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Muslim political culture : Comments
By Nayeefa Chowdhury, published 16/10/2006Muslim political culture: governance and prospects for democracy, focusing on Saudi Arabia, Iran and Indonesia.
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Posted by coach, Wednesday, 18 October 2006 4:11:39 PM
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“The Qur’an says all humans are born without sin and then Allah causes them to be good or bad” FH: And so does the Torah, the ‘born sinners’ concept is alien to both Muslims and Jews. ”The Qur’an revolves around the person the Mohammad” FH: This statement means you never actually read the Qu’ran. Mohamed (pbuh) is the least prophet mentioned in the Holy book ( 4 times only compared to Jesus pbuh mentioned 33 times). If Islam is what keeps you awake at night, at least read and understand what Muslims believe and practice. “Jesus death and resurrection that the Qur’an literally denies ever happened” FH: there are a number of death and resurrection stories of prophets in the Qu'ran (ie the Jewish Prophet Ozeir who was resurrected after a 100 years and the monks in the cave who were resurrected after 309 years).The Qu'ran simply states that we should look beyond the miracle and not to worship the subject of the miracle. “how come your holy books drastically contradict the Jewish and Christian scriptures?” FH: Actually the Quran is a confirmation of the Torah and the Bible. Trinity is non-biblical and if you read the bible carefully, Jesus talks and sees himself as a prophet and so does his own family. Why would the Virgin Mary have 4 natural born brothers for Jesus (pbuh) if she believed he was divine? What was your question again about ‘intelligent thinking’ human being? Lol All the best and wishing you be kinder to your fellow humans of all faith (including Muslims) by next Ramadan. Peace, Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 19 October 2006 10:56:11 AM
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The mere fact that Nayeefa Chowdhury felt bound to write such an article is surely proof of something is not right with the Islam-political mix. Islam presents itself as an archaic and barbaric religion that is increasingly out of touch with human evolution and the modern world. It is most definitely culturally incompatible with Australia. Not a single Islamic dominated population has ever produced a credible and just political framework. Perhaps it is time for Muslims to question the reliability of the origin and authority of their faith, rather than stubbornly adhering to it, to the detriment of world peace? On the other hand, in the long run, the rate Muslims breed the whole world will become Muslim anyway.
Posted by Robg, Thursday, 19 October 2006 2:10:03 PM
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Robg - are you suggesting every mildly polemic piece written on - lets say liberal democracy - suggest there is a real problem with it? - as you do in reference to this article: she is simply informing the debate. Your assertion is empty and superflous to requirements
Then to go with the assertion that an Islamic dominated population has never developed a credible and just political framework - is breathtaking indeed - every thing the western world has done - was pre dated by Islamic achievement in the socio political arena even in some respects science - in their time they were just and as stable as anything else going around at the time - jesus wept! - dont assume that the continuation of stable liberal democracies is assured - or that they are the best deal we can strike for ourselves Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 19 October 2006 3:33:28 PM
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"Apostasy in Islam is commonly defined as the rejection of Islam in word or deed by a person who has been a Muslim.
All five major schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree that a sane male apostate must be executed. A female apostate may be put to death, according to some schools, or imprisoned, according to others." Is that true? How uncivilised. Posted by infidel, Thursday, 19 October 2006 8:39:32 PM
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Mohammad in Islam is the model human being on whom you base all your beliefs and practices. The Qur’an is supposed to be a recitation by Mohammad of Allah’s celestial and perfect (unchanged) book. Therefore all the deeds and words of Mohammad are the prime example on which a muslem bases his conduct and life. Are you trying to tell us that Mohammad was sinless perhaps? I don’t need to attempt answering your other assertions about Christianity or Judaism, for you it seems that the Qur’an is right therefore all others must be wrong. My position also - except for me the Qur’an as assembled and recited by a lunatic has very little credibility in the mind of intelligent human fellows – not at all the kind of books that will make us stay awake at night. LOL. So what did you wish for last night when the doors and windows of heaven were open for all Muslems? Discernment should have been on the top of your list. Posted by coach, Friday, 20 October 2006 6:41:17 AM
Your quote didn’t need to be in upper case to have a greater or truthful impact – it is against this forum’s rules to do so also.
You say:“According to the muslim political culture, I must describe that the muslim political culture is concerned with the islamic jurisprudence that has been sent by the almighty lord the only one the real creator, and governing authority who has been sent the celestial holy books but the ultimate one is the Qur’an.
The muslim political culture follows the government or ruling system through moral, ethical and peaceful way to benefit the humanity.”
I respept and admire your belief that the god you worship is the same God that Jews and Christians worship. If that were to be the case, how come your holy books drastically contradict the Jewish and Christian scriptures?
For example in the bible all people are born sinners in dire need of a Saviour. The Qur’an says all humans are born without sin and then Allah causes them to be good or bad.
The whole story of the bible revolves around the person of Jesus – He is God’s Son sent to save humanity (including Muslems).
The Qur’an revolves around the person the Mohammad (who is alien to the bible – never mentioned – not even a hint of him). We all know how colourful his life has been, again very different from any other real prophet sent by the real God as documented in the bible.
Not to mention Jesus death and resurrection that the Qur’an literally denies ever happened...
So my question to you is how could any reasonable intelligent human being going to believe anything your Qur’an says when it is fundamentally so different to the real thing: the bible?
You can have your god and your laws but please don’t offend the rest of the free world with your convictions, and don’t compare your religion to God’s historical covenants with His people the Jews…
Believe me if you can accept that - the world will be a peaceful place again...perhaps.