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Misreported, misconstrued, mistranslated, misunderstood : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 23/2/2007

One can't help but to compare the barrage of abuse faced by the Sheik Taj Al-Din Hilali (perhaps deservedly) with the indifference to Professor Raphael Israeli's offensive remarks.

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Umm West:
I cant stop laughing, so in an about way, Hitler was actually acting in accordance with the Protocols of Zion?
Or was it a cultural thing that Allah made him do it?

West, I will demonstrate what you wrote is false, just as the false hood of Mohammad was a Prophet of God and was a very loving – kissy -cuddly teddy bear; but it was only if people misunderstood him, did not appease him or believe him then they were terminated. Just ask his Uncle.
And that’s a fact Jack, and consistent for 14 hundred odd years , the only thing changed is the date.

Perhaps Graham should raise a title of; “Hitler-torial Myths any why Stalin remains a silent saint”. It will raise some Eye browse.

I am processing your request Irfan; Stand by for a three thousand page reference on Islamic Genocide from Saudi Arabia all the way to China- in 1400 years of African - European - Asian Occupation.

Sheesh Irfan better make that 6 thousand pages, processing the Barbarian Mohammedan Genocides in India Just made it bigger.

And the first 100 years of Mohammedan Cultic destroyers reached the mark well over 6 million- that’s why they created Dhimmi Irfan, they killed off all the slaves- Very stupid thing indeed.
What a coincidence , an new age slaves Tax return. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Shame- shame- shame.
Posted by All-, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 3:12:51 PM
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I notice some people here are quoting from texts of the Koran. I also note B_D dismissing Leviticus. Yet to bring B_D back to the topic, the fact is that certain Jewish extremists on the same side as Raphael Israeli use these texts to support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian territories.

I know some people keep complaining about Muslims not protesting against terrorists. I'm sure Palestinian Christians must be wondering why all the so-called Christians aren't protesting over the plans of Israeli and co to strip the Palestinian territories of their churches?

Perhaps some of you should read Peter Manning's description of what is happening in Bethlehem. You can find a summary here ...
Posted by Irfan, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 12:54:05 AM
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Hi Irf
I don't actually 'dismiss' Leviticus... not at all. I am simply pointing out that there were a lot of rules established for the operation of the Israelites as a "state" or theocratic community in those days.

Many Jews(Settlers)are still actually LIVING in that old Theocratic mental zone.

I can understand this Jewish mindset, but we need to be clear, it is not Leviticus which is used by Jews to justify the claim on the land, it is Genesis. The promises made were to 'your offspring forever' so that does not in fact have much relevance to the priestly system that Leviticus covers.

Have I not outlined those promises and the nature of this position in other posts ? yes..I have, just as I've outlined the Hamas position which is equally strong for total 100% ethnic cleansing of the Jews.

I've shown these 2 extreme positions, and have further suggested that in the light of these intractable poles, that the best thing IS an ethnic cleansing based on compassion. i.e. provide a place to live, land with equal productivity for the Palestinians most aggrieved by the establishement of Israel (those in the camps)
Perhaps if I was going to use a Biblical verse to underpin this it would be "As far as it depends on you, live peacefully with all men"
In the absense of peaceful attitudes on both extremes, the next best thing is to separate them totally. Given that Israel will not move, history (not any sense of morality) suggests that the weaker party should. I point to our own present existence in Australia as evidence for this.

One problem though, is that the Settler movement will most likely seek to continue expanding on the basis of those Genesis promises and that will further alienate more Palestinians who are currently not so effected by the existing situation.

When Hilali makes a remark, or Israeli .. we Australians are more likely to regard one as a whacko than the other due to our historical religious traditions being Judao/Christian. I state this as an observation, not a justification.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 5:30:17 AM
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Don't tell me that the story in the OZ yesterday, about it being unislamic to pay income tax is misreported. Apparently some of your "thick sheiks" have been telling their congregations this. In other words, advocating the non payment of tax.

One letter writer said this morning-- "That if it unislamic to pay income tax, then so should the acceptance of welfare payments"

Another valid critisism of Islam? They constantly do it to themselves.

Some days, I guess you can't win a trick.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 9:17:06 AM
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Irfan originally wrote that in the media criticism game it is not a level playing field. I would have tended to agree but yesterday’s news that some clerics preached non-payment of taxes is already yesterday’s news. When the Family First party suggested that lesbians should be burnt as witches there was barley mention in the press. That should have been up there with Hilalis comments. When Hill Song stole thousands upon thousands of tax payer’s dollars earmarked for a desperate indigenous community there was barley a couple of paragraphs in the news. Much of what George Pell says is inflammatory and what I regard as anti-Australian and two newspapers treats him as if he is some sort of intellectual. In the crux of the matter Irfan is right but I say because of terrorism which did not stop at an isolated occurrence but continues then it is expected that Islam will be treated like this. Irfan you must remind yourself it is not the Islamic way of life being threatened, I use the word threat as in purposefully threatened by agency. You cannot deny some Islamists have in actuality threatened to destroy our way of life. The response by western society is quite restrained and gentle considering what the stakes are. You can’t compare it to the holocaust, Muslims are not being rounded up and interned for being Muslims and Jews did not commit terrorist acts against Nazi Germany nor threatened to ethnically cleanse German culture. Anti-Islam has been created by the deeds and rhetoric if Islamists. It was Bin Laden’s strategy to provoke the west but what he accomplished was sowing the seeds of his religions own destruction eventually and it is already beginning to repel its own believers. I say this because now the religion is unsustainable , swamped with too many questions for which it cannot hold answers and the terrorist acts will stay in the minds of the world for generations. Bin Laden has forced in the minds of the world for the terrorism and Islam to become one and the same.
Posted by West, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 11:05:24 AM
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West, I think you've hit the nail on the head - though I think in allowing Bin Laden to monopolise a view of Islam we're not doing the innocent people within the religion justice.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 11:21:43 AM
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