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Muslim political culture : Comments

By Nayeefa Chowdhury, published 16/10/2006

Muslim political culture: governance and prospects for democracy, focusing on Saudi Arabia, Iran and Indonesia.

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Once it was established that the gangs were predominatly of Anglo-Saxon
origin why haven't I heard our regular moral coaches concluding that our
Anglo-Saxon culture condones gang rape, terror, sexual depravity and
other forms of cowardly violence?

Answer is simple; it does not condone it !
They will get all they deserve.

Can the same be said for the hierarchy of the Lakemba mosque ?
I don't think so. They do not even suggest that the imman is being
suspended for a couple of months. The waffle given out by the spokesmen
is pathetic. The excuse is that he is ill.

I know it is rubbish and you know it is rubbish, he may be ill but
that is not what it is about.
Did you see his supporters ?
He claims he was misinterperted ! Really ?
What rubbish, even many of his congregation don't believe him.

What he said is highly dangerous, it can be used as justifcation by
young moslem men to justify rape. I am sure no one wants to see a
repeat of the two three previous moslem rape gangs.
No one else could get away with that
performance put on by the board members of the mosque.
If they don't remove him it is tantamount to supporting his statement.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck etc etc.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 27 October 2006 6:50:39 PM
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I must congratulate Bazz for improving the logicality of his argument from his initial rant on this thread - Well done!

I take issue with a minor flaw he used - Hilali used illness as an excuse. The 'illness' (which has all but disappeared now) was an all-to-obvious ploy to try and get sympathy or out of giving an interview. I felt neither worked. Also as the speech was given over a month ago the two factors could hardly be cojoined into an 'excuse'. I don't believe he personally made such a suggestion. Sorry Bazz, like i said - you are getting better - keep up the improvement!

As for FG's comment: he stated our A/S CULTURE could be concluded to condone these things in the same way you used a specific leb gang rape case to justify your argument against Islam and its followers' culture. (FG and i both know that is almost pure BS, not AS, but we were trying to get you to see why it is.

As for the 'ridiculousness' of FG's claim and your 'simple' statement. Consider how much our 'christian' (little c) culture endorses alcohol consumption and the inability of so many to control their less Christian (big C) tendencies while drunk. Then consider how prevalent sexual abberances are on the internet which our youth places such high value upon and how much money is being made from AS 'christian' cultures by porn merchants who willingly endorse gang rape, torture, S&M, paedophilia, etc.

Then consider how, over the last 50 years or so, our church leaders treated those within their ranks justifiably accused of paedophilia and see how easily Muslim's could mount an identical argument to your own against so called 'Christian' moral indecencies.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone Bazz. (and coach)
There is none so blind as he who WILL not see.

And just for the record, Hilali should be cast out by his own 'Church', (he is a hero amongst some of his mosque's believers) same as all those preists and bishops who failed to persecute peadophilia.
Posted by BrainDrain, Saturday, 28 October 2006 3:14:31 PM
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