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'Uncovered Meat' meets 'Mr Lust' : Comments

By Bronwyn Winter, published 7/11/2006

It is still the norm in the collective Australian psyche to consider women as sexual predators of unwitting men who simply can't help themselves.

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Vivy "I am an extremely good looking women", how many of you are there? Did you clone yourself? I've read one of your comments before. Don't think you really like Aussie men...or Aussie women. Why don't you go back to your cesspit country of origin, where the men and women are obviously much better (yeah, right!). You really are obnoxious!
Posted by trueaussie, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 10:17:45 PM
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Although at face value the Shiek Hilalis words appear to be about sex it is really about politics. The politics of the Muslim women in this country wearing the muslim religious uniform as apposed to Australian women not wearing them. If he can portray one as right and the other as wrong then he can gain more support among his followers for the continued wearing of this getup in Western countries.

The battle in all countries rages around the wearing of the Muslim headgear and robes as a symbol of Muslim defiance to fit into their adopted countries. He also seeks to frighten muslim women into wearing these robes in case they may be influnenced by their host culture to take them off. If rape and incest were truly reported in some of these Muslim countries and obviously the women aren’t going to report it if they are going to be blamed , the incidence of it would be fairly high I suspect. In less sexually explicit times in the west the reporting of rape also did not happen.

No Shiek Hilali Muslim women are not more pure and better than Australian women . The wearing of a disguise does not make a kinder or nicer person than some one who doesn’t wear a disguise.

And a lot of Muslim women are guilty of branding Australian women this way to make
themselves fell more holy and superior to Australian women so they can justify their Muslim tribalism.
Posted by sharkfin, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 11:00:33 PM
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I guess men are also responsible for what is expressed in womens and teen magazines. For the number of cases of bulimia and anorexia. For womans fashion. Gee I guess men are responsible for women period. Now I understand the feminazi and the emasculation of society today. Poor women, they're not contributers of society but rather suffering a form of Stockholm syndrome. They're only participating out of fear and a system of forced compliance. No wonder there are no real women any more, just social victims. No men of value, just walking billfolds.
All those who strive for victim status ought to go about in a black sheet, covered from head to toe, so the rest of us can stay out of harms way.
Posted by aqvarivs, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 11:59:18 PM
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There is nothing wrong with womens magazines or teen magazines or womens fashion.
There is nothing wrong with the celebration of the power of female sexuality. Men aren’t forced to suppress their sexuality why should women be forced to suppress theirs.

Its wonderful to see women excel in sport and sing and dance on stage. Women in black robes aren’t allowed to express themselves like this. I love to see Rhonda Birchmore on the stage in Melbourne singing and dancing up a storm in her wonderful stage dresses.

Women who fear this kind of thing should ask themselves why they fear their own sexuality.

Bulimia and anorexia is a compulsive illness, its about a feeling of lack of control in your life. These people latch on to food because its one thing they can have control over when everything else in their lives seems to be spiraling out of control I really don’t think it is about female sexuality.

You are right about women trying to emasculate men in Western society though. That’s because the sexes don’t understand the way the other thinks and its an age old conflict that women want men to be more understanding of women, and men want women to be more understanding of men. I say let men be men and let women be women as long as they respect each other and do no harm.
Posted by sharkfin, Wednesday, 8 November 2006 1:36:00 AM
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I thought the essay was quite well crafted, reflective and intelligent.

Like Numbat, it reminded me of my times in PNG.

On one occasion I sat under a coconut palm with a local villager friend.

"You know", he observed. Back in the days when our women wore nothing at all, our menfolk hardly looked at them. Now that our women wear meri blouses (the common missionary garment that covers up women from neck to knees) we get turned on by just a glimpse of a bare shoulder."

In support of his observation, there is more sexual abuse in PNG nowadays, subsequent to missionary insistence of clothing prudery, than there was in the pre-missionary days. By far.

I hasted to add that, as a bloke, I am not clamouring for women to be less clad. Just pointing out that the amount of exposed meat is not the main determinant of sexual abuse - if it is at all.

However, coming from their society, our muslim friends do find it very confronting to come face to face with dozens of flashed boobs, thighs and midriffs as they walk down the street.

We should at least empathise with that cultural unease, it is real for them. As confronting for them as it owuld be for us if we, in the 1950s, were suddenly thrown into the 2000s, with our vastly relaxed sexual customs.
Posted by gecko, Wednesday, 8 November 2006 8:53:53 AM
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I do not attract this much attention in Europe. You auzies are deprived, which is why my “bazooka’s” are so appealing.
Rape is about power not about sex. People who like to degrade beauty have a mental illness as far as I am concerned. This is a direct consequence of our public notions and media worship of so called beauty.
You are absolutely right. I was enrolled in a PhD at one of your most prestigious universities last year and I thought to myself : how the hell did I get this far and I cannot even spell and punctuate my English. Could it have anything to do with my “bazooka’s”? Will you teach me dewy, coz no-one else has bothered!
I am in love with you already. But I just got out of a bad relationship and am not looking for a commitment right now. Sex with no strings attached sounds good to me!
I have been living here for over 27 years. Educated here since I was six. Everything I know, I learnt from your type. Thank you.
Posted by vivy, Wednesday, 8 November 2006 9:38:09 AM
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