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A bigger storm is brewing : Comments

By John Stone, published 21/11/2006

Media elites are in a frenzy over climate change while ignoring the real challenge.

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yes.. it would be terrible if we allowed either of these issues to be persued at the neglect of the other.

Global warming is something I'm not scientifically up to speed on, but I gain the impression that it is something we should be working on, and fast. I have the technical skills to install Solar panels on every roof, and know it is a good thing.

1/ 10 Solar panels +Interactive inverter+ battery bank.
2/ NO electic heating or cooking (Gas only) Carbon TAX on all electic cookers/heaters.
3/ High efficiency lighting on all new homes.

This alone would reduce our C02 output dramatically.

PROBLEM ? "Economic Rationalism/Privatization of Utilities"
why ? Simple. "Now that we have all this EXCESS electical capacity..lets build a truckload of new FACTORIES etc".......and so it goes on.

ISLAMIST THREAT ? I wish I could put my heart feelings into words better, but all of you who seem to deny this would be well advised to obtain a copy or at least SEE the doco "Obsession: The threat of radical Islam".
The last time I saw red hot speakers talking about ruling the world was around 1939 (on film of course) but even Hitler was not 'saying' that directly ... he implied it.. the clerics shown speaking in ENGLISH on this doco are actually saying it.

Don mentioned 1 billion ... yes. and from those the fighters for Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, Lebanon all came.

RADICAL....ISLAMIST are the key words. Just like the 'radicals' hijacked the G20 protest and turned it into a "G20 RIOT" for the world to see, highly motivated small groups can do the same on the Religious front. There are 13 suspects in Melb and 11 in Sydney in this connection.

I saw this happening last saturday..I was there.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 21 November 2006 11:21:29 AM
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Whether the appeasers and cowards like it or not, Islam is at war with our western values and way of life. You can cower away under your rocks all you like - you only have to look at Europe to see the problems we face. The greatest danger facing our civilization is not climate change. It's the advance of Islam which would have us back in the dark ages.

If only the cowards would devote half the energy to opposing Islamofascism as they do climate change skeptics we'd probably be alright.
Posted by bozzie, Tuesday, 21 November 2006 11:21:49 AM
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"In short, we should remain officially complacent about the most serious threat to our future, namely the fundamental incompatibility of Islam with Western society," can't see the mirror image then? Look at what "Christians" and "Jews" are up to in the ME. I suppose our cluster bombs and depleted uranium pose no threat to the future of ordinary people there(or the environment)?

The business world has created a right bruhaha with mis-information, knowing that to truly tackle climate change, we will have to tackle how we do business. Ensuring that war is out of bounds as a valid tool for business would be a good place to start. Ironically, this would be good for the environment too.
Posted by K£vin, Tuesday, 21 November 2006 12:15:14 PM
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And if only the fanatics would devote half the energy to investigating the facts as they do repeating the rants of other fanatics we'd probably be alright as well.,,1952627,00.html

Only a matter of years ago, the same sorts of hatreds were being spread about Asians, and before them it was the Greeks, Italians, Yugoslavs, Jews, Catholics, Irish.....

A citizenship test is supposed to be some sort of solution?

Our climate will still be here long after the ethnic cleansing the author dreams about has been completed.
Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 21 November 2006 12:29:40 PM
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Wobbly one....

I wish to take issue with your comment:

"Only a matter of years ago, the same sorts of hatreds were being spread about Asians, and before them it was the Greeks, Italians, Yugoslavs, Jews, Catholics, Irish"

In short...."no". It is not the 'same' nor is it 'hatred' as far as I can see. I cannot speak for others, but for me, (as a scrutiny of my emails to Muslims would reveal) its about issues.

I honestly don't think you can show me an example of a Greek political or religious leader from 'a matter of years ago' who was ranting about 'Ruling the World' and referring his rant to the exploits of Alexanda (the Macedonian :) I don't recall any Italians of any political or religious persuasion saying "We will stop when we cleanse the world of the White House". I'm talking people/leaders with solid 'street cred' in their respective communities now... not some bloke on a soap box.
Jews... well they don't sign write it :) They just snipe at the Coles board from the outer (while keeping all their shares) because they want the purchasing to be chanelled through 'family' companies :)
All the other ethnic groups you mentioned.. most people recognize they simply wanted a new life with no political baggage.

Can you point to such ? If you can, then I can agree 'same'.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 21 November 2006 12:53:54 PM
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I truly suspect john stone is mad.
Whether the change in the climate is man made or part of the natural cycle, it is going to cause more problems for australia than a handful of radical Muslims. Indeed, if the drought is any indication or the earlier and earlier onset of the bushfire season - it already is.
even when the IRA was at its height, it caused little real angst for the vast majority of the english, and there were a great deal more Irish immigrants in britain at the time than there are Muslim ones here.
apparently even an American is nine times more likely to be struck by lightening than killed by a terrorist - so you can imagine what the stats are like for Australians - infinitesimal ( but the rate of melanoma is rising), so even in the natural scheme of things, the climate is more dangerous.
Posted by ena, Tuesday, 21 November 2006 1:07:29 PM
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