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'Uncovered Meat' meets 'Mr Lust' : Comments

By Bronwyn Winter, published 7/11/2006

It is still the norm in the collective Australian psyche to consider women as sexual predators of unwitting men who simply can't help themselves.

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Crikey, better duck, the feminists are after Leunig now.
Er, did someone say 'duck'?

Aw, c'mon, leave Leunig alone. Time for a little poem by Leunig:

"They took him on a stretcher to the Home for the Appalled where he lay down in a corner and he bawled and bawled and bawled.

'There's nothing wrong with me,' he wailed, when asked about his bawling, 'It's the world that need attention; It's so utterly appalling.'

'It's so utterly appalling,' he sobbed and cried and bawled, and the chorus rose to join him at the Home for the Appalled."

Thanks Leunig, your whimsical humour has helped many keep a toehold on sanity, while the sirens* wail outside.

Talking about sirens wailing outside, I read in Dr Bronwyn Winter's bio that she is 'a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, School of Languages and Cultures(?), Deptartment of French Studies. She is also active in the feminist and lesbian/gay movements.' But that in itself doesn't go far enough to explain her lack of a sense of humour.

Please Mr Howard, what about some family studies and masculinity courses at Australian universities?

*Note: Dear reader, I hasten to add that the 'sirens' referred to are not the enticing, girly ones.
Posted by Cornflower, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 10:44:19 AM
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The author wrote: "...Hilali's words, while extreme, and undeniably offensive to both women and men, sit well within the parameters of a certain "Australian value"..."


Your reasoning is fundamentally frauded because it revolves within a narrow framework. (But precisely so, your sentiment is understandable.)

Even if some "Australian value" denigrate women as much as Islamic culture, this cannot justify the Hilali's words and attitudes because Islamic values are 'unnatural' values decreed as part of a frauded religion. Islamic culture is fixed in time, undemocratic and anti-freedom.

"Australian attitudes" embody natural human behaviour, good and bad. We adhere to democratic ideals when dealing with unacceptable behaviours.

Therefore, even if some "Australian values" denigrate women MORE THAN Islamic culture, to reject teachings of Hilali on women is part and parcel of rejecting Islamic culture as being Australian.

We can (and we should) stake our ground, telling Muslims to go elsewhere to practise their value system because Islam is anti-democracy, anti-freedom. The issue on women is but one of many reasons to expell Hilali and reject Islamisation.

It is how Australians want this country to be. It is no double-standard in my argument.
Posted by GZ Tan, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 10:52:26 AM
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I would of thought women who dress immodedtly want to be looked at. Why else would they want to flash what they have and have not got. You will never be able to legislate against what is natural. If you don't want to be looked at women then take God's advice and dress modestly. If you ignore the simple fact that men are turned on by sight don't complain when people look at the parts you are flashing
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 10:52:39 AM
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Winter is right and you all know it. Christianity and Islam are both defined by their hatred of women. Paranoid superstition looks for scapegoats and who is a better scape goat than somebody that can be psychologically broken, belittled, beaten and abused and not affect the war effort of filling up heaven or paradise but women.
Sick minded men see women as sex objects real men don’t. It is that simple. Dress is only fashion, if anybody thinks it is a sign of satan or a symbol to justify harassment then stick that man in a padded cell where he cant harm himself or others. As for what Church preaches Winter is right and her detractors are wrong. Clergy are only con-men, theologians, charlatans, confidence tricksters; there is something wrong with people who believe those self claimed gods anyway we should be focussing on their mental health which is the cause of the problem. Misogyny is a sickness.
The fact that Christian communities experience an extremely high level of child sex and psychological abuse really pin points where these peoples heads are at. Superstition based misogyny is only a small part of the problem but I agree a major threat to civilised people.
This is the perspective of a real man.
Posted by West, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 11:00:23 AM
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o.k lets get one more thing straight. My best australian born friend (with what I term as no body shape) can wear exactly the same clothes as I do and never be accused of "dressing imodestly". I have a body shape that attracts attension! It does not matter what I wear! I attract attension.
Posted by vivy, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 11:09:30 AM
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Gee vivy I wish I had that amount of power!

Atention from females not men ;).

But sadly this is not the way the world works.

Boy it must be great to be able to sit back and chose and not to have to worry about rejection or being accused of sexual harrasement etc.

Basically I have given up on your gender because it is just too hard, being dammed if you do and dammed if you dont.
Posted by JamesH, Tuesday, 7 November 2006 11:29:25 AM
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