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Taking a stand for all animals : Comments

By Katrina Sharman, published 20/12/2006

Billions of animals are suffering in the US and Australia, but there’s hope in the wings.

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The Gryphon, I'm not sure that there is a five legged four winged hopping mouse for the greenies to find out there,

Country Gal i saw one ! honest!

Ok maybe the starry skies that the banjo wrote about buggered my vision that night or was it the BOOROOBRAN HOTEL`S tasty ales that altered my vision,no matter i share your delight in those plains,Clare culpa,alma,wanganella,zarah, even out back of the Booligal pub great places and maybe the JJ`s and dickies should get off their vinyl couches and take a look at some of the other world (the real one)
Posted by the gryphon, Tuesday, 9 January 2007 5:30:26 PM
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Truth said. There are some very cruel people about doing God knows what to animals. However we do have laws to control that sort of illegal and indiscriminate behavior and we punish them when they're found out. Are the laws lenient? Maybe so but, if the greens really wanted to make a difference they could narrow their focus and protest during those events and call for stiffer fines or sentences. Culling is essential to maintaining healthy stock and controlling endemic disease. Hunting is a part of game conservation. As we encroach more and more into animal habitat our responsibilities and direct intervention increase. It's called planned management.
More jobs for the social conscience types. Of course they'd have to get out into the bush and get their clothes dirty... well, I guess some one else better do the work after all. We don't need the country side littered with granola bar wrappers, torn Levi's and spent tennis shoes. Poor animals have it bad enough. :-)
Posted by aqvarivs, Tuesday, 9 January 2007 6:19:19 PM
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WHOS SIDE IS PETA REALLY ON? Would any rational person be surprised with the following news article? After all PETA is about garnering financial and political support to build an organisation that provides jobs for metrocentric girls and a few boys who think the same. Another form of socialising the funds and privatising the lifestyles of the self appointed, self righteous, highly evolved who hate other humans who don't support some of their radical views.

Colorado Governor: PETA “A Bunch Of Losers,” “Frauds”

As many as 340,000 cows and steers have been left stranded by southeastern Colorado's most recent snowstorm, and National Guard units are helping ranchers in a frantic bid to save the freezing animals. Faced with 15-foot snowdrifts, rescuers are airlifting bales of hay and hoping for the best. But as Coloradans are learning, the wealthy People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) isn't about to lift a finger. Not for those animals -- the ones destined to be flame-broiled, grilled, or roasted. Appearing on Denver radio station KRFX yesterday morning, Colorado Governor Bill Owens spoke for all of us. PETA, he declared, are "a bunch of losers" [click to listen] and "frauds" [click to listen].

The dust-up started when KRFX morning hosts Rick Lewis and Michael Floorwax (yes, that's his real name) called PETA to ask if the group would help feed and rescue the snowbound herds. PETA spokeswoman Reannon Peterson took the call, and bluntly replied: "You're going to save them, and then in six months they're going to be killed and end up on some one's plate. So I don't know that it's really the most noble cause." [click to listen].

Peterson added that wild animals caught in the blizzard's wake -- the same animals PETA routinely criticizes hunters for bagging -- also weren't worth spending PETA's money to save. "It's an act of God," she said. "There's really nothing to be done" [click to listen].

Enter Governor Owens. In addition to labeling PETA "losers" and "frauds," he expressed amazement that "PETA doesn't want us to feed freezing cattle. Link--
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Wednesday, 10 January 2007 9:49:23 AM
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6 January continued

By contrast the 1/94 Archive of General Psychiatry, Prof Kessler reported about an extremely comprehensive survey of mental health – 1/3 of the USA is afflicted by mental illness every year and ˝ will suffer from mental illness in their lifetime.

The conference literature advertised workshops on hunt sabotage but none were held, however, a number of secret meetings were conducted in hotel rooms. Conference attendees had bumper stickers reading SAVE CRUELTY and CHOLESTEROL, BE a VEGITARIAN, VISUALISE INDUSTRIAL COLLAPSE, BACK to THE PLEISTOCENE, (apparently unaware that there were lots of hunters and hunted way back then)

Driving home our writer had to drive through a part of LA that had experienced recent riots. Local news reports highlighted drugs, gang warfare, adolescent gun crime, rapes, shootings, unemployment, and homelessness and so on. By contrast, the local bumper stickers read, VISUALISE CIVIL WAR, LIFES HARD THEN YOU DIE and LEAVE ME ALONE.

Moral of the story? Being white and affluent predisposes one to being concerned about additional rights for animals. So if PETA & AL want more converts all they have to do is eliminate poverty. This strategy would have to be easier than starting a new religion based on what people eat.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Thursday, 11 January 2007 12:10:05 AM
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Dear anti`s

My idea is that if you like sardine icecream,lentil burgers or tofu pies or some other strange food (to me) i will leave you to enjoy it and wont try and sway your opinion of such fine food,why then and what gives you the right to try and sway my mind away from dreaming about a large Angus rump steak cooked med rare and smothered in Aioli?

Why do you vegies think you have the right to protest about what i eat or what i breed or what i hunt to be able to eat..animal rights? Yes of course,plenty of tucker,clean water and good lodging/penning etc...we want them in good condition.

The finest meat i have ever eaten was from barley crop raiding free ranging Tasmanian Fallow deer...fat as fools and oh so tender too.

The Tassy season is back again in March and by all reports the deer are in superb condition,we hunters cant wait....spspspsps (sound of lips smacking!)

And we had a horse to put down here at home in the country due to a busted knee,i happened to mention the fact to an Italian mate on the phone and his immediate response was yelled out hurriedly,

"my old man will take all the porterhouse and the scotches"
Posted by the gryphon, Thursday, 11 January 2007 4:38:05 AM
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An Aussie icon is Sam with his ads for LAMB

Sam Kekovich back on lamb

Dina Rosendorff

January 12, 2007 12:00am
Article from: Herald-Sun

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LOOK out lentil lovers - "Slamming" Sam Kekovich is back with another meat-loving monologue sure to miff even the most mild-mannered mung bean muncher.

In his latest TV ad for Meat and Livestock Australia, Kekovich implores viewers to take a stand against un-Australianism "before it becomes as prevalent as exposed genitals on a reality television show".

Has Sam gone too far? Have your say below.

In a thinly veiled reference to Ian Thorpe, Kekovich laments "the greatest disaster to befall our nation since tofu: the early retirement of our greatest Olympic swimmer".

"Is there anything more un-Australian than those gold medal-hungry Yanks who tried to poison a big-hearted Aussie champion with the lure of Hollywood just to stop him racing?" he says.

"It's like Phar Lap all over again. That's the danger of too much L.A. and not enough L-A-M-B."

But Thorpe's manager David Flaskas dismissed comparisons with the legendary racehorse.

"I can understand Sam's concern but the good thing is Thorpey hasn't been taken to a taxidermist and put in a museum yet," Mr Flaskas said.

In his deadpan address to the nation, Kekovich also suggests using uranium to power barbecues, reducing global warming.

"Think how many chops a portable nuclear reactor could cook," he says.

"If the koala suit-wearing, tree-hugging, alfalfa-munching lobby has a problem with that, they can chain themselves to the nearest plane.

"I hear North Korea's nice this time of year."

Sean Cadman from the Wilderness Society, famous for dressing money collectors in koala costumes, said Kekovich was an Aussie larrikin with a redneck sense of humour.

"No one takes Sam Kekovich seriously," Mr Cadman said. "If you don't see the ridiculousness in that sort of stuff you certainly don't have a sense of humour."

The former AFL footballer also proclaims eating meat would solve Australia's water crisis.,21985,21046558-661,00.html
Posted by the gryphon, Friday, 12 January 2007 7:37:58 AM
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