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The Forum > Article Comments > 'Uncovered Meat' meets 'Mr Lust' > Comments

'Uncovered Meat' meets 'Mr Lust' : Comments

By Bronwyn Winter, published 7/11/2006

It is still the norm in the collective Australian psyche to consider women as sexual predators of unwitting men who simply can't help themselves.

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You could draw a parallel between the feminists attacking Leunig and the reaction of some Muslims to the Danish cartoons (which unlike Leunig probably did go a bit far).

If there is a funny side to this article it is the Oz high priestesses of feminism issuing a fatwah against Leunig's wee, vulnerable man who is usually depicted as being so hopeful and worshipful, yet at the same time so totally overwhelmed and disempowered by the power of femininity displayed before him by woman.

Nothing wrong with a woman playing the temptress either, it is a time-honoured and valuable role.

You really have to wonder about the arrogance and sensitivity of people who are so threatened by a cartoonist that they feel obliged to have a swing at him.
Posted by Cornflower, Sunday, 12 November 2006 3:54:14 PM
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"I have a dream!"
The eponymous Sheik Sheillelagh, having infringed, somewhat akin to the Imam under discussion, the tests that Howard/Beazley's thought police impose for citizenship, is sentenced to remedial constraint under Amanda Vanstone's authority.
In my dream Amanda, with wisdom akin to Solomon, imposes a year's worth of periodic detention: to serve drinks (no Coke - just tea, fruit juice, and alcohol if requested), for the full day, on every members day, at Australia's most active nudist club (wherever that may be).
Posted by colinsett, Monday, 13 November 2006 2:23:22 PM
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DEAR WEST, you said "The fact that Christian communities experience an extremely high level of child sex and psychological abuse"

I suppose that the west is the only place that has domestic violence and prostitution as well, considering that in the west, these things are reported and it is not taboo, as it is in many muslim nations where it is not even admitted let alone reported.

The same can be said for rape and child sexual assualt. In the West, these things are abhorrent and taboo, this is why our society at large discusses these issues. However, in many other nations, in particular Islamic nations, these crimes again are not even admitted at large.

For example, in Pakistan a recent study done by an internation Islamic women's group found that 70% of all women who are in jail in Pakistan are in there for adultery, when in fact, most of them were raped but charged with adultery because, as has been in the news lately, Pakistan has a barbaric law that requires 4 male witnesses to prove that she was not raped. Also, in Afghanistan, a recent UN study group found that nearly every family in the country has been affected by paeodaphilia but they refuse to even acknowledge it at all, as a documentary maker who did a film on this issue in the country has gone in hiding.

A diasporic case: 3 years ago in England, a sheik was accused by one muslim family of molesting their child. Rather than console them, the other members of the Islamic community spat at them, threatenned them and refused to admit that it occurs often.

My point is, just because the West is free and open and discusses all sorts of problems, it doesn't mean that we are the only culture with these problems, in fact, the exact opposite is true if you care to look at all the UN/NGO reports on the matter. I suppose then in Suadi Arabia, that they don't have an aids problem as they don't admit it.
Posted by antiBigot, Friday, 17 November 2006 11:24:37 AM
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Muslim, Christian or Feminist. They are all religious fundamentalists. And they are all the same hypocrites.

There's only one real difference between the mufti and the feminists. The feminists keep chanting, like so many sheep that "porn causes rape".

At least the mufti saves his rape blame for real tits, and not paper ones.
Posted by sparticusss, Friday, 1 December 2006 4:53:01 PM
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