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‘Dissing’ men: the new gender war : Comments

By Jim Macnamara, published 15/9/2006

The negative portrayal of men in contemporary societies is not only a matter of concern for men, but also for women.

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Yes do really have to adopt a position..I agree.

I wish I knew how to relate to you but I dont know what you stand for..

I tried to stand up for you before over something quite justifiable and you once again bowed down to the dominant majority, even though you knew I was right..

I stood up for you and you sold me out.

THats sad.
Posted by OZGIRL, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 10:31:31 PM
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Germaine Greer suffers from phallus phobia. Always did and always will because she has not got the guts to address her fears and instead, heaps her baggage and blame onto others. She cannot get along with other people (whom she hates almost as much as herself) and she will die alone.

If you read her book The Female Eunuch more than superficially you cannot fail but be shocked by her hatred of other women (she especially despises women who are not as smart as her), families and children as well as all men of course.

Germaine Greer's recent declaration of her yearing for adolescent boys whose genitals have not fully developed says a lot about her phallus phobia. But the evidence of her phobia (and she has others) is all through her writing. Her obsession with sex, her lurid images and mad interpretations betrays a person who always wanted to be a vamp, but feels betrayed by her own demons and weird constructions.

Greer and others of her ilk are not the champions of feminism and the quest for equal rights and liberty, they are simply nutty, opportunist zealots who were fortunate enough to be around at the right time to ride the crest of the wave of change that followed the the much broader youth rebellion against authority, war and so on that was already going full steam.

Kids who risked injury in moratorium marches and singer song writers did more to awaken and empower than Greer ever did.
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 10:12:44 AM
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Greer stumbled over her own mouth in her rush to attacked Steve Iriwn's still-warm corpse. In doing so she showed not only how dotty she is but also her driving motivations. Envy of his fame and her fear of his masculinity were potent burleys that proved irresistible to a bottom-feeding bushwacker like Greer.

But I would never doubt that Greer's real target and source of her deepest hatred was Steve's widow, Terri, representing as she does the many liberated women in the world who do not share the phallus phobia of Greer and her radical feminist cronies and through love, motherhood and family life have realised pinnacles of joy and self-fullfilment that Greer and others like her will never share (and they know it!).

People need to follow their natural instincts more and trust their own feelings. But whatever we do, we never ever suspend our critical faculties and judgement and go along with the bitter, twisted people with secondary agendas to serve.

None of us wants to return to the fifties, but fundamental feminism didn't get us out of that rut and knockers like Greer have no solutions. In fact Greer's only refuge is in anarchy. How unrealistic is that for an avowed member of the chardonnay set and owner of a country English mansion?

At least one generation of women is regretting taking notice of Greer's loopey spin that motherhood should take second place to climbing the greasy corporate ladder and buying endless material possessions. How silly, when it is more logical and efficient to have children in one's twenties and very early thirties (when one cannot maximise career opportunities through [among other things]) lack of 'smarts' through limited life experience) and slip back into one's field with gusto when the children hit primary school and one is still young.

That way we can get some introductory work experience, have children at an optimal time, enjoy the mothering experience while still young enough to keep up with infants and return to work at the height of our powers.
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 10:36:29 AM
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Nice post cornflower.

Maximus has it right. Talk is cheap. Time to choose sides. Fems arent interested in our perspective. Understandable given they have their own agenda.

As such, no point wasting breath on them. l've been doing that as long as l can remember and women NEVER acknowledge this stuff. NEVER.

They aren't fools. They understand that in a crunch compromise is not only futile its detrimental. This battle is around very basic and essential stuff... goes to power, control and freedom (theirs versus ours). Compromise that at your peril.

Its dissappointing to realise this. l feel like lm almost having to give up on reasonable dialogue with women because they just will not do it.

Ah well, life goes on.

Its time to awake the men from our sleepy slumber of the last 40yrs.

There's already an observable ground swell occurring. All that really needs to be done is to switch the light on in mens' minds and they will act. Already happening thru a process of obvious disengagement. Women complain about mens 'fear of commitment' and men complain about marriage/relationship 'boycotts and strikes'.

The major achilles heel of an ideology like modern day gender feminism is that its symbiotic... we need each other (on a bunch of levels). You cant get what you really want by disenfranchising partners of that symbiosis. The other side can merely disengage and that puts them in the drivers seat.

If merely doing nothing can confound those that work hard to achieve their agenda, you have the advantage. Men are slowly and grudgingly getting that. Like a game of tug-of-war, where on signal, one side lets go the rope and the other side falls flat on their tails. Compete with yourselves. Game over.

Difficult, as men dont generally want to be that hard on women (nor ourselves). It goes against our biological programming, social conditioning and personal emotional need/sentiment. As women have demonstrated it has become necessary.

Tough to accept they arent sugar, spice and everything nice and in fact quite single minded. No princesses, no cindarellas, no pedestals. EQUAL.

Posted by trade215, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 11:35:58 AM
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I think its just a matter for me anyhow of swinging that pendulum back a little.
Since feminism things have just gotten stupid.

We want snags, but then are contemptuos of them because they too closely resemble women..not ..MANLY enough hello?
The only reason women wanted snags was so they could control and manipulate them..
I dont want no "Mangina' sleeping next to me..yuk.

A lot of those pussy whipped men..and youll see ureself here if you read this, are lost in the wilderness.They dont know what the heck is going on anymore.

I cant stand to men bow and scrape to hardline feminist types..they are emasculated and stamped redundant by the very women who demanded that they submit.

Yuk.. I want my men to be men..women should be women..We each are powerful in our own way..respect and love the differences we see in each other..not love in spite of them

I do believe the rights of women are important..but not if they cancel out the rights of men..

What is the point in that?

Im not pro men..nor ami pro woman..we all breathe the same air..all feel pain and together.
Posted by OZGIRL, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 3:55:20 PM
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Yep, it’s a war. Comforting to see the developing awareness and well thought out positions. It’s evident these hadn’t come about overnight - I know it took me a long time to arrive here.

I’m so impressed by my own son, who seems to be so much more aware of these issues than I was at his age. Guess the personal experience his mother and I provided, was good practical education. Hopefully my daughters too, become better women for it.

Dissing men can only cease to be a women’s sport when enough men decide not to play by the old rules of engagement.
Posted by Seeker, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 5:19:36 PM
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