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Misreported, misconstrued, mistranslated, misunderstood : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 23/2/2007

One can't help but to compare the barrage of abuse faced by the Sheik Taj Al-Din Hilali (perhaps deservedly) with the indifference to Professor Raphael Israeli's offensive remarks.

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Obfuscation, Moral-equivalence, Misdirection, Taqiyya .....
Here we have a perfect example of Muslim double-think (e.g. Mossad were responsible for 9/11, and anyway, serve Amerikkka right for oppressing Muslims). Jihadists and bile-projecting Imams/Muftis etc quote the Qur'an and Sunnah, the Muslim Brotherhood Project (it represents a flexible, multi-phased, long-term approach to the “cultural invasion” of the West, calling for the utilization of various tactics, ranging from immigration, infiltration, surveillance, propaganda, protest, deception, political legitimacy and terrorism) quotes the Qur'an and Sunnah. Yet when an Infidel (a hated Jew, no less) quotes the very same texts and sinister ideological statements as these Muslims, lo and behold -- he's a 'bigot', 'racist' and an 'Islamophobe' (Note that Irfan Yusef, true to form, deals with none of the substance of what Israeli said, and demonstrates the intellectual bankruptcy of his position by offering no arguments against the questions Prof. Israeli raised. Just sneers and denial).
He mentions Germany in the 1930s and phrases like "the final solution to the Muslim question" in an attempt to garner sympathy from uninformed Infidels and useful idiots (hi, Kenny), and of course, playing the 'victim' card.
He also mentions the genocide of Bosnian and Albanian Muslims, carefully omitting the ethnic cleansing of Serbs by Muslims that started the whole thing off in the first place. He makes no mention of Germans taking over Albania and annexing Kosovo to create “Greater Albania,” Albanians volunteered to form the SS Skanderbeg Division, which committed atrocities against Serbs and Jews in Kosovo and helped round up Jews who were later sent to Bergen-Belsen. In more recent history, Albanians pushed the Jews out with the rest of the non-Albanians after NATO occupied Kosovo in 1999.
He doesn't mention that Bosnian President Izetbegovic (a Muslim) let thousands of foreign 'mujahadeen' from Islamic countries into Bosnia to fight on the side of local Muslims in the 1992-1995 civil war. This was partly financed under the cover of 'humanitarian' organisations from Islamic countries.Many mujahadeen remained in Bosnia after the war, and some have been operating terrorist training camps and indoctrinating local youths with 'radical' Islam. CONTINUED
Posted by Skid Marx, Sunday, 25 February 2007 2:45:52 PM
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The predictable response that always follows any discussion of the elements of Islam that give rise to violence, supremacism, fanaticism is: Instead of dealing with those elements of Islam and working to formulate some positive way to mitigate their destructive force, Islamic apologists routinely shift the focus to the one raising the questions, accusing him of hatemongering, bigotry, etc. And there is always the accusation that the questioner is worse than, or equivalent to, the terrorists.
This is a very effective tactic, which is why they keep doing it. It makes naive and uninformed people turn away from the alleged bigot without considering what he is saying, and it deflects attention away from the Islamic roots of jihadist violence, so as to allow the jihadists to continue their work without harsh scrutiny.
All of this underscores the need today for people to be informed about Islam and Mohammed, not from material intended for non-Muslims, but from material written by Muslims and intended for other Muslims. Only then can non-Muslims get a clear picture of how Muslims really regard the elements of Islam and Mohammed's words and example that jihadists use to justify their actions and make recruits among peaceful Muslims, and thereby get a clear picture of the magnitude of the problem we face today.
One day perhaps such Muslim writers will awaken to the fact that Islamic supremacism has won them a considerably larger spectrum of opponents than they care to imagine.
In the Comments for this article, we find 'galty', an unashamed Muslim, telling it how he sees it. He hates Jews and denies that the texts that BOAZ mentions exist. From the seething hatred 'galty' exudes I have the distinct feeling that 'galty' is probably ignorant and has not studied the Qur'an, ahadith and Sira as much as BOAZ, myself and other kafirs have. Yet such denial.
Yusef (and Waleed Aly, Keysar Trad etc), on the other hand, probably HAS studied them, and by his silence, one deduces that he is far more deceptive and dangerous to Infidels than transparent old 'galty'.
Posted by Skid Marx, Sunday, 25 February 2007 2:48:52 PM
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West ;; Timothy McVeigh Was a Christian:?

O no, here we go again; No he was not West ; Propaganda works wonders in Leftitude and Jihad;
Now for some Enlightenment;

Ooo no , not again; Irfan had this deleted years ago, because there are Moslems involved ; Can’t say anyone should be surprised.

Nore the Myth that it was a Christian Conspiracy.It tells you why.
Posted by All-, Sunday, 25 February 2007 4:06:31 PM
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Well Islam seems to be a very confused belief system with no central structure.Seemingly you can be all things to everyone,believe in peace,violence,murder,rape,war depending upon which verse from the Koran you happen to prefer.

Seems to me a very dangerous and open ended philosophy.Just look at what the political religion of hate and chaos has produced in the various Muslim states around our planet.If you want to know which horse to back,just study it's track record.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 25 February 2007 4:10:34 PM
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Your essay Irfan is non-sensical.

Sheik Hilali's efforts to link womens' dress with rape was feckless, disturbing and just plain wrong. Therefore the attack on him by the Australian media was completely warranted.

However, Professor Raphael Israeli does have a legitimate point that can be defended by rational argument.

That is, while all three monotheistic faiths are by definition intolerant, Islam is significantly more intolerant. It is obvious that Islam has enormous trouble coming to terms with the cultural practices of non-Muslim 'kafir'. Here is a very recent example from Thailand;

"The brutality is amazing," said Zachary Abuza, a US terrorism expert who specialises in a conflict that has simmered for decades. "For the previous generation, these acts would have been considered unseemly. No one would have done things like hacking apart monks, blowing them up when they are collecting their alms, targeting women and children."
Posted by TR, Sunday, 25 February 2007 7:04:53 PM
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By the way Irfan. Are you still banned from 'Muslim Village'? Arguably Australia's most prominent Islamic forum.

Because if you are still banned this undermines your argument that Islam is a tolerant and desirable element of Australian society.

Time and time again we see Muslim moderates like yourself being drowned out by the ultra-orthodox fundamentalists. Why? Because fundamentalism is the true heart of Islam. Not moderation and tolerance.

Maybe the Jewish Professor is right after all.
Posted by TR, Sunday, 25 February 2007 7:33:48 PM
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