be provocative and sarcastic and when he was asked, he said he expriences frustration with what others are trying to make of God.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Friday, 6 July 2007 10:18:31 AM
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"I accept Deedat can be provocative and sarcastic and when he was asked, he said he expriences frustration with what others are trying to make of God. "

I would have used different words to describe the late Deedat but that would be bad manners to a dead man.

His way of desecrating the Bible, mocking Jesus, and the Christian God, were totally un-Islamic to say the least. As for any theology he had none… just tricks.

I don't believe you people still use his outdated materials. Lol.

I much prefer FH if you came up with your own opinions instead of relying on a dead con artiste though.
Posted by coach, Friday, 6 July 2007 2:31:53 PM
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What do you make of this in your own comment:

1. " I would have used different words to describe the late Deedat but that would be bad manners to a dead man"
Then the following line you said:
2. "instead of relying on a dead con artiste though"

You promoted a good value in the first line and contradicted it the second! No comment sir!

"claiming that Deedat mocked Jesus" is absolute non-sense and as you rightely said it: un-islamic. You from all people should know that I can't be a muslim if I disrespect Jesus or the Bible. What you failed to understand that although he was challenged, he made it clear that Jesus according to the Bible is a prophet and we should not claim what we don't understand (you saw Anis's last comment).

I know you admire Anis Shorrosh as many of your quotes are his.
I felt sorry for him in the debate but he was the challenger.

"I don't believe you people still use his outdated materials. Lol"

Er, not sure where you got that from? There is no 'fashion' when it comes to theologists like Deedat. Every muslim I know (especially non-arabs) follow and have a complete library on theologists and Deedat is a popular one even to non-muslims because he is thought-provoking.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Friday, 6 July 2007 5:05:12 PM
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