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Muslim political culture : Comments

By Nayeefa Chowdhury, published 16/10/2006

Muslim political culture: governance and prospects for democracy, focusing on Saudi Arabia, Iran and Indonesia.

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Oh Dear; Why should we put up with all the problems that have arrived
with the moslems.
Gang rapes, terrorism problems, incompatible religion based attitudes,
offensive women walking around in tents hiding their faces and making a song and dance about it.
I once met a moslem during a visit to the UK. We were stopping in one of those cheap hotels where guests sit in a common room.
He had a photograph of his family. He showed it to me, but covered the
part that had his wife on it. I found that offensive.
But it is more than that it is stupid.
What did he think I was going to do ?

If moslem men cannot control themselves, let them cover their women at
home but let them dress normally out in the street as it seems they
will be safer in non moslem areas.

Why should we put up with all this nonsense, we didn't ask for it.
Let them all go away and leave us in peace to have our normal
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 23 October 2006 2:04:47 PM
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Bazz - i think you may have put the cart before the horse here - if I recollect we had gang rapes prior to the arrival of Muslims - incompatible religion based problems are a two way street of intolerance - I have never had a muslim take offence at my religion - nor ask me to convert - or becuase of my catholic irish back ground condier me to be a card carryingf member of the IRA - terrorism is a furphy - and also pre dates post war Islamic immigration here - and slowly the scales are fallin from the eyes of those who do not believe that

What apart from the fact you dont seem to like is - is offensive with women walking around in tents? - is not women walking around beaches with bit of dental floss wedged up their arse offensive? it is all a bit irrelevant really - no muslim woman I know makes a song and dance about the wearing of the veil - they only protest when some one says it is an affront - or challenging or god forbid - un australian -

They will not go away - they do want to leave us in peace - we however seem not to be able to leave them alone - if they do go away I wll ask them back any way
Posted by sneekeepete, Tuesday, 24 October 2006 5:10:37 PM
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Muslim will not go away - they are here to stay, multiply and eventually rule this country. Those who don't like it will have to go away or suffer the conseuences.

Sneekee - you obviously have no idea what Islamic values are. Gang rape, terror, women covered in tents, bearded men in long dresses, etc... is but the outward visible signs of an invasion of our country and values.

Islam has no intention to leave, or to change its ways to try to please the rest of the population. It is up to us to adapt to the changes they are slowly introducing and submit to their ways.

It's the law not to discriminate against ethnicity, but we don't have a law in place to protect us from being compromised by Islam. NO other ethnic group had at its core the intention for dominance of the existing culture like Islam has.

All Islamic states around the world were once non-Islamic. It's a matter of time for Australia to follow suit.
Posted by coach, Wednesday, 25 October 2006 3:19:48 PM
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I find people who use ludicrous justifications for their bigotry stupid and offensive.

In claiming that the arrival of Muslims to Australia brought with them gang rapes, terrorism problems and incompatible religious attitudes as if these things were not part of our own society and history.

Gang rape has been practiced by soldiers of all armies as a 'right' following the 'murder' of their colleagues or 'offences' by the enemy 'inflicted' on them. History books reveal Persian (pre-muslim conversion), Roman, Viking, Spanish and US soldiers (in Vietnam and Iraq - no reason to assume any other war was different) all engaged in the practice. Can anyone prove some of our troops have not following times of extreme personal risk? Male gang dominance and disrespect of single women is not uniquely a modern or moslem practice - witness Jodie Foster's 1988 film 'The Accused' and countless other evidence.

Muslims and terrorism have mainly been associated together in Australia since 2001, thanks to a single day of disaster, 19 Saudi Muslim's with a grudge (all now dead), George W Bush (sadly still living) and American foreign policy being imported here. Prior to 2001 white Australians bombed a CHOGM meeting at The Hilton Hotel in Sydney in 1978. Members of the IRA killed two Australians (believing them to be British) in The Netherlands in 1990. There has never been a single act of muslim 'terrorism' (as we define it) in Australia. If, as some claim, Australia is now a 'target' for terrorist action then they must have a bloody lousy 'aim'.

As for incompatible religious attitudes - geez, where do i even start? With the Roman Catholics who imprisoned and tortured one of the world's greatest scientific and artistic talents, Leonardo Da Vinci, for the heresy of daring to claim that the Earth was not the centre of God's Universe and that we actually rotated about the Sun and not vice versa? Or who instigated the horrors of the Spanish Inquisitors? Or who violently clash with protestants in Ireland, both of who's followers have emigrated to Oz? Or the Anglicans .... cont.
Posted by BrainDrain, Wednesday, 25 October 2006 4:45:04 PM
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... the Anglicans' whose Church Henry the VIII created so he could divorce one wife and marry five others and who can't even agree amongst themselves whether women should be priests in their own church? Or who's political adherents, even today, cannot successfully assimilate with native Australians and apologise for the errors of their precedents?

If you have to justify your bias at least do it in a logical fashion and not use cr@p argument.
Posted by BrainDrain, Wednesday, 25 October 2006 4:46:14 PM
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Errr Drainedbrain it wasn't Leonardo, it was Galilao that had to recant.
He knew the joke was on the church anyway.

Look we all know of the crimes that been committed by the church and various armies over time,
but we seem to have a different scale to it all now. I know someone who is a guard at a state prison
and 40% of the inmates are Lebonese. Way above their prorata.
As far as I was concerned the shooting up of Lakemba police station
was the last straw.

We have more than enough of of our own criminals, we do not need the Lakemba scene any longer.
Every country where they have gone is having similar problems
as they just do not integrate.

There is no mystery about it, they do not believe in the separation of church and state.
If the state does not comply with their religion's rules then the state is wrong. It is just that simple.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 25 October 2006 6:10:45 PM
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