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Misreported, misconstrued, mistranslated, misunderstood : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 23/2/2007

One can't help but to compare the barrage of abuse faced by the Sheik Taj Al-Din Hilali (perhaps deservedly) with the indifference to Professor Raphael Israeli's offensive remarks.

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The parallels are not alarming Irfan, chiefly because they are non-existent. There is NO parallel between the discourse about Islam in Western societies and the vicious anti-Semitism that was propagated by the Nazis and other fascist groups in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s. The only people who believe this nonsense about so-called Islamophobia being the new anti-Semitism are quite delusional ...
Posted by Snappy Tom, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 10:25:08 PM
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"From genocide studies programs taught at universities".
Good one Irfan, that explains everything-

If it is your idea, then we should close down Universities or at the very least withdraw all public funding , then uninstall Wuddu Machines and Infidel exclusion zones the new age idiots in Australian Universities have seen fit to create, The new Islamic Apartheid .
And that is in Australian Universities, Not Saudi Arabia.
The place is riddled with Looters – liars and thief’s.

They obviously no longer function as the bastions of knowledge and advanced education and are now Mushroom fertilizer factories and useless idiot Indoctrination /recruitment centers.

Things are looking very dark bleak for the future.
Posted by All-, Thursday, 15 March 2007 12:25:44 AM
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Good try. I reckon the christian priests that prey on young kids should be hung and the senior ones that covered it up should be hung as well.

However, i have never heard of a priest advocating, from the pulpit, that pedophilla was OK or to break the taxation laws, or any laws.

You are saying it is all the problem of the muslim clerics that advocate not paying taxes. You mean to tell us that muslim clerics do not preech islamic doctrine? How do they become clerics and teachers then? Even the most senior clerics do not have a say in what is preeched?

Will you now admit that the clerics responsible are liars and Islam does not condone tax evasion. Will you also state openly that the comments of Sheik Feiz Mahommed in relation to aussie girls asking for rape, by their dress, is not only wrong but against all Islamic teachings. Then Sheik Mahommed is also an outright liar.

Do you not find it strange that muslim clerics do not have to follow Islamic doctrine, but can preech whatever they wish.

No wonder Muslims have a credibility problem. This latest episode simply gives your opponants more ammunition
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 15 March 2007 9:29:52 AM
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"Will you also state openly that the comments of Sheik Feiz Mahommed in relation to aussie girls asking for rape, by their dress, is not only wrong but against all Islamic teachings. Then Sheik Mahommed is also an outright liar."

Banjo, you might want to read the very first article posted by me on this website.

The Exclusive Brethren have also sought (and obtained) legislative concessions in areas such as tax, workplace relations and even the use of computers in schools. I guess you wil respond by telling me that the Exclusive Brethren aren't Christians.
Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 15 March 2007 11:05:23 AM
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I did read your first article for OLO and I had not seen it before as it was before I got onto OLO. Its dated 13-5-2005 and titled "Justifying Rape......"

I'm glad that you have the right attitude and call Faiz Mohammed as he is. One who manipulates doctrine for his own purposes. I would call him a fraud and charlatan.I wonder why your religion does not get rid of him and how he ever attracted large audiences is a mystery. But you know that in every pub/club in Aus people were saying "Thats what they are teaching the young muslims, no wonder our girls are being raped". Every other muslim spokesperson said that Sheik Faiz should not say that, but none,except you, said it was incorrect and wrong and not islamic teaching.

Now, take it, you are saying the same about the clerics that preached that paying taxea was unislamic. If they are wrong they should be exposed for what they are, Liars.

In relation to the Exclusive Bretheren, or whatever they call themselves. To get the tax concessions you speak of, they must qualify as a religion as must other religions. Muslim, Hindu and Buddest and other christian denominations. If anyone thinks they do not qualify then they should inform the ATO. I know nothing about them and I am not religous at all. I was brought up with a lot of christian teachings, but gave it away when I realised that adults did not practice the religion I was taught as a child.
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 15 March 2007 3:33:56 PM
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Irfan - in your post of Wednesday, 14 March 2007 8:26:15 PM you said:
"Anyway, I notice that someone here says they've read a few books on European history. I suggest they read some stuff from genocide studies programs taught at universities. The parallels are alarming."

I am that person who has done the reading on Europe in the 1920s and 1930s - if that period isn't relevant to an understanding of the Holocaust then what else is?

Yes there are some really nasty things being said about Muslims in some online forums and blogs but the people doing this are not mainstream. On the other hand it was the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who has openly called for Israel to be wiped off the map. [see ]

Hmmm. Irfan, doesn't that have echoes of what was said (and done) to Jews in Europe in the middle of last century?

Actually the thing that really disgusts me about your bleatings Irfan, is that the scurrilous Tsarist Russian fiction "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is widely published throughout the Arab and Muslim world. The meticulously annotated and non-disputed article at Wikipedia notes that since 1948 "many Arab governments funded new printings of the Protocols, and taught them in their schools as historical fact".

The article goes on to note:
"There are at least nine different Arabic translations of the Protocols and more editions than in any other language except German. The Protocols also figure prominently in the anti-Semitic propaganda distributed internationally by the Arab countries and have spread to other Muslim countries, such as Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia."

The Protocols have also been widely publicised by the Islamic regime in Iran since 1979, while the charter of Hamas explicitly refers to the Protocols accepting the Tsarist lies as factual.

Last night I made the following statement: "The only people who believe this nonsense about so-called Islamophobia being the new anti-Semitism are quite delusional ..."

I'd like to add to that by stating that anybody who thinks that so-called Islamophobia is the new anti-Semitism is a complete charlatan.
Posted by Snappy Tom, Thursday, 15 March 2007 6:52:59 PM
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