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Taking a stand for all animals : Comments

By Katrina Sharman, published 20/12/2006

Billions of animals are suffering in the US and Australia, but there’s hope in the wings.

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The kangaroo shooting situation, like global warming is our fault largely as a result of poor land management and zoning practices. Of course greed and ignorance has been a large part of this. Like global warming we are not powerless to take action to rectify the situation. Though I don't think the approximately four thousand commercial shooters would be too pleased if there were other solutions to mitigating crop damage other than shooting macropods. Hell, they'd have to get a real job with other people.

Though there are other mitgation methods as opposed to shooting. A farmer from Leeton I used to work with in the Wine Industry explained to me he had saved money on professional shooters by planting a row of lupins around his wheat, "fiteen feet thick". Apparently kangaroos don't like lupins.


i)Ask your supermarket manager/ grocer/ baker/ butcher for products made out of imported wheat. Explain why you are asking. After all, kangaroos are not killed in any other country during the production of wheat and other cereals.

ii) Petition/ e-mail/ write to FSANZ ( Food Standards Australia & New Zealand)to include labels on products containing wheat ( barley...etc...) that state either way if "kangaroos/ wallabies were harmed during the production of this product".

iiia) Petition/ e-mail/ write to your local/ Federal member(s), local Mayor and the honorable Ian Campbell to have picture of a cute little baby kangaroo in its' mother's pouch included on kangaroo meat and products, and perhaps a statement to the effect of " if you didn't intend to buy this- these animals may have continued to live" or something like that.


b) Do the same as in iiia) and/ or state you believe an environment tax should be levied on kangaroo meat to make it more expensive than buying other meats. That this tax should go toward restoring the food and water supply for kangaroos in the natural environment so they have no need to drink from dams and eat cereal crops.
Posted by Johno J, Sunday, 7 January 2007 1:17:55 AM
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That this tax should go toward restoring the food and water supply for kangaroos in the natural environment so they have no need to drink from dams and eat cereal crops.
Posted by Johno J, Sunday, 7 January 2007 1:17:55 AM

Another delusional mind in thinking that he might sway the minds of us others...get real johno j,you obviously didnt know that there are far more roos in australia now than there ever were when old jimmy cook lobbed here a few years ago.

Bores,ground tanks,bore drains etc have opened up western qld and nsw where no natural PERMANENT water could be had previously to sustain roos...god boy,where have you been?Another with the ostrich syndrome?

Another tax? Laughable? Have you ever been north of the Yarra?If so have you spent time in the western areas of the above states? No? Of course not,you get all of your info from the green group newsletters that you subscibe too.
This week i`m into some roo fillet that has been marinated in o/oil,garlic,lemon juice and oregano...i will grill it over yellow box coals on a wire grill till some blood seeps onto the top side,a quick turn over and it will be just delish...mmmm,rareish roo meat done like that is superb,i might have a small side salad to compliment the meat.

And as far as you mentioning something about roo shooters having to get a real job you are definately sharing your ignorance around as the work they do is not for the lilywhite fluorescent tanned city dweller that you undoubtably are. The work in all sorts of weather requires hard workers with no cafe bar to whinge around every day.I think i should post another pic of some roos hanging on the ute,just for you JJ
Posted by the gryphon, Sunday, 7 January 2007 7:02:22 AM
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1) WATER UNAVAILABILTY IN SOUTH WESTERN NSW: Few farmers I know seem to have any extended or integrated understanding of the meteorology, hydrology, biodiversity and ecology of South Western NSW ( though I do know of one). Farmers generally think that if they weren't growing wheat and didn't have dams (or a pipeline from a bore/ canal that macropods chew through to get water) that the kangaroos would have no food or water.

This may be partly true in our altered built environment, cleared, irrigated, grazed, cropped ect...though it has only been like this, in these parts ( mostly) at least since soldier settlers were given these lands to develop when they returned from WWII.

Prior to the clearing of the vast expanses of Carrathool plain, there were numerous creeks and wadis that regularly flew with opportunistic recharge. Hence why they are all named creeks on old 1800's maps. Since clearing, global warming and the construction of stupid towns like Narrandera ( stupid as in relying nearly entirely on bore water- though the hamburgers are great) a much lower proportion of available water is available for natural waterways and recharge for aquifers.

Entire river deltas and river systems have died in China, the UK and North America due to unsustainable bore water extraction based on a poor understanding of groundwater and the interrelation of plant biomass/ recharge.

The interconnectivity of subterranean aquifers and water courses in NSW is still poorly understood, though it is a fair bet it would rain a lot more here independent of El Niño if forests had not been turned into grassland. As in trees tie up water in the one place and regularly add to overall air moisture with evapotranspiration. Higher humidity = higher probability of rain.

Hence the streams in the national park I live near have only flown for three months in eight years. The flood is also overdue.

Net result is that macropods rely on farm dams for water. There is nothing else for them to drink.

You would do well to think more and spew your mind at people less Gryphon.
Posted by Johno J, Sunday, 7 January 2007 1:39:04 PM
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Net result is that macropods rely on farm dams for water. There is nothing else for them to drink.

You obviously didnt get the gist of the spew above JJ...exactly what i was saying is that there are FAR MORE roo`s now than before due to man opening up a water source for them...had a look in the freezer today and i`m wondering wether it will be wood duck,pacific black duck or,yes thats it i think i will have the teal roasted tonight..
Posted by the gryphon, Sunday, 7 January 2007 5:08:02 PM
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"Ask your supermarket manager/ grocer/ baker/ butcher for products made out of imported wheat. Explain why you are asking."

Hehe, given that in most years by far the majority of our wheat
is exported to third world countries, those 20 million Australian
consumers, if they all stopped eating wheat tomorrow, would hardly
matter. World population is increasing by 80 million a year old
son, so your little feelgood exercise is no more then
that. Reality does not go away, when we close our eyes and wish
it would, get used to it.
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 7 January 2007 5:17:29 PM
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Good Onya Johno,

Such actions would only serve to make Australian's much poorer as money is sent overseas, not kept here creating jobs for our youth.

Such is the extreme stupidity of such fools.
Posted by Spider, Sunday, 7 January 2007 5:42:47 PM
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