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Misreported, misconstrued, mistranslated, misunderstood : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 23/2/2007

One can't help but to compare the barrage of abuse faced by the Sheik Taj Al-Din Hilali (perhaps deservedly) with the indifference to Professor Raphael Israeli's offensive remarks.

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Numbat Islam aside. Timothy McVeigh was a Christian terrorist, The IRA - Christian Terrorists, Serbian Death Squads - Christian Terrorists, Rawandan Death squads - Christian Terrorists, The Sandanistas Christian Terrorists. The KKK - Christian terrorists. Fascist Germany, Spain and Italy effectively Catholic terrorist states. Stalin a Russian Orthadox preist who entered politics. The lesson is it doesnt matter what team somebody supports , it is certainly the belief in a god that leads to terrorism.
Posted by West, Sunday, 25 February 2007 10:58:36 AM
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West: Answer your first then the other. D&Dragons the bloodthirsty pagans are the dragons no doubt. Real believers pose no threat to you petal none at all, the worst that will happen is that you will have jws or mormons call on you. Neither of these groups will abuse you liken you to pigs and monkeys, neither will be armed nor will they have a bomb up their shirts. VERY different in a moslem country as you well know and even irfan knows this. As I have said previously it's not the Methodist/ Presbyterian/ Anglican women's guilds that become gutless insane murderous suicide bombers. It's not the Christian Church that delivers sermons calling for the death of pigs and monkeys and the destruction of our democracy - it's the others. Nor will Christians attempt to convert you by threat of execution, Christians are not like that. Though some that have claimed to be followers have done so but that is not Christian at all. These death-loving misogynistic pagan worshippers of hudna the moon god of mecca they are the ones to be very wary of. Christian Churches are more likely to pray for moslems while the same moslems abuse them.
Your 2nd-Timothy was not Christian nor were any of the others you list, they may claim to be but they can very easily be shown as no better than pagans. And unlike "moderate?" p/mossies the vast majority of Christians disowned them completely as you well know. Other Christians fought against them and defeated them.
A belief in a false god whether this god is called christian or pagan can lead to terrorism but a belief in the one true God of the Bible will NEVER lead a true believer to commit cowardly terrorist acts. Regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Sunday, 25 February 2007 11:35:51 AM
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West. Once again in your rush to attack a belief in God you freely misconstrue the facts. The IRA were not Christian terrorist. They were the Irish Republican Army. They were/are fighting for a free Ireland and the finish of British rule. They did nothing in the name of god nor Christianity. The Serbs you refer to were Serbian nationalist and any acts they committed were certainly not done in the name of God or Christianity. I don't want to bore you with the details of the RPF invasion of Rawanda, Interahamwe militia groups, tribe on tribe violence or the U.N.s refusal to support their own mission, the UNAMIR.
The Sandanistas; Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional) is a Nicaraguan communist political party. Not God, not religion. The KKK, Fascist Germany, Spain, Italy and Stalin. None of their activities or wars or simple atrocities were committed in the name of God or Christianity.
However, al-Qeada, OBL, the Taliban, and some 200 plus Islamic terrorist cadres do commit murder and destruction in the name of Allah and for the sake of Islam. Get your shoes on the right feet.
Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 25 February 2007 11:48:10 AM
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The reason Professor Israeli's remarks did not raise much contraversy in the community was because most people agreed with him and did not find the remarks offensive.

Muslims all over the world have a poor reputation and the reasons are obvious to those that read the news. The only ones critical of Israeli were the PC and MC Jewish groups were no doubt fearfull of a Muslim backlash if they supported him.

Here our main problem is with Leb Muslims, with their antisocial behaviour. Do not forget there were 70 girls gang raped in S/W Sydney, on the basis they were Anglos. Not all the rapists were Leb as the conviction of 3 or 4 Pakistanies shows and the rampwge in Auburn,following the close of the polling place for the first Iraqi election was by Iraqis. They beat up people, vandalized shops and cars, and 2 people were shot. Not to mention the intimidation of voters attending the polling place.

Overseas, the antisocial beehaviour has been nuch worse. Gang rapes of Anglo or white girls in France, Spain, Holland, Belgum, Sweden, Germany and Austria by Muslims of many nationalities. What about the ruckus about the Danish cartoons.

Then we have all the terrorist attrocities carried out by muslims. There is too many to mention.

No one should be surprized that many people believe Israli's warning of having a large muslim population in any country.

We have welcomed many thousands of migrants and it is sad to see at least one group that have no respect for us, our laws or social standards.

I hope our government takes a serious look at who we allow into Australia and stop those who do not wish to be part of our community.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 25 February 2007 12:11:05 PM
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Arjay, I remember when Irfan 'suggested'a little bit of sharia. According to the Muslim letter writer,I quote,"It must be understood that Sharia laws in some Muslim countries violate Koranic edicts. Also the Koranic edict[4:59] instructs Muslims to embrace the laws of lands they live in."
Now I think many Australians would suggest that any Muslim who is so unhappy with our laws go to some country where sharia is the only law. Our laws, while not perfect, are the outcome of hundreds of years of struggle, war , history and the deep thinking of many people who never ceased wanting justice and freedom for all.
We will not give that precious standard of law up in exchange for an out dated oppressive system that has not changed in centuries.
Posted by mickijo, Sunday, 25 February 2007 12:52:29 PM
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Well if you look at it from a historical perspective, the
old prof made some valid points. Look around you in a
global sense. Wherever Islam goes, violence seems to
eventually follow. Various people of various religious
backgrounds have come to Australia. Most live here
without fuss, but Muslims want a special deal, like
Sharia law in Perth etc.

Thats all the more reason for a secular state and the
acceptance that whichever way you look at it, violence
is part of Islam. But then the Arabs were violent people,
moreso then anything, amongst themselves. They still are,
just look at Iraq and who is killing whom.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 25 February 2007 2:35:06 PM
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