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Taking a stand for all animals : Comments

By Katrina Sharman, published 20/12/2006

Billions of animals are suffering in the US and Australia, but there’s hope in the wings.

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Country Gal

"Hear hear, aqvarivs. Its just another reason why our society should support family farmers - those that genuinely care for their land and their animals - rather than assuming that corporations are better farmers because they have higher profits."

It's a sad day when farming becomes so cost prohibitive that a country can no longer afford to feed itself and becomes dependent on the importation of it's food stuffs.

Thankfully the U.N. will be ready and willing to do food drops and finance subsistence farming once Australia reaches third world status.
Posted by aqvarivs, Friday, 12 January 2007 8:34:46 AM
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This thread needs more focus and maybe some more aggressive “anti-lunacy” rhetoric from “real people".

Being a fervent supporter of freedom of choice (to eat meat or not) and to resist, at all times the aggressive minorities who seek to impose undue influence beyond their representative worth (like PETA) and those who believe in terrorism and criminal vandalism as tools for their cause (the “animal liberation” network), I present for you a few worthy quotes from the animal rights folk who want to crush your freedom of choice in the name of “Taking a stand for all animals”.

Freedom of speech means idiots condemn themselves from their own mouths. So let the babes Speak -

"We feel that animals have the same rights as retarded children."
Alex Pacheco, PETA

"It is time we demand an end to the misguided and abusive concept of animal ownership. The first step on this long, but just, road would be ending the concept of pet ownership."
Elliot Katz, In Defense of Animals,

"Six million Jews died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughter houses."
Ingrid Newkirk, PETA,

"It is time we demand an end to the misguided and abusive concept of animal ownership. The first step on this long, but just, road would be ending the concept of pet ownership."
Elliot Katz, In Defense of Animals,

"As John Bryant has written in his book Fettered Kingdoms, they [pets] are like slaves, even if well-kept slaves."
PETA's Statement on Companion Animals

"Arson, property destruction, burglary and theft are 'acceptable crimes' when used for the animal cause."
Alex Pacheco, PETA

"In a war you have to take up arms and people will get killed, and I can support that kind of action by petrol bombing and bombs under cars, and probably at a later stage, the shooting of vivisectors on their doorsteps.
Tim Daley, British Animal Liberation Front

Anyone who thinks they have sympathy with PETA and other “liberationists”, check out what you are really supporting and whether you are being had.

Balance People, Balance.
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 12 January 2007 11:00:39 AM
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Dear Col

Right on.

As for being on topic did you miss PETA's immoral stance on the snowed in farm animals in Colorado -- see Jan 10 post? This is a current event. Where is Dickie Dearest when we need some one to spin and rationalise this disgusting bit of news.

You missed listing a big one that I have been saving -- Peter Singer and his advocating "consensual sex with animals" Boston Post article appeared a few years ago condemning the depravity of AL's leading light.

Will lawyers for animals defend abused animals who have been raped by Singer acolytes who failed to obtain consent?

The people who deserve the most condemnation are the apologists who lend moral and financial support because they agree with 'most' of their platform and agenda. These apologist feel it is acceptable that only a few libbers are violent. The apologist self righteously decides to be part of the problem not the solution.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Friday, 12 January 2007 12:08:37 PM
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Cowboy Joe "the apologists who lend moral and financial support because they agree with 'most' of their platform and agenda"

Lenin had a couple of words to describe them.

I find the whole "animal rights" agenda as offensive as any other dictatorship and that is exactly what PETA want, their dictatorship.

PETA, despite being and representing a tiny minority view, demand to direct us all along a path of their choosing without sense or reason to where it might lead.

It is no different to muslim extremists demanding we adopt Sharia law in Australia.

It is the same senseless anti-democratic pseudo-social babble which the insecure malcontents, with inferiority complexes and those with insufficient real problems in their lives, fixate on.

They are, in Lenins words "Useful Idiots".

So let every reasonable and sensible individual stand up and reject the babble. Reject PETA. Stop buying Abercrombie and Fitch Suites (A&F who acquiessed to PETA over Australian Wool)

I for one enjoy my leather coat and leather shoes.

A good steak from either cattle or kangaroo or pork chops or lamb grace my table almost every day (sometimes its fish).

I have no pets as a personal choice yet resent no one who has.

I do not deliberately harm animals but recognise eating meat is the mainstream and no crackpot vegan or vegitarian is going to dictate to me about it.

I saw a TV show recently, some looney stupid vegan woman thought she could gain energy from looking at the sun. Maybe she had managed to develop photosynthesis as a byproduct of getting up close and personal with a carrot or cucumber but I don't think so really. She was an animal rights fruitcake harrassing people as they shopped with pamphlets and placards.

And I have yet to hear of a gerbil every giving consent when participating with a human. Beastiality is beastiality and a perversion for its mentally ill practitioners to anticipate from the comfort of their straight jackets.
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 12 January 2007 1:11:22 PM
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Col Rouge


Isn't that vegietarian?

Posted by aqvarivs, Friday, 12 January 2007 1:49:17 PM
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And I have yet to hear of a gerbil every giving consent when participating with a human. Beastiality is beastiality and a perversion for its mentally ill practitioners to anticipate from the comfort of their straight jackets.

Peta people do this? Advocate it? Geezus they are worse than i imagined!
Posted by the gryphon, Friday, 12 January 2007 4:29:37 PM
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