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Taking a stand for all animals : Comments

By Katrina Sharman, published 20/12/2006

Billions of animals are suffering in the US and Australia, but there’s hope in the wings.

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I myself have been a member of PETA for years as a deer hunter and as deerhunters we like to think that we are all members of PETA which to us simply equates to PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS...

A bonus with wild introduced animals that do create some concerns in the environment(calls to cull them) is that they are truly organic and healthy to devour...not much better than a juicy chemical free medium rare lump of wild animal turning around on my home made beer barrel spit.Goddamn! that sounds great,i`m off on another hunt in the `morn!

A lifetime in the farming and hunting fields alerts me to the fact that there are some extremely ignorant posts above by vegans and anti hunters.

I have lived the above for my whole life,what do you metrocentric citizens of the big smoke know if you "havent been there and done that"?
You obviously rely on mis information from the various green "anti this anti that" groups out there living fat off your contibutions.
Green anti groups?

Dont know how many times we have heard reports of Laurie Levy dining out for long lunches ( on your dough )

Actually now that i have raised St. Laurie`s name i have to say that he certainly DOSENT want duck hunting banned as then he would be out of a very well paid job..think about it! No duck hunting = no LLLL.=
Laurie Levy Long Lunches.

I loved those stickers made by Northern Victorian country towns that welcome duck hunters,the stickers?
DUCK OFF LAURY, ha ha ha.
Posted by the gryphon, Thursday, 4 January 2007 6:37:22 AM
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What an abominably misinformed and/or deliberately alarmist and insulting article.

The majority of Australians are animal loving people and respect the animals that are under our stewardship.

Yes, there have been a small number of 'bad apples' who have done horrendous things. Those cases have been dealt with by the courts. The rest of Australia does not need to be punished for the misdeeds of a minority.

The culling of some kangaroos is necessary because they have few natural predators.

The alternative to culling is a cruel and lingering death in an emaciated carcass, often in blistering heat with crows pecking out your eyes when you are too weak to move, and flies breeding in festering sores because your immune system has ebbed to the point where it can no longer protect you.

Today, few Aboriginals and few dingoes are hunting young roos to keep the balance of nature in check. While one young joey is hopping alongside mum there is another embryo in the pouch.
Fast breeders.

What a pity you intelligent people arent spending your time working alongside those who are conserving the future of our native animals by the humane removal of feral animals from our wilderness areas.

The use of 1080 poison has killed off a lot of the meat eaters in our native ecology, even though official sources deny this. A bullet from a professional shooters gun is a better ally of our animals future than government sanctioned use of poisons which are banned in other countries.

The future of animals does not lie in saving every animal.

Overpopulation of a species is a death threat to not only their own species, but to other species as well.

Animal rights? Or animal wrongs?

Animal rights is idealogy that is out of step with the balance of nature.

And now the legal profession is set to make a killing out of the animals too.

How very sad.

I hope Australians soon wake up to the real game.

Posted by Mimosa, Thursday, 4 January 2007 12:23:07 PM
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You claim: "Animal rights is (an) idealogy (sic) that is out of step with nature."

Animal rights are no more an ideology than human rights are, Mimosa.

Why do you regard yourself as superior to other species which can't defend themselves? Power? Profits? Ignorance? Sadism?

Let's reverse the current situation. Would you object if I chopped your hand off without the benefit of an anaesthetic? What about hacking off your testicles? Perhaps you'd like to be dropped into a pot of boiling water, alive and screaming like a banshee?

I could give you a good crutching so you wont get flyblown? No anaesthetic, mind you. You'll be OK in a week or two!

Now, be a good, brave human and don't try to escape whilst I'm operating or I may have to take you out with my bow and arrow. I'm not a good marksman therefore I may need to have a few goes at you. Mmmmm, if it doesn't work, I could decapitate you with my hunting knife. On reflection, it's probably simpler to just bash your brains out.

But hang about - here's something which you might prefer. I could incarcerate you in a cage for most of your life. You won't be able to turn around of course. Now don't go and get all depressed - silly human. It happens to animals all the time!

Did you know that a developing country like India has within its parliament, a Department of Animal Welfare? No - you probably didn't! And we call India, third world? She has developed a 21st century philosophy in pursuit of ethical treatments for all her animals, a philosophy which remains too advanced for this wealthy nation which is consumed by its fiscal desires to maximise profits at all costs!

Time to enter the Golden Age, Mimosa - the age of enlightenment!
Posted by dickie, Thursday, 4 January 2007 8:14:31 PM
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"I could give you a good crutching so you wont get flyblown? No anaesthetic, mind you. You'll be OK in a week or two!"

Dickie, you clearly don't know the first thing about sheep lol.
Are you now suggesting that crutching sheep should involve
an anaesthetic? Do you have any idea about sheep at all?
The front from the back perhaps?

You are of course free in our society to give money to Peta.
Others give it to the Taliban, another fanatical organisation.
Personally I'd prefer to stick to organisations with a bit more
credibility. Peta have never let facts interfere with a good
story, even if they are pointed out to them. 20 million $
in donations a year requires a bit of storytelling perhaps,
never mind any kind of qualified or informed opinions.
Animal welfare is clearly big business!
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 4 January 2007 10:06:34 PM
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Dickie you have absolutely no idea of what crutching sheep involves..its obvious from your post,one would imagine that you are another that gains their information (mis) from one of the animal rights mobs...

Here is one of your lines below

"I could incarcerate you in a cage for most of your life. "

Zoo? Ever been? Yes of course you have and you loved it too,prob take or will take your children also...whats the difference between any animal in any cage?

Got a pet of any sort Dickie? Ever had one? What do/did you feed it?
Oh maybe it was a budgie eh? A meat eating cat? Ever opened a can of Pal(MEATY bites).Ever eaten an egg?broken bread?A lettuce? Coffee? Tea? Oatmeal?Milk? Ever worn wool on your back? Cotton? Silk? Hessian? Each and every one involves pest animals being destroyed in the pursuit of more yields...who for? All of us including you too Dickie.

And as far as yapping about India (sacred cows) what a joke,i think i will try and forget you brought it up.

Anyway i`m off to fire a few shots over the vineyard...must keep the pest birds down so you can enjoy another Cabernet or perhaps you are a Chardy drinker.
Posted by the gryphon, Friday, 5 January 2007 7:30:01 AM
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You are quite wrong with your description of crutching sheep, but far be it for me to enlighten you. You clearly think you know more than I about such things.

The Hindu religion practised in India has as one of its most fundamental principles the sanctity of all living creatures. Animal welfare is second nature to many Indian people, as it is to the majority of Australians who have dealings with animals in their daily lives.

Your hollow pompous ravings and bullying tactics should be condemned for what they are.

Posted by Mimosa, Friday, 5 January 2007 10:13:51 AM
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